Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
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- Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 180 The Little Changes Add Up
The Little Changes Add Up
After I got sick, had surgery, and recuperated at home, I can’t feel the daily changes. Sometimes, I feel worse than the day before. When that happens, I get concerned about what will happen if they continue as they are. For the first few weeks after leaving the hospital, I couldn’t even get out of bed every day. So, I didn’t know if I was getting any better. After that, I could gradually get out of bed. Then, I could walk with crutches and a walker. However, I still needed to use a wheelchair when I went back to the hospital. It’s been less than a month since I stopped using a wheelchair. I still have cane, but I can now walk without using it and started rehabilitation. So, I think I’ve made better progress.
However, when I think of my recovery day-by-day, I never noticed a huge change. Despite the progress I’ve made since then. If someone saw me a month ago, I’d look much better to them now. I feel the same when thinking about PSPINC. It’s necessary to simultaneously evolve as the times change, but we don’t notice the daily changes. Not when we’re in it. All we can see is where we want our company to be in one or three years. And even then, it can be unpredictable.
It’s easier to evaluate a complete recovery from an illness because it’s clear what the objectives are. For a company, no one can move until the leaders are clear where the company’s going. So, they tend to only evaluate what’s happening now. Through my recovery, I feel I truly understand the importance of goals. By now, I think I’ve recovered about 50% since my surgery. Next, I’ll try my best to reach 80% recovery.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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