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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
I drained 5 litter of liquid from my stomach this morning. I felt so good that I visited PSPINC on the way back and had lunch together with staffs. It was really nice to see them after almost two months.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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Marketing As a Means for Sales
Today I would like to talk about marketing. There are all kinds of ways of marketing people can choose from. While there’s no guarantee which will succeed, there’s also no guarantee which will not. So, what is successful marketing, anyway?
First of all, marketing is a means to sell things. Therefore, successful marketing can be seen when selling something. While sales generate revenue, great marketing usually consists of paying for effective results. Be it cost of labor or paid advertising. So, with that logic, it doesn’t make sense to only spend $200 to sell a $100 item.
I think marketing reports, especially for digital marketing efforts, often talk about how many people they’ve attracted. But it’s not very meaningful if it doesn’t result in any sales. I think it’s important to know how effective marketing efforts are. More specifically, how much of it translates into sales numbers.
Whether your marketing efforts are working isn’t a matter of how many people you’ve attracted. Rather, it’s a matter of sales, and how much its increased over time. When marketing, I think it’s important to not only determine who’s interested in what you have to offer, but also how to convert those people into paying customers. So, let’s not forget the real purpose here.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
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Thank you.
It has been 45 day since my surgery.
I wish I could say I am all well but I can't.
I still have more to go.
Thank you for all your support.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
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Thank you.
I have drained 5 litters of liquid from my stomach.
I feel very released.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
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Thank you.
Marketing is an investment to sell
No matter how good a product is, it won’t sell if no one knows about it. In that case, how you spread the word is what we call marketing. In the past, marketing mostly consisted of paid advertising, which included traditional mediums like newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio. It has since shifted to more digital outlets thanks to the internet.
The first step in successfully marketing your business is to have your own website. Without one, there won’t be anywhere to lead customers who take an interest in your ad. Once you complete building out your website, you’ll need to think about you want your customers to do once they get to your website and how to get more people to come next. All of this is considered as marketing activities.
I don't think there’s any company, mine included, that doesn't struggle with this. I’d like to discuss marketing with all of you, including our successes and our failures as well. Equipped with numerous tools to handle all inquiries and meet diverse needs, we’re always ready to share our stories.
Thank you again for reading our newsletter today.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
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Thank you.
The Importance of Good Customer Service
Whether you’re selling or buying something, a little extra attention can completely change a customer's experience. When buying something, just hearing a simple response of "thank you" can make a customer happy. It also makes them feel good to see a smile when they get their change.
During my stay in the hospital, I met many nurses. Some get things done quickly, others leave you alone, and some don't even come when you call them. When I have a good nurse, I feel a little bit relieved even when I'm having a hard time.
The same concept applies when conducting business. It’s natural to just focus on accomplishing the task at hand, but how we interact with customers matters too. Just because you get the job done, it doesn’t mean you should avoid the customer. In fact, it’s vital to keep the customer up to date with the latest information. From the customer’s perspective, they can only assume that not contacting them equates to a lack of new updates.
At my company, we value communication with our customers. I’m still undergoing treatment and haven’t been able to return to work yet, but I’m confident that my staff is doing everything right. I will do my best to get back soon. I wish you all the best in your work as well.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
It tales less than a minutes to read.
Thank you.
It has been a month since my Operation. I was discharged once but was Other mate is the hospital again I’ll emergency room for all the things but al gout.
How do you spell next three days in the hospital Buri able to move. Talk to talking I need to move but my leg didn’t let me. It took more than a week be able to start moving again.
I am still mostly laying in bed but I think it is moving in the right direction. Thank you for your thoughts, I appreciate it very much. This has been a long journey and I have no idea how long you’ll be but I’ll be back.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
I would like you to subescrbe at following URL.
It tales less than a minutes to read.
Thank you.
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