
PSPINC Official Company Blog

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PSPINC will help your business thrive by providing for all of your technology needs. We offer a wide array of products, including Web & Email Hosting, Website Design, Custom Development, Email Marketing, a number of additional business tools, technical support, and so much more. Visit pspinc.com to learn more.

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Announcement: NewsMAIL Social Media Icon Update


Sample newsletter template with updated SNS icons ↓

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for choosing NewsMAIL email broadcasting services by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

We will update NewsMAIL services with the following changes:

- Support more social media links to YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Yelp, Foursquare and Ameba
- Update the look of all SNS icons

Please note that there will be no downtime for NewsMAIL services during this update.
If you have saved newsletters with previously set social media links, only the icons will be updated and the links will remain the same when broadcasting.

The release schedule is as follows:

* USA Pacific Standard Time
- Feb 10th (Wed) 9:30am-10:00am

* Japan Time

- Feb 11th (Thu) 2:30am-3:00am

PSPinc provides services with uptimes of 99.9%

If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-232-3989 or email us at  support@pspinc.com.

We would like to answer your questions by phone call.

Create a contact-less digital restaurant menu for your customers with ImaMenu

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007


PSPinc Creates Tools For Your Business

PSP Pilot
Opinion Stand
Japanese Online
Simple Data Pool

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.

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#marketing #newsmail #pspinc #sns #update


There is not problem that is too small.

Thank you for being our cust... Thank you for being our customer!!!
We proud ourselves to be the best service company for our customers. There is no problem that is too small. If you have a problem or question, please contact us.
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Wordpress Web Hosting by PSPinc

Wordpress Web Hosting by PS...
Did you know you can order our 10GB Wordpress Hosting with 3 Databases for only $99 per year. That includes .COM or .NET domain for one year as well.


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5 Questions to Assess your Website's Quality

image source: pexels.com image source: pexels.com
When was the last time you updated your homepage? December is a great month to review your website, making sure the content and the copyright year are up to date.

Consider the following questions when reviewing your website, particularly your homepage:

1) Is the copyright year up to date in your footer?
2) When was the last time you updated any content?
3) Are your products/services still relevant today?
4) Can you adequately view your website on your phone?
5) Do you have SSL installed (does a lock icon show up on the browser address bar for your homepage URL)?

If any or all of the above does not make sense, you should have a professional check over your website. PSP has a dedicated team who can evaluate your business website and give you feedback and guidance about any updates and upgrades it needs.

Do you know how many visitors land on your site? Our professional staff can also set you up with Google Analytics, a web traffic tool, as well as give you some training on how to read your important statistics. Analytics allows you to set and measure goals for your homepage in 2020.

Get a fresh start in the New Year. Contact us at PSP (800-232-3989) with your questions and to seek professional web development and online marketing advice.
#Blog #BusinessTips #BusinessWebsite #ENnews #Marketing #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology #WebDevelopment #WebHosting #WebTools


ClickItAudio New Feature Announcement

ClickItAudio New Feature Annou...
Text-to-speech is a technology that synthesizes speech and converts text into spoken audio. Click It Audio is excited to announce the addition of a brand new feature that lets users take advantage of this powerful technology.

Now if you don't want to upload audio, or use your own voice, you can use this powerful feature on your audio embeds.

What are you waiting for? Click It Audio is free-to-use for up to 3 audio embeds. Get started now!

If you would like to know more about ClickItAudio to embed audio to your web pages, business cards, catalogues and brochures, please call us at 1-800-232-3989 or 425-957-0808 or visit https://www.clickitaudio.com
#ClickItAudio #dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo

Western Foodservice & ...
See us at Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo at LA Convention Center.
We are displaying Opinion Stand for food industries.
We create tools to help businesses grow online: https://www.pspinc.com
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4 Marketing Tips That DON’T Work

4 Marketing Tip...
1. Posting as Frequently as Possible

This is a common marketing tip – “post often and consistently so your followers are constantly seeing your content.” At one point, this was a legitimate marketing tactic that worked for the most part. But now, users and social media platforms are more sophisticated – they promote and engage with QUALITY content, not quantity.

Instead, focus on creating quality content with a purpose and focus less on the quantity of posts.

2. Posting the Same Content Across Platforms

It’s SO easy to link your social media platforms with services like Hootsuite that it seems wrong not to. But, posting the same content on all your platforms can be repetitive and can bore your audience. And many people follow social media platforms for different reasons, so what works for one may not be the right message for another.

Try to think of the types of content that people like to see on each platform and create content to geared toward that audience. For example, users might follow your Twitter for quick updates, so posting long content on Twitter might have a negative effect.

3. Hashtagging Everything

How will users find my content if I don’t #hashtag everything? Yes, hashtags are a great way to organize similar content and find similar posts, but it can also be harmful. Users tend to find content with minimal or no hashtags.

Instead of trying to figure out the perfect hashtags to boost your posts, focus on creating content that answers a question, solves a problem, or brings value to end users. If you create content that is good enough to be shared by users and therefore reaches more people, you know you’re doing it right.

4. Optimizing for SEO

SEO is still very important, and so are long-tail keywords.

