
Otto's blog

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2014 Foreign Artists Exhibition

2014 Foreign Artists Exhibition
In the first week of November, I will join other foreigners (外国人) for the 29th FAE. The first time I joined this exhibition was about 12 years ago. I entered it about 4 times, but I haven`t entered it for several years. I`m looking forward to joining again.

If you want to go, it`s on the fourth floor of Nagoya International Centre. You can walk there from Nagoya Station. If you want to meet me - and other artists - I`ll be there on the 9th, in the afternoon.

For more information:


- first/second/third/fourth floor = 1階, 2階 , 3階, 4階
- first/second/third/fourth time = 初めて/最初, 2回目, 3回目, 4回目
- first/second/third/fourth of November = 11月の 1日 2日 3日 4日
- once, twice, three times, four times... = 1回 2回 3回
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Woodblock Print Exhibition

Woodblock Print Exhibition
Gifu Teragoya School will host an exhibition of my woodblock prints on Setember 6. If you`re free, please come!

For more information, go to: http://jp.bloguru.com/teragoya-gifu
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Handmade Tenugui 手ぬぐい Cloth #2

Handmade Tenugu...
A couple of weeks ago I made a blue & brown tenugui cloth featuring American cars & motifs for my first son. Now I`ve made a second one featuring British cars & motifs, for my second son.

First I did some red car silhouettes, then I showed my son a few spraycans & told him, "Choose another colour." He chose pink. I think it was a good choice - the result looks good.


- `choose` [チュウズ] is verb (動詞), `chose` [チョウズ] is past verb (過去形動詞), `choice` [チョイス] is noun (名詞)
- Be careful - `choice` [チョイス] is not a verb!
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Handmade Tenugui 手ぬぐい Cloth

Handmade Tenugu...
I made this 手ぬぐい cloth with my son.

First we found pictures of American `muscle` cars online & printed them.
Next we traced their outlines onto paper with a pencil.
Then we made stencils, put the stencils on the cloth & sprayed them with spray-paint.
After that my son drew steering wheel (ハンドル) & Route 66 designs with a permanent marker.
Finally I stamped it with a rubber stamp & red ink, & my son signed it `American.`

I`m worried about washing it. I hope the colours don`t run.


When using a tool to do something, we can say "...with [tool]" e.g.
- He unlocked my bedroom door with his bicycle key.
- Wipe the screen with a wet cloth.
- `Hit me with your rhythm stick`. (Song name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54hszkiCKi0 )
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Wooden Truck

Wooden Truck

My son asked me to make a wooden truck for him. Usually when I make a toy for him, I get him to help me a little. This time I got him to hammer in a couple of nails & spray-paint the wheels black. When the truck was finished, I told him to play with it carefully, so it doesn`t break. But actually, it seems quite strong. I hope he enjoys playing with it.


- ask/tell/get + だれか + to 動詞 = 頼む
- `order/instruct + だれか + to 動詞` are also possible, but not common in spoken English
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Matsuzakaya Art Exhibition

Matsuzakaya Art Exhibition
A kind friend gave me tickets to an art exhibition (展示会) at Matsuzakaya Department store in Nagoya. I went to look at it before work today. I didn`t want to be late for work, so I was kind of hurrying. However the paintings were very relaxing to look at, & gradually (だんだん) I became relaxed & slowed down. Actually, it was necessary to slow down anyway, because there were so many old people there.

By the way (ところで), I didn`t take this photo. I got it from the internet. Usually you can`t take photos in museums, so I didn`t.

- The paintings were relaxing/boring/exciting/amazing etc.
- I felt relaxed/bored/excited/amazed etc.
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術



Imaginary Friend: What`s that? You gonna make something?
Me: Yeh - wanna know what?
I: Yeh, I wanna know.
Me: I thought you`d wanna know
I: ...
Me: ...
I: So tell me what you`re gonna make!!!
Me: Sorry - you gotta wait a couple of weeks.
I: I don`t wanna wait - tell me now!
Me: Sorry, first I wanna let students guess what I`m gonna make.
I: So they gotta write their ideas in comments?
Me: That`s right. Then in 2 weeks I`m gonna tell them the answer.
I: Sounds fun!

We don`t usually write 'gonna', 'gotta' & 'wanna', but we often use them in spoken English.
- gonna + [verb動詞] = going to
- gotta + [verb動詞] = have got to / have to / must
- wanna +[verb動詞] = want to

The answer is in comments. Well done Andrew, who guessed correctly!
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Recycled Wood `Masu` Cup

Recycled Wood `Masu` Cup
At my friends` wedding, they gave traditional Japanese `masu` cups to everybody as gifts. I`d wanted one for a long time, so I was glad to get one.

In return, I made one for them, from beach wood. They were surprised & happy (they said...) to get it.

I wonder what they will do with it? I hope they don`t drink sake from it - it must taste bad. Also, my cup has holes.

Do you have a `masu` cup? Where did you get it?

- give [thing] TO [somebody]
- make [thing] FOR [somebody]
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


オト の アート #14

オト の アート #14
There are some sakura trees at my local shrine, so this morning I went there to look at them & paint this small (100x150cm) picture. As usual I wrote the place & date at the bottom of the picture.

I hope to go to a cherry blossom viewing party this Sunday in Gifu. Maybe see you there!

- DRAW a picture/circle/map (with pen or pencil) OK
- PAINT a picture (with paint) OK
- WRITE a letter/the date/your name OK
- [write a picture/circle/map] X!
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


Nitten Art Exhibition 2014

Nitten Art Exhibition 2014
Yesterday I went to the annual Nitten art exhibition at The Aichi Prefectural Art Gallery in Nagoya.

I liked this painting, 「大楠図〜生樹の御門よりイメージして〜」by Masatsuga Itoh . It reminded me of Ishigaki Island in Okinawa - it looks like my photo, right? Also, there are three swallowtail butterflies in the painting. At the place I took that photo, I saw various swallowtail butterflies.

Yesterday was the last day of the exhibition, but if you missed it this time, don`t worry too much - you can catch it at the same time & same place every year.


List of Paintings (click & view): http://www.nitten.or.jp/exhibition/45_list_japanese_all.html
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術


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