
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Let's make it a slow pandemic!

Let's make it a slow pandemic!
This video showed me why we are acting so radical to handle this Coronavirus. The goal is to make it a slow pandemic so that we do not overwhelm our medical system. Now, I got it.

Italy Mae it into a fast pandemic. US does not have enough hospital beds. We need to do out best not to catch and spread the virus.

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #JapaneseOnline #KenUchikura #PSPinc #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


New Coronavirus Confirmed Cases

As of 2:30pm (PST) March 22... As of 2:30pm (PST) March 22, 2020
Just look at the numbers in red.
Above chart Dows the number of Coronavirus cases. The number in red show the number of new cases reported today. New Your an d New Jersey look very bad but I was told because they are now testing more people.

I am setting us Video Meeting System to be used starting tomorrow so if we cannot meet face to face, we can still maintain reasonable communication. We will be testing our fast meeting tomorrow morning. I will let you know how it goes.

We are all in this together. If you have any good idea, please share it with me. I will share what we learned as much as possible.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #JapaneseOnline #KenUchikura #PSPinc #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Problem of Teleworking

Problem of Teleworking
After one week of allowing people to work from home, I have found the biggest problem with it. If your job is doing the routine work like bookkeeping, almost all work can be done by teleworking. But anything that require management, supervision, training, customer interaction cannot be fully accomplished by teleworking.

If you are an entrepreneur and make decision and change direction on a daily bases, telecommuters are very difficult control. I have to adjust not to change or delay reaction. So, it is like you are a captain of the ship and you want to change heading or change speed, you cannot just do that. Instead you need to tell people to do it but you will not know when that will take place.

Also you cannot trying anyone by teleworking. So, by moving to telework, you need to stop your training process. This does not apply only to new employee but people trying to start something new.

At the end, telework is good to just maintain what you have. Not for when you want to grow your company by trying many things. I really hope this Coronavirus Pandemic will be over soon.
#KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPinc #PacificSoftarePublishing #teleworking


Do what we can to help local business.

Do what we can to help local ...
We had one great lunch from Ezell's.


PSPinc buys lunch for everyone who come to work at no cost to our staff. We are trying buy lunch from local restaurants.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusisNothing #KenUchikura #MODPizza #PSPinc #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


I do not understand!!!

I do not understand!!!
What is going on???

Report from China and Japan are Lies

I do not trust Coronavirus related positive reports from both China and Japan. Both countries have motivation to deceive people. China wants to give positive image to the world and Japan wants to go ahead with Olympics. Both countries are not trust worthy. They have a history of lying.

China said Tiananmen Square Incident did not happen. And Japanese Governemnt said Fukushima Daiichi did not have melt-down.

I do not trust media either. They are just reporting what governments say without verifying the report. Media is just a place to advertise. They say whatever if they can make money. Where is the true journalism. Any media reporting there is no new cases in Wuhan, that is what Chinese government want them to say. Did those media defied? Do they have a reporter in Wuhan?

That is why they are called Fake News.

Also, I do not understand why in the world most world leaders are so afraid of Coronavirus. It killed about 8,000 people world wide. 150,000 people die everyday in the world. So why are they so panicking? Do they know something we don’t. 19 million people infected with Influenza in the US and 10,000 people died. We did not lock down but 214 people dead in the US from Coronavirus and we are locking down. Are you kidding? What is going on?
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusisNothing #KenUchikura #MODPizza #PSPinc #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Level 4 Travel Advisory for all International Travel


State Department warns Americans: Don’t travel abroad, come home if overseas

The announcement is the government’s most severe warning about international travel.

I have never seen this ever. The USA is virtually locked down. I know Coronavirus is serious, but does it grant this much? What does Governemnt know what we do not know?

PS: My friends (American) in Japan told me that they feel safer living in Japan. Japan has less Coronavirus Infection and Better health Care.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusisNothing #KenUchikura #MODPizza #PSPinc #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Company Lunch Today

Company Lunch Today
We are trying to help local economy by purchasing lunch from the local restaurants. Today, we order MOD pizza.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusisNothing #KenUchikura #MODPizza #PSPinc #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


We should not look at Cumulative Numbers!!!

https://coronavirus.1point3acre... https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0 https://www.nytimes.com/intera... https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
Do you know when you look at Coronavirus Data, the cumulative number will never decreases. Instead we all should be looking number of new cases. That will tell us whether Coronavirus is under control or not.

New York added over 1,000 new cases.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusisNothing #KenUchikura #PSPinc #ShibuyaScrambleCrossing #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Shibuya Scramble Crossing Live Camera

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Liv...
Compared to Seattle ... Shibuya (Tokyo) looks almost normal. No store including restaurants and bars are closed. With new infections are almost 0, things does not look so different. I hope we get back to that soon.

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusisNothing #KenUchikura #PSPinc #ShibuyaScrambleCrossing #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 68

Seattle is Empty! Seattle is Empty!
Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden

“Not to say anything is often better than speaking too much or saying something inappropriate.”

Unfortunately, this does not apply anymore as you need to speak up to be heard. This works when people are looking at each other and reading people’s minds by evaluating facial and body expressions. These days people do not look at each other. They tend to look at their iPhones most of the time. That means that unless you speak you will not be heard. Better yet, you should email or text. Instead of speaking in public, you should consider an email broadcast or a social media post.

Another thing - people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Instead of long articles, your message should be very short and to the point. However, you should make sure you send out that message often. Things have changed. What was considered a virtue is no longer relevant. As a business owner, I always try to be up-front and easy to understand. I am still not very good at it.

Anyways, my point today is that if you want people to know your business, you need to communicate with the tools people use. That is not a speech, it must be digital and short.
#KenUchikuraNewsletter #kenUchikura


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