
Otto's blog


Post-Matsuri Report

Post-Matsuri Report

This year`s naked festival was a lot of fun. Fortunately the weather was good - mostly sunny with very little wind - so it wasn`t too cold. In fact, I even got a little sunburnt [hiyaki].

I joined the same group (in this photo) as last year. We then joined other groups in the neighbourhood to form the Haruhi Town group, which had about 150 members altogether. After we had tied all our bamboo poles together, we proceeded to Konomiya Shrine in Inazawa.

My group didn`t hang around (wait) at the shrine for the arrival of the `shin-otoko` (the man who everyone tries to touch for good luck), which was good - this year he didn`t arrive until about 6pm (we got there about 3.30). Too late! By that time we were relaxing in a public bath. Mmmm.

There are lots of Konomiya Hadaka Matsuri videos on Youtube. I found my group (but not me) in this clip, just in front of the big `torii` gate:


Did you go? Why? Are you interested in drunk, naked men?


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投稿日 2012-02-08 23:09

Thank you for today.

I've checked this report & youtube immediately!
It looks like fun!
but it looks a little cold...

And you're a nice naked man!
I think you're kind of muscley :)
It's good result because you were exercising every day.
This is a nice photo!!!


Teragoya Otto
Teragoya Ottoさんからコメント
投稿日 2012-02-09 22:47

Fortunately I`m standing next to a chubby kid in this photo, so that makes me look tall & muscly - haha!

Now I can stop exercising... until next year!


投稿日 2012-02-10 14:37

I miss that you were not in the video on Youtube. I wish to watch the video that you will appear in Konomiya Hadaka Matsuri next year.
Then, I7m sorry that you could not touch the 'shin-otoko' , but I think that you got good luck for joining the festival.


Teragoya Otto
Teragoya Ottoさんからコメント
投稿日 2012-02-12 03:37

On the one hand, I wanted to see myself in the Youtube video too, but on the other hand, I`m kind of glad you can`t see me...

Why don`t you come to the festival next year? You can take your own video!
