- ハッシュタグ「#business」の検索結果672件
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
Why should you choose PSPINC Domain, Web and Email hosting?
(1) Is PSPINC Cheaper than the others?
(2) Does PSPINC have something other's don't have?
(3) Is PSPINC easier to work with?
(4) Can you talk to a president of PSPINC when you have a problem?
(1) No
(2) Not Really
(3) May be
(4) Yes
Would that answer your question?
Our design team manager posing in front of Ezell's Express Food Truck … We just happen to come across this truck. We design and developed Ezell's Famous Chicken website.
Here is a trivia of today's news letter.
“Death by PowerPoint” is a phrase you hear in businesses that rely too much on using presentations to convey information. As it turns out, the US Military adopted a PowerPoint-briefing program that is similarly detrimental because of how it reduces complex situations into long bullet point lists that cannot convey the complexities of the world.
PowerPoint has had both positive and negative effects in the military. Some believe that PowerPoint creates an illusion of understanding and control that simply isn't there. On the other hand, if presentations are thorough, you get complex messes that are impossible to understand. This works great on reporters, however, because slides are so uninteresting that they lose interest and stop listening to the information they're hearing.
Tomorrow we will have Board of Director and Shareholder Meeting at PSPINC. We have a very important guests from Japan. We went to SEATAC this morning to pick up our guests.
Many of you utilize Wordpress to develop websites for customers. You have been thinking Wordpress is the best thing for customers as well as you. But you know it needs to up to date or carries several security risks. But you weigh the benefit to the risk and continue to use Wordpress.
Marketing wise, you talk to your customer about the advantages of Wordpress as if they are your strength. But you know everyone who uses Wordpress has the same advantage and disadvantage. You are no different from 1,000 other web developers who use Wordpress. Your only advantage is your sales talk.
You need to be different but you don’t know how. You will not get any bigger than what you are right now doing what you do with the tools that you use. You use SEO and Mobile Compatibility to push your sales but that will take you only so far. You look for recurring income but your business model does not have stable recurring income.
Your Web development price will go down because there will be more competitors. There will be more companies doing what you do. What can you do?
The fist thing is to think about your development environment. Wordpress might be good, even the best for what you do. But Wordpress will not make your company any different for other companies. Drop Wordpress then think about what you can do. What you can do that makes you different? Is it important to be different from others? Just think about it.
If you still think you are better off with Wordpress, I solute you. You may be different from other Wordpress Web Developers, after all. PSPINC is not a Wordpress Web Development Company.
Samsung Galaxy 6 Bus near Microsoft.
Some web contents and social media require frequent updates. If you are one of those companies, let us take care of the updates.
As a part of our web and social media maintenance, we can update all your web and social media sites. Starting this week PSPINC will take care of Ezell's web maintenance and Social Media Updates.
I waked Bellfield Office Park with Pompom and found the building with the "OUTERWALL" sign. I did not know the company, so I looked it up today. I found this is the company behind RedBox and Coinstar. Wow!
I diod not know they are Bellevue Company … Did you know???
The goal of social media for your company is to create as many followers as possible. So, what would you do if you had 10,000 or even 100,000 followers? What can you do with it?
Think about it. If you like what you can do with it, think about how you can get that much followers.
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