
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

I walked almost 3 miles today

I walked almost 3 miles today I walked almost 3 miles today
Waking 3 miles is not so difficult when you play golf.
I played golf first time in few months.
I used the cart but I still ended top waling 2.5 miles.
I was sore and little tired toward the end, but I made it.

What was my score ???

I shot 101 ... I am not happy about this score but I am happy I was able to play 18 holes.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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#CancerServiver #Denrei #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #NewsMAIL #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Before my liver surgery, I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) for years. The recommend salt intake for CKD people in the US is 2g (2,000mg) or two test spoons. That sounds a lot but it is not much. If you eat one cup-a-noodle, your intake is about 1.5g (75% of your daily intake). One BigMac and small fries have about 1g of salt.

When I go to Japan, I Preallyhave to be very careful how much salt I take in especially I will be eating eating out a lot. The recommended salt intake for CKD people in Japan is 6g ... three times as much in Japan. In the US, people average take in 3.5g of salt a day compared to 11g in Japan. No wonder there are more CKD in Japan.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #NewsMAIL #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


From PSPINC Computer Collection

From PSPINC Computer Collection
This is Apple eMate 300
It was released March 7, 1997; 25 years ago

The eMate 300 was a personal digital assistant designed, manufactured and sold by Apple Computer to the education market as a low-cost laptop running the Newton operating system. It was the only Newton Device with a built-in keyboard.


If you have any old computer and wants to donate to PSPINC collection, please let me know.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #NewsMAIL #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 198 You Have to be Different

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

You Have to be Different

In Japanese society, we learn that it’s right to think normally, blend in with our surroundings, and be inconspicuous. Therefore, they consider unusual and uncommon thoughts wrong. If you do something different from everyone else, people will label you as a “weirdo” or they will say you’re “without common sense”. In short, to live in Japanese society, you’re expected to speak or act like those around you. There’s an old Japanese saying: “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down”. It demonstrates the belief that punishment will come for anyone who goes beyond the bounds.

This environment in Japan is not conducive to creating new things or inventions. However, because there are many hardworking people that follow this ideology, various fields have already developed technologies to improve what already exists.

I entered the workforce at the end of Japan’s economic growth period, when Japan was at the top of the world’s manufacturing industry. It was wonderfully vibrant as the economy boomed, and people were busy. Frequently, I traveled on the Shinkansen standing, up between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka. I remember working six days a week. Many Japanese people visited Hawaii and other tourist destinations, and I often saw signs in Japanese. Of the 50 most valuable companies in the world at that time, more than 30 were Japanese companies. Today, Toyota is the only Japanese company whose name remains in the ranking.

This was the conventional wisdom at the time. Manufacturing moved from Japan to China due to labor cost issues, most IT-related industries went overseas, and cell phone technology also exists predominantly overseas. This is probably because we’ve only been working within the same bounds of everyone else and failed to catch up with the trends of the times. That being said, Japan doesn’t have the blue-collar labor force to promote manufacturing right now. Food comes from overseas, and they import it to Japan. And they also import many building materials and machinery. The fact is they make many Japanese brand products overseas.

However, importing products from abroad involves transportation costs. Transportation also requires energy, and some things are better procured nearby from an environmental standpoint. The idea of not relying on foreign countries and making efforts to increase domestic self-sufficiency would probably sound insane to Japan today. However, if you look at other countries around the world, countries, the U.S. included, are beginning to think about increasing self-sufficiency. If the current norm is wrong, I’d like to see Japan’s ability to improve it. I’m also doing business in the U.S., and I intend to explore ways that go beyond the current framework. It is wonderful that there’s an environment that recognizes companies that do this. Even small companies like mine. Perhaps this is the American dream.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #NewsMAIL #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


SPAM Filtering using Mail + on Dreamersi.com

Login to Dreamersi user accou... Login to Dreamersi user account from Dreamersi.com and select Mail Plus from the user account menu. In Mail Plus screen, select "A... In Mail Plus screen, select "Add New Rule" Set it like above. Your comput... Set it like above.
Your computer may have different Junk mail folder. Select the folder you want the smam mail to move to and click "Add".
Your new rule is set. You will... Your new rule is set.
You will not receive any email that is set to have Reply To se to GMAIL.COM account.
Many email uses "Reply to" to set the email address that they want you to replay to instead of reply back to the email address that sends the email. And most spam email has replay to address set to "GMAIL" account.

Here I the way to set all email which as Reply To: set to GMAIL straight to JUNK mailbox. This may reduce number of spam you get n your INBOX.

This is a newly released feature of Dreamersi.com Domain+Web+Email Hosting service.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #NewsMAIL #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


NewsMAIL PrePaid Email Broadcasting Service

25 years ago, NewsMAIL was ... 25 years ago, NewsMAIL was sold as a packaged software.
Now it is a SaaS system you can subscribe to and it is more cost effective using "Pay as you need pricing.
If you only know CONSTANT CONTACT and MAILCHIMP for your email broadcasting solutions, check out NewsMAIL.com ... Prepaid news broadcasting system since 1997.

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NewsMAIL started as a packaged software people purchase and installed on Windows NT server to broadcast emails back in 1997 (25 years ago). Here are the statement from 1997 website what NewsMAIL can provide. The things has changed in last 25 years but main message is the same. Protect your email list and send email securely.