But, writing a blog post or creating a new page on your website that is ONLY optimized for SEO is a mistake. Stuffing your text with keywords will only make your content less relevant and ultimately rank lower.

Instead, focus on creating good quality content that again answers a question, solves a problem, or brings value to its readers. Quality content will naturally rank higher on search and social platforms.
#Blog #BusinessTips #ENnews #Marketing #MarketingTips #PSPinc #SEO #SmallBusiness #SocialMedia #Technology


Automation Tools for Sales and Marketing

Automation Tools for Sales an...
When you consider your marketing or sales process, where do you see the cracks? Is there room for improvement? Do you need to boost productivity in any particular area? Could you fill the gap with an automated experience to improve the customer experience?

If you answered yes, let’s nail down the type of tool(s) you should consider:

Marketing Automation:

Marketing is different from sales. And that’s the first thing you need to decipher when looking at automation tools – is it for marketing or sales. If it’s for marketing, it should produce another way for potential customers to hear about you and your story. Here’s what you might consider:

• Newsletter system for solicitation and subscriptions, which can also be customized/personalized
• Automatic thank you notes to subscribers and new inquiries
• Automatic follow-up emails
• CRM tools to track new inquiries and store into database as leads
• Tracking analytics tools to understand user behaviors online and better understand potential customers

Sales Automation:

When customers are in touch with the sales team, you want to give them the very best experience but that can be tricky. Salespeople are human and humans are the most unpredictable elements in our society. Automation tools can close any inconsistencies and help your best salesperson be more efficient in making the deal. Here’s more tools you might consider:

• Sales demonstration videos
• Automated follow-up emails
• CRM integration and reminders for leads
• Integrated sales calls
• Automated outbound emails

Some of your business processes can’t be automated because you may want to ensure different results, and that’s just fine. You know what’s best for your business, but now you have some ideas to research if you think automation can help any areas where business is slipping.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Automation #Blog #BusinessTips #ENnews #Marketing #PSPinc #Sales #SmallBusiness #Technology


5 Marketing Trends in 2019

5 Marketing Trends in 2019
Check out the following 5 marketing trends that can help your business stay on track with the ever-changing landscape of the digital business world.

1. Use audio to reach new audiences.

There may be more screens in front of us than ever before, but audio is far from being dead. Think about all the ways audio has been integrated into our lives, from the smart speakers we talk to, the podcast we listen to, and the music we stream. Creating audio content can be an attractive way for your audience to interact with your business. One easy way to start creating audio content is to try a free trial of our service – Click It Audio.

2. Be the expert in your field.

This is a trend that is unchanging. When was the last time you worked with a company that was uninformed in their area of expertise? If you have knowledge in a certain field you should be sharing that with your customers. This can be in any form as long as you’re proving that you have a passion and knowledge in that area. An easy way to become a leader in your field is to start your own blog.

3. Be aware of security updates.

Last summer we covered the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) set in place by the European Union. Security is still high on our trend list in 2019 because of upgrades to TLS and requirements by Google and other companies to have SSL certificates for your websites.

4. Create native ads.

Have you ever liked or commented on an Instagram or Facebook post - only to realize it was an ad? More brands are taking a less obvious approach to their marketing by creating native ads that are more subtle and blend into the platform environment. Google search results ads blend into the list of results and can appear to be organic versus paid. The same goes for social media ads that appear to be normal posts, but are in fact, ads.

5. Show CEO transparency.

Following CEOs on social media has become a common way to keep up with the “personalities” of our favorite brands. CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and John Legere attract millions of social followers. Putting a face and personality to your company’s online presence isn’t just for Fortune 500 companies. Small businesses can take a page from Elon’s playbook by becoming the company’s spokesperson. CEOs that step into a spotlight and interact with their customers on a direct basis can help improve their businesses trust, authenticity, and relationship with their customers.
#2019Trends #Blog #BusinessTips #BusinessTrends #DigitalMedia #DigitalTrends #ENnews #Google #Marketing #OnlineMarketing #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology #WebTrends


Customer Surveys: Ask the Right Questions

image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
We often ask questions with some expectation of the answers before we hear them. When asking our customers for their input, however, we must willingly set aside our opinions and remain neutral if we want to get honest feedback and learn something valuable from them.

According to Peter Drucker, guru of business management, the fax machine is a prime example of the influential power in our questioning techniques.

Before the fax machine came to market, U.S. manufacturers conducted market research asking, "Would you buy a telephone accessory for upwards of $1,500 that enables you to send, for $1 a page, the same letter the post office delivers for 25 cents?" You guessed it; the answers were no and U.S. manufacturers did not pursue the fax machine.

On the other hand, as Drucker pointed out, Japanese manufacturers asked a more straightforward question: “Is there a market for what the fax machine does?" And they realized fax machines could replace courier services like FedEx in the 70s. As a result of asking the right question, Japanese manufacturers were first to market and more dominant in fax machines than U.S. companies in the 80s and 90s. It was too late for many U.S. companies to follow suit.

Collecting feedback from our customers is beneficial, but only if we phrase our questions in such a way that allows them to be honest and think for themselves. If we are going to take the time to survey people, make it worthwhile. Prepare ahead of time, keep it straightforward, and take the bad with the good – because it all helps to better your business.
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