
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 73 : Thank you!!!

Seattle Times March 2, 2020 Seattle Times March 2, 2020

Thank you!!!

I don’t even remember the last time that I ate at any restaurant. During the weekdays, we order lunch from locally-owned restaurants for the people coming to work at the office. I wanted to thank all of the people who must work at the office to make sure businesses have their websites up and email running smoothly. I also wanted to help local restaurants.

I also appreciate all of the people who are working as an essential service, from the grocery store workers to the medical professionals. The only reason we are not panicking is that we have people who take care of us. We will do as much to take care of your Internet needs.

It is never a good time to talk about “Could have …” and “Should have…”. It is time to help each other as much as we can. It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves to do as much as we can to stay healthy. Let’s do our best to make sure we empty one more bed for somebody who is really sick. I can not speak for other people but that is what our employees and myself are trying to do.

If we do get sick, I hope we can trust our medical professionals to take care of us. As an Internet infrastructure service provider, if you have any problem with your web or email, call us. We do not care if you are our customer or not - this is what we are here for. Please take care of yourselves and thank you for being healthy.


Bloguru Signature

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
It tales less than a minutes to read.
Thank you.

#KenUchikura #KenUchikuraNewsletter #KenichiUchikura


I wasted my mask ...

Simulation ... Yes I have New ... Simulation ...
Yes I have New York Starbucks Mug Cup.

Have you ever try to drink coffee with your mask on?


It does not work.

Bloguru Signature

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
It tales less than a minutes to read.
Thank you.
#KenUchikura #KenUchikuraNewsletter #KenichiUchikura


Testing Bloguru Signature Feature

Testing Bloguru Signature Feat...
Following is the signature I set to this Bloguru and Company Bloguru.
Signature allows you to insert text and HTML to your Bloguru post.
This is one of the new features we created to make bloguru much more powerful.

Bloguru signature can be set at "Adonin Home" -> "Options" menu.
After you set the signature, make sure you check "Enable".

Bloguru Signature

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Uchikura & Co. LLC.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
It tales less than a minutes to read.
Thank you.
#Bloguru #BloguruSignature #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing


How much do YouTuber Make?

How much do YouTuber Make?
This is what I have learned.
The below provides a guide to How Much YouTubers actually Make;

  • On Average the YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views. This equates to $3 - $5 per 1000 video views.

    So, if you have a million view video, you should be able to receive $3 ~ $5,000.
    That is not too bad. But I do not know for sure.
  • #AdRevenue #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #YouTuber


    Do I have COVID-19?

    36.19C = 97.142F 36.19C = 97.142F
    I have an allergy and we are in the middle of the allergy season. Just look at the car. My white car is turning yellow. The allergy is so bad the I sneeze, have running nose even cough sometime. Aren’t they the same symptom as COVID-19?

    The only thing that calm me down in the morning is my body temperature. I take it every morning to make sure I do not go anywhere is I have a fever.

    I was born in Japan so I grew up in the metic system. So I check my temperature in metric. So the image above is in Celsius not Fahrenheit.
    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    So China has won the battle with COVID-19 ...

    So China has won the battle wi...
    Did you know as of March 23, 2020 ... There are 21,000,000 less cellular phone users in China. That is more than a total population of Wuhan which is little over 11 million. What is that mean?

    (1) Dead or sick people do not need cellular phone.
    (2) People in Wuhan has no way of communicating with outside.

    How many people do you think are infected and dead in China. They will never tell. Do you think it is over in China ... Hmmm

    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc



    My temperature this morning. 9... My temperature this morning.
    Not Bad This Morning. Not Bad This Morning.
    I wake up in the morning and check my weight, check my blood sugar, check my temperature and check my blood pressure ... Drink one cup of hat water with lemon slice. I check my email ... then I drive to my office. Check to see if all the services are running. I have an online meeting with R&D group. All that is done before 10am.

    It as been like this every day for a more than a month. It is very stressful.
    #COVID19 #KenUchikura #coronavirus #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    My Newsletter Vol 72 | First Impression

    My Newsletter Vol 72 | First ...

    First Impression

    This is why I think “First Impressions” are very important. Whether we like it or not, people judge a book by its cover. If you do not judge people by how they look, style of their hair, their teeth, stand, walk, dress, the way they talk, and so on - you are one special person. I am not that person.

    When you hear something from someone you like, you tend to believe it. Though when you hear something from someone you do not like, you tend to think that person is lying. When likes and dislikes go beyond looks and to religions and politics, this is where divide occurs.

    What I mean is, depending on which side of the fence you are on, you start to think the other side is always bad. That means that if the same thing was spoken by both sides, the side you are on is correct and the other side is wrong. If you are in business, it is important to stay neutral. You do not want to give the impression that you are on one side or the other.

    The first impression is important so that people will listen to you. Keep your opinions to yourself because whether you like it or not, you will be judged. As a business owner or manager, your impression is the company’s impression. Remember, everyone has the right to their opinion, as long as it is kept to yourself.

    Give yourself a chance to be heard. Someone I know always dresses up. He told me that he is dressing up for his clients, not for himself. He is my business coach … he is the best. I am the worst student he has ever had.
    #KenUchikura #KenUchikuraNewsletter #KenichiUchikura


    China: Truth In A Pandemic

    China: Truth In A Pandemic
    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    Ezell's Famous Chicken

    Our Lunch Today Our Lunch Today
    Ezell's Famous Chicken is one of our most valued customers and friends. We are very happy to work with them.

    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


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