"Publish Online Newsletters", "Register New Customers", "Announce New Product Releases", "Announce Address Changes", "Send Christmas & Holiday Greetings", "Announce Position Changes" ... There are lots of reasons to send the same Email message to multiple Email accounts. Your current Email system probably isn't user friendly and likely provides minimal Email address security.

Using your standard Internet Email program to send Email requires use of "TO" and "CC" to list all recepients. This broadcasts your client list to everybody. Most people would agree that it isn't very wise to send your customer list to everyone.

Perhaps you're using "BCC" instead of "TO" or "CC". That sounds good, but do you know that many mail server programs do not fully support BCC? Also, when you use "BCC" to address Email, your mail server often crashes. What's worse about that happening, is that your Email server starts to send the same Email over again to the same people.
Another solution is to create an alias mail address containing all of your clients' Email addresses. You send Email to that alias address on the mail server and the server sends all Email at one time to all your clients. It sounds good, doesn't it? Unfortunately, you're also sending your alias to all your clients and allowing them to use your alias to send mail to everyone on your list.

Another hassle with using an alias address is having to ask your webmaster or mailserver administrator to update your mail list. That's because you can only update alias addresses on the mail server. Your webmaster will love this.

NewsMAIL is designed to solve all of the above problems. First, by allowing you to maintain and Email the entire address list from your browser. You can maintain your mail list while sitting on a beach on Kaui (provided you have Internet access). Compose your Email, select the list to send the message to and send it all from the browser. You don't even need Email program access. Once you select the Email address database and compose your mail, all you have to do is ask NewsMAIL to start sending your mail to the databased addresses, one by one. That's right, NewsMAIL takes your mail, stuffs it in the envelopes, stamps it and then ships to all the addresses, one by one. Your Email address list is always secure. And your clients will never know that you are using a broadcast email program while sitting on a beach in Kuai.

If you have 50 clients, 5,000 clients, or even 100,000 clients, you need a simple and secure way to broadcast mail. Why not select the program that combines maximum security and a simple user interface?

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #NewsMAIL #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


No. of Civilian Owned Guns Per Country

No. of Civilian Owned Guns Pe...
If you are a country trying to invade another country, you will think twice if there are more population than the guns in civilian hands. The United States is the only country in the world which has more guns than its population.

CountryCivilian Owned GunsPopulationGuns per 100 People
England and Wales2,731,00058,877,0004.6
Hong Kong SAR, China265,0007,402,0003.6
Iran, Islamic Republic of5,890,00080,946,0007.3
Korea, DPR (North)76,00025,405,0000.3
Korea, Republic of (South)79,00050,705,0000.2
New Zealand1,212,0004,605,00026.3
Russian Federation17,620,000143,375,00012.3
Saudi Arabia12,564,00032,743,00053.7
South Africa5,351,00055,436,0009.7
United Arab Emirates1,569,0009,398,00016.7
United States of America393,347,000326,474,000120.5

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_ownership

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


Secure Your Passwords

https://www.pexels.com/photo/... https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-person-peeking-through-the-hole-3820281/
There are so many website that require your user name and password and keeping track of them is next to impossible. So you result in writing them down somewhere or create an excel spreadsheet with password to store it. Then, you go own business trip and you have no access to your passwords ...

With Passwizad.com you can store unlimited number of passwords on the secure cloud with two factor authentication (you need password and you phone) to access them. You can can store 30 password for free and upgrade it anytime for $1.67 ($20/year).

PSPINC has been in business for 35 years ... The company you can trust.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #passwozard #uchikura


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

Why are we called "Pacific Software Publishing"?

When we started, we licensed US computer software and translate them into Japanese language and published them in Japan through our Japanese resellers and distributors. Yes, we were US software publishing company back them.

We have then moved to Internet base Software As A Service (SaaS) company. But I came across a software that allow you to create online shopping website called Shopsite. The company we acquire few years back is one of the biggest hosting partners for Shopsite.

The only problem with Shopsite is that it has no Japanese user interface. That is stopping me to sell Shopsite to Japan. I had a chance to talk with a president of Shopsite today and we both agree that we need to develop Japanese interface so that I can sell Shopsite in Japan. This is a same business model that we used to do 25 years ago.

Now, I will contact my old Japanese contacts to see if they are interested in becoming the reseller in Japan. We are back as Double Byte Specialists again.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #informakers #uchikura


Another Surgery ... Not Too Excited

Another Surgery ... Not Too Ex... Another Surgery ... Not Too Ex... Another Surgery ... Not Too Ex... Outside my knee has not cartr... Outside my knee has not cartridge and my inside is 1/3 left.
Good candidate for knee replacement.
No, it has nothing to do with my liver ... I am still cancer free.
This time its my left knee ... I went to see a doctor to talk about my options.
Well, there are basically two options and they are;

(1) Do nothing and live with pain.
(2) Replace my knee. (Another two hour surgery.)

That's not much of a choice ...
They are going to start rolling and possibly have surgery in December/January ...
At least it is not a golfing season.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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For your Domain, Email, Web and VPS service, please consider https://dreamersi.com by PSPINC.


I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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#CancerServiver #Denrei #DoubleByteSpecialists #Dreamersi #KenichiUchikura #LiverCancer #PSPINC #ParCom #PassWizard #Recovery #SaaS #SeattleExecs #WalkAMile #informakers #uchikura


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