
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



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Crowne Plaza Hotel Seattle

Crowne Plaza Hotel Seattle
On this Tuesday, we had Seattle Executives Associate meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Seattle. This hotel is a member of Seattle Executives Association.

I have a special memory around this hotel. This is the very first hotel that I stayed in Washington State when I was scouting for the location of the US office for my former company. That was in 1985. It is 24 Years ago. I was single then.

State of Washington, Dept. of Commerce people booked me to this hotel because they had best Japanese breakfast in Seattle. I don’t know if they have Japanese breakfast at the Crowne Plaza now. I stayed in this hotel for about five days and moved on to Los Angeles, San Francisco. I came back again to Seattle again but this time I stayed at Bellevue Holiday Inn. I think it is Best Western Hotel now.

My former company decided to open an office in Bellevue in 1985 and I moved here. I was 26 then. I did not know that I would be starting my business two years later.

BTW, do you see a little black dot near the top of the building? There is a guy hanging up there washing the windows.
#Life #Politics #Society


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