Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 231 日本の梅雨(にほんのつゆ)







The Rainy Season in Japan

Recently, the Kyushu region entered the rainy season. Today, we would like to introduce one of Japan's unique seasons, the "rainy season”.

The rainy season (tsuyu) is a long rainy season in early summer in Japan. It usually lasts from early June to mid-July. During this period, many parts of Japan experience cloudy and rainy days. The word "rainy season" comes from "rain falling while plum trees are ripening”. During the rainy season, there’s also frequent rainfall and very humid.

The rainy season is the catalyst for the creation of many rain-themed literature, music, and paintings. In addition, many people love the hydrangeas that bloom during the rainy season because of how enhanced their beautiful colors are by the rain.

In addition, people use the rainy season humidity to produce traditional handicrafts and foods. For example, people slowly dry crafts like paper and cloth in the humidity, which gives them a unique texture. Making umeboshi (pickled plums) using ume fruits also takes place during this season.

The rainy season also has a significant impact on Japanese agriculture. Abundant rainfall during this period is essential for rice cultivation. Rain during the rainy season plays an important role in supplying water to the rice fields and helping the rice plants grow.

While the rainy season can be a bit depressing at times, it is, on the other hand, an important season for the nature and culture of Japan. I encourage everyone to enjoy this rainy season.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 230 日本の物価(にほんのぶっか)






Prices in Japan

After my business trip to Japan, I spent about a week in Japan and realized people were right in saying prices are much higher than they used to be. However, that’s only if you think in Japanese yen, and for someone like me who lives in the U.S., I was surprised at how cheap everything is in Japan when you convert those prices into dollars.

For example, 800 yen for a coffee and sandwich at a cafe seems high considering the average cost of a salaryman’s lunch in Japan is around 500 yen, but when you convert it to dollars, 800 yen is $5 USD. So, what can you eat for $5 in the U.S. and can you really have lunch for 500 yen in Japan? 

It might be hard to have lunch for 500 yen at the restaurants I usually visit, but there’s no reason why you can’t have lunch for 500 yen at Japanese-style fast food restaurants like soba or ramen restaurants, for example. Also, 500 yen lunches still exist at restaurants like my favorite Saizeriya. In addition to eating out, Japan has a bento culture, so many people buy rice balls or a bento box for 500 yen and eat them at the office.

However, it’s true that the cost of living in Japan has really gone up compared to the past. But this doesn’t mean Japanese salaries are rising in relation to the price increases. Because of that, I feel that there is a limit to how much prices can rise.

People are instead earning income overseas and spending it in Japan. Because of this, many tourists visit Japan. I think that more than half of the guests at the hotel I stayed at were tourists from overseas. I am not sure about the exchange rate because it fluctuates, but when I left Japan on June 13th, the conversion rate of one U.S. dollar to Japanese yen was 158 yen. It seems that the trend of the Japanese yen getting cheaper is likely to continue, so I recommend that you visit Japan this time of year.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 229 印鑑 はんこ(いんかん はんこ)




1. 実印(じついん)(じついん):

2. 銀行印(ぎんこういん)(ぎんこういん):

3. 認印(みとめいん)(みとめいん):


1. 契約書(けいやくしょ)署名(しょめい):

2. 公的(こうてき)書類(しょるい)手続(てつづ)き:

3. 銀行(ぎんこう)取引(とりひき):

4. 日常的(にちじょうてき)承認(しょうにん):


1. 印鑑(いんかん)作成(さくせい):

2. 印鑑(いんかん)管理(かんり):





1. 実印(じついん)作成(さくせい):


2. 印鑑(いんかん)登録(とうろく)申請(しんせい):



3. 印鑑(いんかん)登録(とうろく)証明書(しょうめいしょ)取得(しゅとく):


Hanko (Japanese seal)

Japan's seal culture

In Japan, “hanko” are important tools for proving the identity of individuals and corporations. These seals are deeply rooted in Japanese culture and business practices, and are used in a variety of situations. Below is a description of the characteristics of this seal culture and its functions.

Types of seals

1. jitsuin (official seal):
As the most important legal seal, it is used for official certificates and contracts for individuals and corporations. It is registered at the municipal office of the city, ward, town or village of residence, and a seal registration certificate is required to obtain a registered seal.

2. ginkouin (bank seal):
The seal registered when opening a bank account. It is used to withdraw deposits and manage the account.

3. mitomein (personal seal):
This seal is used for everyday documents and simple contracts. They are readily available at convenience stores and stationery stores.

