
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Good Bye UNION BANK and Good Bye US BANK

Bye Bye Bye Bye
I used to have private banking with UNION BANK which was a great benefit to use when I travel to Japan. However, UNION BANK is now US BANK and many of the services that I enjoyed with UNION BANK is no longer offered at US BANK. For instance, I can withdraw money using ATMs in Japan but there is now both ATM fee and forign trasaction fee. And the amont of withdraw I can make US BANK is limited. Jaoan is staill a cash society and unable to withdraw my won money in Yen is very disterbing.

So, this morning I went US BANK Branch and asked them what they can do. Unfortunateky, they can offer nothing except they say we are US BANK and you are no longer with UNION BANK.

I decided to close my personal banking relationship with US BANK today. They may be good bank for people who does only do bnking in the US, but fpr people like me whio travel to Japan a lot. This bank offers not much benefit to me.

I has to say Good Bye to UNION BANK ... now I said Good Bye to US BANK.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #BusinessTrip #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Fresh Start

Fresh Start

I'm at Ekephant Car Wash. 
fresh week deserves a fresh clean car. 
this time inside and out. 

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #BusinessTrip #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile



I have tested postive for Covid again last Tuesday. I developed a fever but the symptom was much lighter this time. I started taking PAXLOVID again Wedenesay and the fever was gone. I stayed home until today to make sure I don't pass this to anyone. I will go out tomorrow for shopping. I need to get ready fior my Japan trip next Friday.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #BusinessTrip #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 244 Good Products Won’t Guarantee Good Sales

Ken Uchikura Ne...

Good Products Won’t Guarantee Good Sales

I often make this mistake myself; I tend to think that good products will sell, cheap products will sell, or increasing volume will sell. For example, consultants tend to think that just because they’ve gotten a qualification or made the materials, they’ll sell. So, by extension, the idea of building a good website means you’ll sell comes from the same logic.

This doesn’t mean these factors are unimportant. Of course, good and cheap products are preferable. However, customers use these factors as a basis for comparison, and they are not, in themselves, why they purchase. To drive purchases, it’s important to make the product or service known to a lot of people.

The following efforts can be considered as ways to make your product or service known to many people.

1. Introduce your product or service by talking to potential customers
2. Introduce new products and services to existing customers and users. And find people who will buy them or refer them to you.
3. Use social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) to continually introduce products and services.
4. Continually advertise on Google, Facebook, and other online advertising sites.
5. Register on industry websites and create pages to provide up-to-date information (if possible).

The key here is continuity. It’s important not to give up when you don’t see results after advertising once, but to continue. I believe if you spend time and money on product development, you need to invest at least as much time and money on marketing them.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PSPINCSanDiego #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


My MacBook Pro Finally Stop Booting ...

My MacBook Pro Finally Stop ...
After 7 years of using, the battry on my MacBook Pro stopped charging ... I purvhased the battery replacement kit from Amazon and I tried to replace it myself. I must have done something wring that the MacBook Pro stopped booting up.

RIP ... MacBook Pro 2016 ... You will be remembered at PSPINC Computer museum.

Luckly, I have purchase MscBook Air M2 last month.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PSPINCSanDiego #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Arriving in Seattle at Night

Arriving in Seattle at Night
I flew out at 8:00pm from San Diego and arriving in Seattle little after 11:00pm.
I was surprized hopw many people were at the airport that late last night.
I think I need to do more SD trip.
Thank you all our customera and our SD satff.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PSPINCSanDiego #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Why do some products sell one after another while others don't?

Why do some products sell on...
Why do some products sell one after another while others don't?

When customers consider purchasing a product, they think about whether it is safe to buy and if it will be a worthwhile investment. Feeling reassured that others have also made the same purchase provides a sense of security. This confidence stems from knowing that they won't be the only one at a loss. Therefore, products that sell well are often those that inspire confidence and offer a sense of security to potential buyers. Hence, the ability to read reviews and learn from other customers' experiences is crucial when making purchasing decisions.



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PSPINCSanDiego #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Review on SanDiegoTwon.com | Marketing Opportunity

Review on SanDiegoTwon.com ...
SanDiegoTown.com ... the most trusted Japanese community portal site in Japanese.

Our website attracts a vast Japanese-speaking audience, with over 180,000 monthly page views and a community of 23,000 registered users. We extend a warm invitation to businesses based in San Diego or Southern California to have their establishments reviewed on our platform.

If you are conducting business or have headquarters in the San Diego or Southern California area, we encourage you to get in touch with us. Benefit from a free review and promotion of your business without any charges for the post. For more information or to schedule a review, please contact us at 1-858-650-0011. We look forward to showcasing your business to our engaged community!


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PSPINCSanDiego #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Mediterranean Food for Dinner

Mediterranean Food for Dinner Mediterranean Food for Dinner Mediterranean Food for Dinner Mediterranean Food for Dinner
Mediterranean/Greek Food last night. It was a lot of food.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ( https://pspinc.com ) San Diego Team Dinner.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PSPINCSanDiego #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


Arriving in San Diego International Airport

I arriving San Diego in the morning.
San Diego Airport is right next to the downtown and you fly over beautiful Balboa Park.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In



PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.

PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.


#Bloguru #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS #SecurityVideo #WalkaMile


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