
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#marketing」の検索結果1156件


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Eat-Out / Eat-in so what is Eat-Middle?

Eat-Out / Eat-in so what is Ea... Eat-Out / Eat-in so what is Ea...
Those are words used in Japan to describe meals.

Eat-Out ... Meals you eat at restaurant (outside of the home)
Eat-in ... Meals you prepare and eat at home.
Eat-Middle ... It is a take out meal you buy and eat at home.

Thanks to food delivery services, there are more people eat-middle or eat restaurant prepared meal at home. There are many restaurants in Japan that is design for take out only. In addition to restaurants, supermarkets and convenience stores sell prepared meals.

In the US, there are take outs but they are not really design to replace home made meals. I am sure as time goes on, there will be more restaurants and stores design to cater to people who would like to eat-middle.
#marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition


While Supplies Last ... Ring Holders

While Supplies Last ... Ring Ho...
#kiroboto #marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition


Customer Feedback Program

Today was the first demo. We... Today was the first demo.
We should be able to launch this system next week.
We have just developed add on to our CRM (AKA Pilot) that allow out customer support people to send "Feedback" link after the job was complete.

This allow you to send a email to the customer with the link to simple Feedback Page. When the customer write a feedback, the email is sent back to us. This is a simple program but very effective one.

#marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


I am listening.

I am listening.
What can we work together to expand our market reach? Do you have an idea? I’m listening.
#kiroboto #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


My Fortune Cookie

My Fortune Cookie
It tells me I ma traveling far for fun and business.
This is so correct.
I am traveling to Japan at the end of this month.
How did they know? <--- Who are they?
#kiroboto #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Project Management Meeting

Project Management Meeting
Every morning at PSP Research and Development, we go over every projects at hand to make sure we are making progress. Sometimes, we need to change the courses or back track. But the review cycles are getting shorter. That is good thing dude to the project managers and dedicated designers and developers and testers.
#kiroboto #marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #typhoon21 #valueproposition


Cheap and Easy

Cheap and Easy
Many Internet Web Page Development services are being promoted using two themes.

(1) Cheap
(2) Easy

I don't think we should push our services in the same theme. I rather be

(1) Value Price
(2) Compete / Best

Does that make sense?
#WebPageDevelopment #dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition


Kiroboto / eBay Affiliate Program

Kiroboto / eBay Affiliate Program
#kiroboto #marketing #valueproposition


Defining Problems

Can you change? Can you change?
There is no solution if there is no problem.
But in many cases, people are so used to do what they do, they don't even realize there is a problem.
Also, many solutions will involve some kind of changes.
People do not like changes.
It will be a battle every time someone try to change even if the change will make things easier, better and more productive.
#kiroboto #marketing #pompomiamhere #pspinc #valueproposition


Try Kiroboto

Try Kiroboto
We are developing Kiroboto for small companies. It is not always easy to sell products online for small companies. Currently options are;

(1) Create online shopping website
(2) Open online stores on the site like Amazon, Alibaba, Rakuten ...
(3) Sell product in online auction site like eBay
(4) Sell products on Apps like Mercari, Facebook...

Kiroboto enables you to;

(1) List product you have for sale on Kiroboto for free.
(2) Soon, you will be able to list product for sale by Kiroboto with introductory 5% fee.

Please visit Kiroboto and register your company. Registration is free.

#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #valueproposition


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