Situations in which a seal is used

1. Signing contracts:
An official seal is sealed on important contracts such as real estate sales contracts, lease contracts, and employment contracts.

2. Official procedures:
An official seal is also required for official procedures such as marriage registration, divorce registration, and inheritance.

3. Bank transactions:
A bank seal is used for transactions at financial institutions, such as opening bank accounts and withdrawing deposits.

4. Day-to-day agreements:
A personal seal is used in everyday situations such as receiving packages and approving internal documents.

Creation and management of seals

1. Seal creation:
seals can be ordered and created at professional seal stores or online. You can engrave your personal name or company name, or design your own.

2. Seal management:
Important seals are carefully stored to prevent theft or loss. In homes and offices, seals are usually stored in special seal cases or safes.

Significance of seal culture and modern changes

The seal culture has played an important role in Japan as a symbol of reliability and formality. In recent years, however, with the advancement of digitization, electronic signatures and digital certificates have begun to spread. Nevertheless, seals continue to be used in many situations and remain firmly rooted in Japan's unique culture.

Foreigners can also create and register their own seals in Japan. Below are the procedures and key points for foreigners to create and register a registered personal seal.

Procedures for making and registering an official seal

1. Create an official seal:

Order a seal from a professional seal store or online store. You can engrave your name (in katakana, kanji, or alphabet) on the seal.

2. Apply for a seal registration:

Go to the municipal office of the city, ward, town or village where you are registered as a resident and apply for seal registration. The following documents are required

A Certificate of Alien Registration (Residence card) or Special Permanent Resident Certificate
The seal to be registered
Identification documents (passport, etc.)

3. Obtain a seal registration certificate:

Once your seal registration is processed, you will be issued a seal registration certificate.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 228 「ご苦労さま」は、目下に使う言葉 敬語(「ごくろうさま」は、めしたにつかうことば けいご)




- 日本語(にほんご)には、敬語(けいご)使用(しよう)(かん)して厳密(げんみつ)なルールがあります。敬語(けいご)は、相手(あいて)との関係性(かんけいせい)(上下(じょうげ)関係(かんけい)(した)しさなど)によって使(つか)()けられます。「ご苦労(くろう)さま」という表現(ひょうげん)は、上司(じょうし)先輩(せんぱい)から部下(ぶか)後輩(こうはい)(たい)して使(つか)われることが一般的(いっぱんてき)です。これは、(ろう)をねぎらう(さい)に、(すこ)(うえ)から目線(めせん)のニュアンスが(ふく)まれているためです。


- 「ご苦労(くろう)さま」という言葉(ことば)自体(じたい)は、かつてはあまり厳密(げんみつ)使(つか)()けられていなかったかもしれませんが、現代(げんだい)のビジネスマナーでは、目上(めうえ)(ひと)(たい)して使(つか)うことは適切(てきせつ)ではないとされています。歴史的(れきしてき)には、軍隊(ぐんたい)職場(しょくば)上司(じょうし)部下(ぶか)をねぎらう表現(ひょうげん)として使(つか)われることが(おお)かったため、その名残(なごり)(いま)でも(のこ)っています。


- 目上(めうえ)(ひと)同僚(どうりょう)(たい)しては、「お(つか)れさまです」や「お(つか)れさまでした」という表現(ひょうげん)がより適切(てきせつ)です。これらの表現(ひょうげん)は、(ろう)をねぎらいつつも、敬意(けいい)表現(ひょうげん)することができます。また、「ありがとうございました」や「ご協力(きょうりょく)いただきありがとうございます」のように感謝(かんしゃ)()()めた表現(ひょうげん)推奨(すいしょう)されます。



“Gokurousama” is a phrase used for subordinates (Honorifics)

“Gokurousama” is used in Japanese to thank someone for their work, but it should not be used to express gratitude to superiors or colleagues, but mainly to subordinates and juniors. Here is the reason why.


1. Hierarchy of honorifics:

- The Japanese language has strict rules regarding the use of honorifics. Honorifics are used according to the relationship with the other party (e.g. rank, familiarity). The expression “gokurousama” is commonly used by superiors and seniors to subordinates and juniors. This is because it has a slight nuance of superiority.

2. Historical background:

- The term “gokurousama” itself may not have been used very strictly in the past, but in modern business etiquette, it is not considered appropriate to use it to address superiors. Historically, it was often used by higher-ups in the military or in the workplace as an expression of appreciation for their subordinates, and this perception still remains.

