
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Is Your Data Safe?

Is Your Data Safe?
Your company has a lot of data. Data about your finance, banking, product, employee, payroll and customers. Are those data secure?

If you can access any of those data via Internet whether you have a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or not, hackers can and will access those data. So, how do you secure your data?

(1) Do not store sensitive data on the computer that is connected to Internet.
(2) If you need to access those data, make data available only to you when you are using them.
(3) Needless to say encrypt your data and communication.

#InternetSecurity #PSPinc #Privacy #SocialResponsibility


Not Web Development, Just Web Assembly

Not Web Development, Just We...
When you are using the easy to use web building tool like Web de Xpress, your web development is just assembly work. That means you can develop effective website in shorter time, thus saving lots of money.

#dreamersi #pspinc #webbuiding


You can write 150 characters in the Bloguru Title starting today.

You can write 150 characters ...
Sating today, you can write 150 characters in Bloguru title today.
#Bloguru #PR #PSPinc #SEO #SNS


An idea is just an idea unless you ...

An idea is just an idea unless...
Many people have ideas to create something ... but 99% of the time, they are just that, ideas. Ideas are not realized someone is crazy enough to make them real. Even then, most of them do not come out right.

But of you have an idea, you should make it happen. You only live once, so not try something.
#Idea #pspinc


My 40 Hours is done by Wednesday

My 40 Hours is done by Wedn...
I was at office until almost 10pm ... This is the security camera footage of I and my buddy Pompom entering to garage to get on the car to go home. I work 7 days a week and I am usually here until after 9pm.

I do not recommend this unless you own a company and want to make it little better every year.
#Pompom #Uchikura #pspinc


Company Lunch ... Home Made Brunch

Company Lunch ... Home Made... Company Lunch ... Home Made... Company Lunch ... Home Made... Company Lunch ... Home Made... Company Lunch ... Home Made...
We cooked breakfast for lunch today, I was in charge of cooking sausages. Thanks to a good grill, they turned out great.
#BBQ #CompanyLunch #pspinc


Brain Food

Brain Food
I went to Costco today to pickup some supplies ... I count not resist buying this strawberry cake. I brought it back to the office ... Before I had a chance, it was going. I should have gotten two of them.
#BrainFood #pspinc


I need peace and quiet

I need peace and quiet I need peace and quiet I need peace and quiet I need peace and quiet
The roofing project is continuing ... People are walking and pounding on the roof. I need to go to some place quiet ... with Internet.
#PSPinc #Roofing


Roof Replacement has Started

Roof Replacement has Started Roof Replacement has Started Roof Replacement has Started Roof Replacement has Started
Finally we are replacing old roof which started leaking. This will take about a week. The you own office buildings like we do, you are responsible for maintenance and repairs.


Make your email mobile friendly!!!

You cannot expect people to r... You cannot expect people to read your email if it is this small.
More people read email using smartphones than PC. You know that already. Many of you are reading the blog post on mobile devices. So, you need to make your email mobile friendly as well.

You need to spend so much effort writing your marketing email, but it all goes waste if your email is not readable on mobile devices. Check out http://www.newsmail.com by PSPinc. It makes your email change format depends on the size of the screen. It is called Responsive.
#NewsMAIL #PSPinc #ResponsiveEmail


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