
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 44

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 44

I am not really happy about the way people give an apology. When you say “I am very sorry to people offended by my action.”, you are not apologizing to all, you are giving an apology only to people who are offended. That means, you are not 100% feeling apologetic. Unfortunately, I hear this a lot. Also, when people apologize, they are apologizing only because of the consequences resulted from their action. That means, they are not sorry for what they have done. They are sorry that they did not get away with it.

Also, when you explain why you did what you did...that should not be a part of the apology. That is an excuse and should not be a part of an apology. Here are the ways to give an apology, I read, that usually will be well received. I read this in the article* which is listed below.

1. An expression of regret.
2. An explanation of what went wrong.
3. An acknowledgment of responsibility.
4. A declaration of repentance.
5. An offer of repair.
6. A request for forgiveness.

The offer of an apology must be 100% and not motivated by the consequences. That is what is missing a lot of the time by the people giving an apology. You should not offer any apology if you are not truly sorry. If you believe in your action, you should have guts to stick with it whether you are popular or not.
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Opinion Stand at Hyogo/Kobe Fair in Oregon

Hyogo Prefectural Government... Hyogo Prefectural Government Mascot : HABATAN
#OpinionStand #OpinionStandKiosk #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS


I am a carpet cleaner today.

Before Carpet Cleaning Before Carpet Cleaning After You can tell the differenc... After
You can tell the difference, can't you?
I used the RugDoctor to clean some of the spots on the carpet at our office.
I think I did a good job. No, it was all machine.
Providing better working environment for everyone.
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Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 43

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 43
How to Avoid Carelessness

Many accidents happen when people do something without really thinking through what they are doing. To avoid an accident, one needs to know:

1. The purpose of what they are doing.
2. The consequences of what they are doing.
3. Clear understanding of the processes.
4. Proper testing procedures to verify changes.
5. Have solid plans B and C if things go wrong.
6. Clear and timely reporting processes.

Before you begin any process, you need to evaluate how important the process is and based on the importance, you need to carefully plan the action.

When you ride a Japanese train and if you ever have a chance to see the driver, you will notice every signal, every crossing, every points he will raise the hand and point and verify they are clear. Does it make any difference in the safety of the system? I believe it does. That is why Japan’s rail system is the safest in the world.

Careless mistakes happen when people act without proper planning and a procedure to follow. My company hosts websites and we must do hundreds of maintenance tasks and each task can cause the system to go down. I am trying very hard to create the system that we can rely on to continue the service. I is a lot of work.
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Is Bloguru good for SEO?

https://www.bloguru.com https://www.bloguru.com
Search Engine Optimization is the buzz word used by most many marketing specialists. SEO enables your website to rank higher in search results thus making it easier for people to click. So how do you make your website rank higher? Here are some things people saying about SEO.

• Your site is secured. (SSL certificate)
• Your site is Mobile Friendly. (Responsive / Scalable)
• Your site should contain the words people used to search. (Keywords)
• Update your web contents often.
• Get other sites to link to your website. (Cross Connect)

Excluding paid advertisements on search engines, above are the things you can do to increase your chance of being ranked higher on search engines. First four are the thing you can do to your website. And the fifth is something you need to work with other websites.

Bloguru can help you in both (4) and (5). First of all bloguru.com is a site that generates many traffic everyday. And each post can be linked to your website. And by having other Bloguru users connected to your Bloguru page, you can have hundreds of organic links to your Bloguru page.

Bloguru also can help your website update every time you post something on Bloguru. By using the Bloguru RSS feed function, posts will be updated to your website, making your site have fresh contents every time you post on Bloguru.

It is not our intent to make Bloguru popular by using your posts. But we need to make sure Bloguru is being accepted high by search engines mainly Google. To do that, we made sure Bloguru is SSL protected and have no advertisement on the site that will conflict with Google. Our answer to the question “Is Bloguru good for SEO?”, my answer is “Yes” by the reason we stated above.

Kenichi Uchikura
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#Bloguru #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing #ブログル


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Keep It Simple and Stupid K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple and Stupid
Tablets design for elder people.
Countries like Japan has so many elderly people, there is a market for products like this. My mother is just switch to a smartphone that is designed for elders. She is still having difficulties using it.
#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


Norman Door

Do you push this door or pull? Do you push this door or pull? Do you push this door or pull? Do you push this door or pull?
Push or Pull ... I came across the door today that is completely opposite of what the door should behave.

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