3. Appropriate expressions:

- For superiors and colleagues, the phrases “otsukaresamadesu” and “otsukaresamadeshita” are more appropriate. These expressions acknowledge their work while still expressing respect. Expressions of gratitude such as “arigatou-gozaimashita” (thank you) and “gokyouryokuitadaki arigatou-gozaimashita” (thank you for your cooperation) are also recommended.

In summary

The phrase “gokurousama” is generally used for subordinates and juniors, and should not be used for superiors or colleagues. Japanese business etiquette requires the use of appropriate language depending on the situation and the other party in order to show proper respect. Using more respectful expressions such as “otsukaresamadesu” and “otsukaresamadeshita” will lead to smooth communication, so please take note of them.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 227 日本観光 東京・京都・大阪はもう行った(にほんかんこう とうきょう・きょうと・おおさかはもういった)








Sightseeing in Japan outside of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka

I often encounter the question, “I want to visit Japan, but I have already been to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, so where next?” Possible alternatives could be Yokohama, Nara, Kanazawa, Nagoya, Kobe, Fukuoka, etc. However, these cities feel like extensions of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, and may not seem to have particularly unique characteristics.

Where someone should go varies based on their interests. For skiing, Nagano or Hokkaido in winter is recommended. If you like the ocean, Shonan, Chiba, or Okinawa might be interesting. If you want to shop, Tokyo will suffice. If you are interested in history, temples, and architecture, Nara, Nikko, Ise, and Izumo may be enjoyable. Japan's largest limestone cave can be found in Yamaguchi, and Tottori has sand dunes.

If you want to eat fresh seafood, go to the Sea of Japan coastline. Kobe and Yokohama are both port cities. Kobe has ijinkan (old European-styled houses) and both Kobe and Yokohama have Chinatowns. Hiroshima is famous for okonomiyaki. Tokyo has a teppanyaki dish called monjayaki. Nagoya offers hitsumabushi and misokatsu, and a great-value breakfast called the “morning set” served at coffee shops.

Aomori is famous for its Nebuta Festival and beautiful natural scenery. There are many places to enjoy nature, such as the Oirase Gorge and Lake Towada. In winter, you can enjoy skiing and hot springs.

Kagoshima is famous for Sakurajima, an active volcano. It is also a popular hot spring resort, with resorts such as Ibusuki Onsen and Kirishima Onsen. Kagoshima is also famous for its local delicacies such as Kurobuta pork and Satsuma-age (fried fish cake).

There are many hot spring resorts in Japan. For example, Hakone Onsen and Kusatsu Onsen are easily accessible from central Tokyo and can be enjoyed as day trips. Beppu Onsen and Yufuin are representative of Kyushu's hot spring resorts, offering a wide variety of spring qualities and beautiful scenery. Dogo Onsen is believed to be the oldest hot spring in Japan and offers a sense of history and culture. Noboribetsu Onsen and Toyako Onsen are places to relax in the great nature of Hokkaido. Furthermore, Arima Onsen is located in Kobe City and is one of the three most famous hot springs in Japan with a long history and tradition. It is popular among many tourists for its two types of spring water, gold spring and silver spring. Onsen are the perfect place to relieve fatigue and refresh the body and soul.

The recommended places and times vary depending on the season and your preferences. In any case, due to the current depreciation of the yen, prices in Japan may feel very cheap. We recommend that you travel to Japan during this time. For first-timers, even Tokyo alone will be enough to leave Japan satisfied.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 226 日本語の発音はひらがなやカタカナで覚えよう(にほんごのはつおんはひらがなやカタカナでおぼえよう)

ローマ()日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)(おぼ)えると Konnichiha を「こにちわ」と()んでしまって「こんにちは」にはならないような問題(もんだい)()てきます。このように、ローマ()表記(ひょうき)では正確(せいかく)発音(はつおん)(まな)ぶのが(むずか)しい場合(ばあい)があります。(とく)に、日本語(にほんご)にはローマ()表現(ひょうげん)しきれない(おと)やイントネーションがあります。






* こんにちは (Konnichiwa) -> こにちわと間違(まちが)いやすい
* おかあさん (Okaasan) -> おかさんと間違(まちが)いやすい
* きっぷ (Kippu) -> きぷと間違(まちが)いやすい
* はし((はし))(Hashi) と はし((はし))(Hashi) -> (おな)表記(ひょうき)でも発音(はつおん)(こと)なる


Use Hiragana or Katakana to Learn Japanese Pronunciation

Learning Japanese pronunciation via romaji can lead to problems such as pronouncing Konnichiwa as “ko-nichi-wa” instead of “kon-nichi-wa.” It can be difficult to learn accurate pronunciation based on romaji notation. This is because Japanese has sounds and intonations that cannot be fully expressed with romaji.

