
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

When do you become an expert?

I am an expert in failing ;) I am an expert in failing ;)

When you fail more than other people try.

#KenUchikura #dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc


Next Trip to Japan

Tokyo Haneda International Air... Tokyo Haneda International Airport
This is not Narita Airport
I am debating whether to go to Japan next month or not.
It is because of the Coronavirus.
It will be very stupid of me to get sick while traveling.
I do not want to be another statistics.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Ken Uchikura Newsletter

Morning Rush at Japan Rail Sh... Morning Rush at Japan Rail Shinagawa Station
Why Do Business Owners Work Such Long Hours?

It is not uncommon for business owners to work long hours. In my case, I easily work 12 hours a day and 7 days a week. I work a little less on the weekend but I am usually at my office 7 days a week.


That is because as a business owner I feel I need to be at work all of the time. Do I need to be at work that often … maybe not. Though I want to make sure everything is fine all of the time and I feel like I need to keep my eyes on it. So I feel relaxed at work knowing that I can see and feel everything.

Some people feel relaxed taking vacation and not thinking about work. For many business owners, at work is where one feels relaxed. So, the best way to make a business owner relax is to communicate better about what is going on in the office. At least that will make me feel better.

PS: When you read this newsletter, I am in Japan.


Day 1 in Tokyo

Akihabara Akihabara
I had few great meetings today. One in particular gave me an idea how to promote our services. It was a warm day but i hear it will start get cold tomorrow.
#JapanTrip2020 #KenUchikura #PSP #PSPinc


May Last Newsletter for 2019

May Last Newsletter for 2019
SSL, TLS and Security

Lately there is a lot of talk going on around Internet Security. Much of the talk are about supporting TLS 1.2, but you are asked to buy an SSL Certificate. You must be confused like I am. You need to support TLS 1.2 to be considered secure, and soon the newer browsers will enforce that. Starting sometime in March of next year, new browsers will not even display the content if your website is not TLS 1.2 or later.

When you read up on the Internet, you'll learn that TLS is a successor to SSL. So, what is a TLS certificate? Why are you still asked to buy SSL when SSL is replaced by TLS. What is going on?

It is really confusing and stupid. I learned there are two meanings to SSL. (1) SSL is a certificate you buy to verify your company's security. “SSL Certificate”, (2) is the encryption method called SSL. The encryption method SSL is the one that is succeeded by TLS. The versions that are available for TLS are 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. And starting March 2020, anything below TLS 1.2 will not be considered safe. Of course, all SSL excretions are obsolete.

Here is the confusing part: To use TLS, you need to be verified by a third party as an existing business or organization. That certificate is still called SSL. So you need to purchase an SSL certificate to activate TLS. Was I able to clear up this confusion? I hope I did. If you are not SSL certified or using anything less than TLS 1.2, or if you do not know which version you are using, please give us a call. We will be happy to look it up.

This will be my last newsletter for 2019. Have safe holidays and a happy new year. Thank you for being my friend.
#KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #Newsletter #dreamersi #marketing #pspinc


Shorter, Smaller, Lighter, Thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku)

Shorter, Smaller, Lighter, Thin...
When Japan was known for manufacturing center of the world, Japan did not just copy western products, they made it shorter, smaller, lighter, thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku). Of course, the final product does the same but they are much shorter, smaller, lighter and thinner which provide cheaper transport cost and fewer parts. That made 'MADE IN JAPAN' more reliable and desirable. That enabled Japan to become the production powerhouse.

But Japan was never good at inventing something new. Products they produced were originated in the US but evolved into the mass production model with better quality in Japan. But in the last 20 years, Japan has been exporting its production capabilities to countries like China and other South Eastern Asian Nations. First Japan thought it was okay as long as they maintain the technology and know-how. But as you now know, most of the key production technologies have been transferred to China.

But China is not applying shorter, smaller, lighter, thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku) concepts. They are in most cases copies of what they have learned in the past. Now the US is trying to stop the technology trade to China, which will make things interesting. Would Japan ever come back as a production powerhouse? I do not know but they have lost so much already, it might be too late for Japan to come back.

But I think for the software development, Japan may be the hidden treasure of the world. People are talking about how there are not enough engineers in Japan to fill their needs. But I think what they meant is that they cannot find engineers willing to work with less pay with a long commitment. Compare to the US, labor cost for Japanese is less than 1/2. I think there is plenty of engineers when you pay enough and hold them for long long hours. I believe software can be developed in Japan for much cheaper than the US.

