
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果2321件


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

An Incident at PSPinc Parking Lot.

An Incident at PSPinc Parking ...
We had an incident at north side of our building. There was a man and woman fighting and a man pushed woman. Police were called and woman was taken t shelter. The man run away.

Thee of our staffs saw what happened and file the report to the city of Bellevue police. As cities around Seattle get bigger with more people, there are more of those incidents happening. One of the building where our office buildings are is a drug treatment center with hundreds of people come in for treatments. That does attract some of the not-so-normal people to the office park.

I think they should move to more remote location.
#DrugProblem #HomeLess #pspinc #seattle


Company BBQ

Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ
It;s a great day for a company BBQ.
#CompanyLunch #pspinc


Let's Build Website

Let's Build Website
Right tool makes it so easy to build (assemble) website without CSS to HTML. If you don't know CSS or HTML ... PSPinc hosting service is for you.

#WebBuilding #dreamersi #pspinc


Phishing-Scam-Virus Email

I don't have Capital One account. I don't have Capital One account.
I receive several emails pretending to be financial institutions. Most of the are what we called phishing email. It is trying to fool you to give up your user name and password. So, be very careful.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing
#InternetSecurity #Phishing #dreamersi #pspinc


Cloud is Good for Some Application but Not for Everything!

Picture of Our Backup / Failov... Picture of Our Backup / Failover Datacenter in Bellevue, Washington.
If you have an Intranet Application. it may not be a bad idea to utilize cloud infrastructures like AWS and AZURE. But if you are running an Internet Hosting Business like we do, doing it on the cloud does not make sense for many reasons.

(1) It will be harder to control the cost.
(2) We cannot always diagnose and fix problem remotely.
(3) 100% contro over the hardware is not possible on cloud.
(4) When something goes wrong, we have no way of fixing the problem or diagnose the problem.

For those reason, PSPinc hosts 40,000+ clients servers on our hardware at our datacenter in Seattle.
#Datacenter #Hosting #dreamersi #pspinc


Not Mobile Friendly

Not Mobile Friendly
Here is the example of "Non-Mobile-Friendly-Page".
City of Bellevue provides free WiFi service at their parks. When you sign-in, you see this page above. I cannot read it on my iPhone. I think they should spend little time to make sure the page is designed using Responsive Web Design.

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop webpages to be viewed in response to the size of the device one is viewing with.

PSPinc's web design software provide users with the simple to use interface to develop website that is RWD. To learn more, please contact PSPinc.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsive_web_design
#Dreamersi #MobileFriendly #PSPinc


Customer Database

Customer Database
Do you have a customer database?
Do you know when was the last time you contacted company XYZ?
What did you talk to them when you last contacted XYZ?
Did you make any promise?
Does customer supposed to get back with you with something?
When do you supposed to contact XYZ next?

You do not need expensive Customer Relationship Management system, you need FlatCRM from PSPinc. It's a very low fixed cost CRM that you can start using in 10 minutes.


If you are interested ... contact PSPinc. sales@pspinc.com
No pressure!!!
#CRM #CustomerDatabase #pspinc


Internet of Things Expo Reporting has Begun.

Internet of Things Expo Reporti...
#Bloguru #IoTExpo #PSPinc


Be Efficient

Be Efficient
Looking at this chart, you really need to be efficient ...

If you have a good product and effective marketing, you need to be efficient to thrive. But if your product is poor and you have bad strategy and if you are effective, you do not waste much time.

So if you are efficient, you will make money or loose less money. Both are good.


Is Your Data Safe?

Is Your Data Safe?
Your company has a lot of data. Data about your finance, banking, product, employee, payroll and customers. Are those data secure?

If you can access any of those data via Internet whether you have a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or not, hackers can and will access those data. So, how do you secure your data?

(1) Do not store sensitive data on the computer that is connected to Internet.
(2) If you need to access those data, make data available only to you when you are using them.
(3) Needless to say encrypt your data and communication.

#InternetSecurity #PSPinc #Privacy #SocialResponsibility


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