For example, it is hard to express the proper pronunciation of “つ” even with the use of “tsu.” Also, the “r” in “ra-ri-ru-re-ro" is pronounced differently from the “r” and “l” sounds in English, so romaji cannot accurately convey the correct pronunciation.

Furthermore, long vowels (e.g. “okaasan” and “tokyo”) and double consonants (e.g. “kippu” and “gakko”) are also difficult to understand in romaji. For example, English speakers may mispronounce “okaasan” as “oka-san.” Similarly, “kippu” may be pronounced as "ki-pu.

Moreover, Japanese sounds have accents, but these are difficult to express using romaji. For example, bridge and chopsticks are written in the same romaji, “hashi,” but the actual pronunciation is different. Thus, it is difficult to learn the subtle differences in Japanese pronunciation using romaji.

Therefore, when learning Japanese, it is important to use hiragana and katakana for pronunciation. Using these characters allows you to accurately represent the sounds of the Japanese language, thus reducing the number of pronunciation errors. Learning hiragana and katakana will also improve your Japanese listening and speaking skills.

Specific examples include the following words and phrases:

* Hello (Konnichiwa) -> mistaken as “ko-nichi-wa”
* Mom (Okaasan) -> mistaken as “oka-san”
* Ticket (Kippu) -> mistaken as “ki-pu”
* Bridge and Chopstick (Hashi) -> different pronunciations despite the same romaji

As you can see from these examples, using hiragana and katakana is the most effective way to learn Japanese pronunciation accurately.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 225 日本に持ち込めないもの(にほんにもちこめないもの)


1. 生物(せいぶつ)由来(ゆらい)製品(せいひん): (たと)えば、生肉(せいにく)生魚(せいぎょ)植物(しょくぶつ)果物(くだもの)などは、感染症(かんせんしょう)害虫(がいちゅう)()()みを(ふせ)ぐために制限(せいげん)されています。また、調理(ちょうり)されていても肉類(にくるい)(ビーフジャーキー、ソーセージ、ハム、プロセスチーズ以外(いがい)のチーズ(など))は()()むことはできません。

2. 薬物(やくぶつ): 日本(にほん)厳格(げんかく)薬事法(やくじほう)により、一部(いちぶ)薬物(やくぶつ)()()みが禁止(きんし)されています。(とく)に、麻薬(まやく)(かく)せい(ざい)一部(いちぶ)処方箋(しょほうせん)(やく)(きび)しく()()まられています。現時点(げんじてん)(おお)くの(くに)でマリファナ(大麻(たいま))は合法(ごうほう)ですが、日本(にほん)では違法(いほう)です。

3. 武器(ぶき)爆発物(ばくはつぶつ): 武器(ぶき)爆発物(ばくはつぶつ)厳格(げんかく)制限(せいげん)されており、()()むことができません。この(なか)には、6cmを()える(なが)さのナイフ(ただし調理(ちょうり)用具(ようぐ)(ふく)まない)が(ふく)まれます。また、ナイフは機内(きない)への()()みはできません。

4. 偽造(ぎぞう)(ひん): 偽造(ぎぞう)(ひん)模倣(もほう)(ひん)知的(ちてき)財産権(ざいさんけん)侵害(しんがい)として()()みが禁止(きんし)されています。


1. 没収(ぼっしゅう): 違法(いほう)物品(ぶっぴん)没収(ぼっしゅう)される可能性(かのうせい)があります。これは、海外(かいがい)からの()()みが禁止(きんし)されている物品(ぶっぴん)該当(がいとう)する場合(ばあい)(とく)(おこな)われます。

2. 罰金(ばっきん): 違反(いはん)(みと)められた場合(ばあい)罰金(ばっきん)()せられることがあります。罰金(ばっきん)(がく)違反(いはん)程度(ていど)物品(ぶっぴん)種類(しゅるい)によって(こと)なります。

3. 刑事(けいじ)訴追(そつい): 重大(じゅうだい)違反(いはん)法律(ほうりつ)による規制(きせい)無視(むし)して()()みを(おこな)った場合(ばあい)刑事(けいじ)訴追(そつい)対象(たいしょう)となる可能性(かのうせい)があります。これには、刑務所(けいむしょ)(はい)可能性(かのうせい)(ふく)まれます。

4. 入国(にゅうこく)拒否(きょひ): 法律(ほうりつ)違反(いはん)する行為(こうい)()(かえ)(もの)は、日本(にほん)への入国(にゅうこく)拒否(きょひ)されることがあります。


Items Prohibited from bringing into Japan

Today, we'll introduce items that are prohibited from being brought into Japan.

