
Otto's blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#昆虫」の検索結果25件

Stag Beetle

Stag Beetle
I found this `Dorcus rectus` (コクワガタ) beetle on the floor at school. At first I thought it was a cockroach (ゴキブリ)- yuck! But then I realised [きづいた]it was a stag beetle - cool! So I caught it & now I`m keeping it in a container in my classroom. I gave it some cucumber (きゅうり) to eat. I hope it gets big. Now it`s about 3cm long.

Collecting beetles is not popular in Australia, but Japanese boys are really into it. How about you? Are you interested in collecting stag beetles? Now? Before?
#ペット #動物 #昆虫


Ishigaki Island Report #2

Ishigaki Island Report #2
The beach & sea are not the only places to see interesting things on Ishigaki Island. I went walking in the jungle & fields, & found various interesting plants & animals, as you can see. I was especially impressed by the many kinds of butterfly there.

I could also hear pheasants [きじ], & I found some wild boar [いのしし] footprints, but I didn`t see them.
#動物 #旅行 #昆虫


Australia Holiday Report #4

Australia Holiday Report #4
Besides the animals we saw on my aunt`s farm, and in a zoo that we went to, we saw various other animals in parks or around the house, including possums. Possums are nocturnal, which means they sleep in the day & come out at night. They don`t like to walk on the ground, so they usually get around by using trees, telephone & power lines, and house roofs. If you put some food (e.g. fruit) on your verandah, maybe they will come down & eat it during the night. Sometimes, you can even hand-feed them. However, a lot of people dislike them because they eat garden plants, & they like to live inside house`s roofs, which becomes a smelly, noisy problem....

Do you know the animals in these photos? Have you ever seen them?
#ペット #動物 #昆虫


Ishigaki Island, Okinawa (more pics)

Ishigaki Island, Okinawa (more...
Here are some more photos I took on Ishigaki Island:
- hibisicus flower
- butterfly (sorry, I don`t know what kind)
- palm nuts
- silver-eye bird
- Ishigaki Island beer

*click on the picture to enlarge
#動物 #旅行 #昆虫


Ishigaki Island, Okinawa

Ishigaki Island, Okinawa
During the Golden Week holiday, my family & I visited Ishigaki Island, in Okinawa prefecture. It was the first time I had been to Okinawa.

Of course I went snorkelling & saw lots of colorful tropical fish. I also saw a stingray [レイ], a big brown moray eel [ウツボ], & a massive white sea cucumber [ナマコ]. I have an underwater camera, so I spent a lot of time trying to take photos of fish (but not the moray eel - those things are scary. And not the sea cucumber -they`re kind of disgusting). It was fun, but tiring.

There were also a lot of nice butterflies - I saw at least 15 kinds of butterfly that I`d never seen before. There were also a lot of hermit crabs [yadokari]. They`re pretty funny.
#動物 #旅行 #昆虫


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