Will you come to Kagawa Pre.next year?
When you come to Yashima Temple,please tell me.
I'll lead you to Yashima Temple.
Last henro-michi to it,you have to walk.
You have to deposite your bikes at the foot of Mt.Yashima.
It'll take about 30~40 minites.
Go for it!
Yes, I hope to complete Shikoku Henro next year. I`m looking forward to meeting you at Yashima Temple - that will be nice! I`ll contact you when I make a plan.
Oh, you were so lucky for the nice trip. Will you go to the last 'henro' after the next year, 2014? In this time, what temple is the best? How long did you take your bicycle? Anyway, I'm looking forward to your photos!
Oh, you were so lucky for the nice trip. Will you go to the last 'henro' after the next year, 2014? In this time, what temple is the best? How long did you take your bicycle? Anyway, I'm looking forward to your photos!
I don`t know when we`ll do the last part of the henro. Maybe next year.
This trip, the best temple was #55 because it was near our hotel & the train station - very convenient!
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投稿日 2012-11-11 17:32
投稿日 2012-11-16 05:04
投稿日 2012-11-12 11:23
投稿日 2012-11-16 05:08