1. Raw agricultural products: Items such as raw meat, raw fish, plants, and fruits are restricted to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases and pests. Even cooked meats (ex. beef jerky, sausages, ham, and certain cheeses, excluding processed cheese) are prohibited.  

2. Drugs: Due to Japan's strict pharmaceutical laws, some drugs are prohibited from being brought into Japan. Especially narcotics, stimulants, and even certain prescription drugs are strictly regulated. While marijuana is legal in many countries, it remains illegal in Japan.

3. Weapons and Explosives: Weapons and explosives are strictly restricted and cannot be brought into Japan. This includes knives longer than 6cm (excluding kitchen utensils). Knives are also prohibited from being carried onto the aircraft.

4. Counterfeit Goods: Counterfeit or imitation goods are also prohibited from being brought into Japan as they infringe upon intellectual property rights.

While these are general restrictions, detailed regulations and limitations can be confirmed on the Japan Customs and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare websites. Bringing these items back may result in strict enforcement with legal sanctions being brought into Japan upon discovery of violations.

Specific measures that may be taken include:

1. Confiscation: Illegal items may be confiscated. This is the most common sanction when prohibited items are found.

2. Fines: Fines may be brought into Japan upon recognition of violations. The amount varies depending on the severity of the violation and the type of item.

3. Criminal Prosecution: Those who commit serious violations may be subject to criminal prosecution, which may include the possibility of imprisonment.

4. Entry Denial: Individuals who repeatedly violate laws may be denied entry to Japan.

It's brought into Japan to comply with regulations when bringing items into any country. Items not permitted for being brought into Japan should be disposed of abroad or proper procedures should be followed before entry into Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 224 日本の履歴書(にほんのりれきしょ)







The Japanese Resume

When you are looking for a job, regardless of what country, a resume will be needed. In the U.S., you write a resume containing your educational background, work experience, and skills. In Japan, you create what is called a Rirekisho (roughly translates to “personal history document”) which differs from a standard resume. Today, let's take a look at how the Japanese resume is written.

The Japanese resume does not have a flexible structure. Rirekisho templates are sold for example at stationery stores. Nowadays you can fill these templates digitally, and you can also download a template form from the Internet. In the past, it was common practice to write these by hand, and even today, some companies still require handwritten resumes. If it is handwritten, the handwriting and other aspects of the writing are subject to review.

There are some items on a Japanese resume that are not included on a U.S. resume. First is the portrait photo. In addition, any education and employment history, as well as your date of birth and gender (typically a choice between male and female) must be clearly indicated. In some Japanese job ads, gender and age are specified.

Generally, all resumes must be written in Japanese. Misspellings and omissions may factor into one's evaluation. If your resume is handwritten, it should be written using an oil-based ballpoint pen. Writing in pencil or water-based erasable pens is not allowed.

In Japan, the resume is the first step in determining whether you are eligible for an interview. Also, remember that in Japan, physical resumes are still used, not digital. It is advised that you have a copy of your resume ready when you have gone through the application screening process and are meeting for an in-person interview.

Note: PSPINC is currently developing a service for writing Japanese resumes.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 223 コンビニは使わない(コンビニはつかわない)





I don't use convenience stores.

Convenience stores in Japan offer a wide selection of goods and are located conveniently throughout the country. However, most products sold in these stores have a fixed price. Convenience stores prioritize convenience over affordability.

For those in Japan who prioritize price while shopping, supermarkets in town are a better option than convenience stores. Supermarkets offer a larger variety of items, many of which are discounted. This is particularly true in the evenings. In the evenings supermarkets often offer discounts on bento boxes and other food items, with price stickers marked down by anywhere between 30% - 50%. While these discounted items often require same-day consumption, do offer significant savings.

In addition to convenience stores, other stores provide discounts as well. Discount retailers like Don Quijote and drugstores offer a range of products beyond medicines, including snacks, beverages, and sometimes even office supplies and apparel.