If you are interested in joining me to explore software development in Japan, please let me know.
#KenUchikura #KensNesletter #dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 6

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 6
CRM / Customer Relationship Management
Dear Reader,

When you hear a word CRM, you immediately think it is very expensive and is for large corporations only. But everyone, including yourself, manages your customer information in some ways including email archive and in your head. When I travel to Japan, I usually stay at the same hotel in Tokyo. The doorman at the hotel remember me and when I arrive from the airport he looked at me said “Welcome back Mr. Uchikura. How long are you going to stay with us?”. This was very nice and I really went out of my way to stay at this hotel. This is a CRM at work.

Everyone wants to be treated specially. So, when you are treated differently from others, you feel good. When customers contact you by email or telephone, it helps to know who the customer is, doesn’t it? That is unless you already know who the customer is.

So for me, CRM is not something that is special. It should not be for large companies only. Regardless of the size of the company, if you can know who the customer is, it will help your company provide better service. If you want to try CRM, we've built a very simple CRM that you can use for free. If you are interested in trying it out, please let me know, I will set it up for you.

So the next time, when someone contacts you, you and your staff know who the person is. That will make a huge difference in the impression of the people who contact you. You don’t have to use our CRM but if you do not have CRM for your company, there is no cost for this one. I cannot sell it cheaper than that.

If you have a question about computers and IT … please let me know. If you have a good experience, please share it with me. I would like to learn from you. If you had a bad experience, let me know. I would like to learn that too. I am writing this newsletter to let you know what I know, but at the same time, I really like to know what you know. By you hearing from me, if you come up with a business idea, please share it with me. That is the purpose of my newsletter.

If you do not want to receive this email, please use the unsubscribe link. Your email will be deleted from my contact list immediately. If you want to add someone to this database, please list http://www.uchikura.co to add the email address. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.
#KenUchikura #Newsletter #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Newsletter Vol. 2

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 2

Dear Reader,

This is volume 2 of my newsletter. I am starting to plan my schedule for 2019, the first thing on my 2019 agenda will be my trip to Japan starting on January 14. I usually go to Japan to visit our partner’s trade show in Tokyo but I will leave that duty to others from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. I can visit the fair but I would be no help in promoting our products and service. I just scare people away.

I travel to Japan 4 to 5 time every year and it should get old but I always find something new in Japan. It might be the culture and atmosphere that is so different from the US. This time my mission is to find new business opportunities in Japan. That goes both ways. I would like to find a partner who can represent us in the products that we currently do not sell in Japan. Also, I would like to find a product or service that we or someone I know can represent in the US.

Since I'm taking up your time I should write about something useful. I am in the Internet business, I should talk about something about the Internet. Let’s talk about your domain. Did you know domain names used to be free? You could register any domain (if available) you wanted for free. That led to people registering copyrighted names as domains and selling those domains back to the copyright owners. Another practice was to register common domain names and sell them to the highest bidders. The most expensive domain name ever sold was INSURE.COM and it was sold in 2009 for 16 million dollars. The second most expensive domain name was SEX.COM and was sold in 2006 for 13 million dollars. Someone made a whole lot of money.

When you shop, do you go to physical shops or shop online? More and more people are shopping online. Here is a term you should know about online sales - B2B, B2C, and P2P. B stands for Business, C stands for Consumer and P stands for Person. When you sell products, if you are a business selling products to other businesses, it is called B2B. If a business is selling to consumers, it is called B2C. If a seller is an individual (not a business) selling to other individuals, it is called P2P. When you want to sell products, you need to know if you are B2B, B2C or P2P. Even if you are not selling anything online, you really need to clearly know what your business model is. It will reflect how the website is designed and how and where you promote your website.

If you have a question about Website design and functions … please let me know. If you have a good experience, please share it with me. I would like to learn from you. If you had a bad experience, let me know. I would like to learn that too. I am writing this newsletter to let you know what I know, but at the same time, I really like to know what you know. By you hearing from me, if you come up with a business idea, please share it with me. That is the purpose of my newsletter.

If you do not want to receive this email, please use the unsubscribe link. Your email will be deleted from my contact list immediately. If you want to add someone to this database, please list http://www.uchikura.co to add the email address. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.
#KenUchikura #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


My Design Goal

My Design Goal
If you are designing a product, design it for tomorrow, not today. Today will be yesterday when the product is done.


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