Lastly, there are 100 yen stores, where many items are priced at 100 yen. Some stores also offer items priced at 200 yen or 300 yen. While convenience stores offer variety, exploring different stores can be an interesting experience. As a side note, the exchange rate of $1 to 155 yen remains relatively unchanged from almost 40 years ago. Visitors to Japan today may find that many items appear more affordable.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 222 「は」「を」「が」「も」「に」:助詞の説明(「は」「を」「が」「も」「に」:じょしのせつめい)


1. 「は」:
- 「(ねこ)可愛(かわい)いです。」 - この(ぶん)では、「(ねこ)」が主題(しゅだい)であり、(ねこ)(かん)する情報(じょうほう)強調(きょうちょう)されています。
- 「昨日(きのう)(あめ)()りました。」 - ここでは、「昨日(きのう)」が主題(しゅだい)で、その()天候(てんこう)(かん)する情報(じょうほう)()べられています。

2. 「を」:
- 「リンゴを()べます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「リンゴ」が動詞(どうし)()べます」の対象(たいしょう)となっています。
- 「(ほん)()みます。」 - ここでは、「(ほん)」が()対象(たいしょう)となっています。

3. 「が」:
- 「(いぬ)(にわ)(あそ)んでいます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「(いぬ)」が主語(しゅご)であり、(にわ)(あそ)んでいることが強調(きょうちょう)されています。
- 「彼女(かのじょ)(あたら)しい仕事(しごと)(はじ)めました。」 - ここでは、「彼女(かのじょ)」が主語(しゅご)であり、(あたら)しい仕事(しごと)(はじ)めたことが()べられています。

4. 「も」:
- 「(わたし)もリンゴを()べます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「(わたし)も」という部分(ぶぶん)が「リンゴを()べます」という動作(どうさ)(おこな)うことを(しめ)しています。
- 「友達(ともだち)映画(えいが)興味(きょうみ)があります。」 - ここでは、「友達(ともだち)も」という部分(ぶぶん)が、「映画(えいが)興味(きょうみ)があります」という事柄(ことがら)追加(ついか)()べています。

5. 「に」:
- 「学校(がっこう)()きます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「学校(がっこう)に」という部分(ぶぶん)が、()(さき)到達点(とうたつてん)(しめ)しています。
- 「友達(ともだち)手紙(てがみ)(おく)ります。」 - ここでは、「友達(ともだち)に」という部分(ぶぶん)手紙(てがみ)(おく)(さき)(しめ)しています。

What are “ha” “wo” “ga” “mo” “ni”? (Japanese particles explained)

The following explains each of these particles with specific examples.

1. “ha”
   - “neko ha kawaii desu (Cats are cute).” - In this sentence, the subject is “neko (cat),” and information about cats is emphasized.
   - “kinou ha ame ga furimasita (Yesterday it rained).” - Here, “kinou (yesterday)” is the subject, and information about that day's weather is given.

2. “wo”:
   - “ringo wo tabemasu (I will eat an apple).” - In this sentence, “ringo (apple)” is the object of the action, “tabemasu (will eat).”
   - “hon wo yomimasu (I will read a book).” - Here, “hon (book)” is the object of the action “yomimasu (will read).”

3. “ga”:
   - “inu ga niwa de asondeimasu (The dog is playing in the yard).” - In this sentence, “inu (the dog)” is the subject, and the fact that the dog is playing in the yard is emphasized.
   - “kanojo ga atarashii shigoto wo hajimemasita (She has started a new job).” - Here, “kanojo (she)” is the subject and it is stated that she has started a new job.

4. “mo”:
   - “watashi mo ringo wo tabemasu (I eat apples too).” - In this sentence, the “watashi mo (I~too)” component indicates who performs the action “ringo wo tabemasu (eat apples).”
   - “tomodachi mo eiga ni kyoumi ga arimasu (My friends are also interested in the movie).” - Here, the “tomodachi mo (my friends are also)” part adds information to the statement, “eiga ni kyoumi ga arimasu (interested in the movie).” 

5. “ni”:
   - “gakkou ni ikimasu (I will go to school).” - In this sentence, the “gakkou ni (to school)” part indicates a destination or goal.
   - “tomodachi ni tegami wo okurimasu (I will send a letter to my friend).” - Here, the “tomodachi ni (to my friend)” part indicates the recipient of the letter.

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