Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 175 日本の礼儀と常識(にほんのれいぎとじょうしき)

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❏ (くつ)()いでください


❏ 大声(おおごえ)(はな)さない 携帯(けいたい)電話(でんわ)使(つか)わない

公共(こうきょう)()集団(しゅうだん)生活(せいかつ)において、大声(おおごえ)(はな)したり、携帯(けいたい)電話(でんわ)使(つか)うことは(ひか)えましょう。 周囲(しゅうい)人々(ひとびと)迷惑(めいわく)をかけるだけでなく、自己(じこ)中心的(ちゅうしんてき)印象(いんしょう)(あた)えることになります。公共(こうきょう)()では、電話(でんわ)をかける場合(ばあい)は、周囲(しゅうい)状況(じょうきょう)確認(かくにん)し、(しず)かな場所(ばしょ)(おこな)うように(こころ)がけましょう。

❏ (ある)きタバコ・(ある)きながらの飲食(いんしょく)はやめよう

日本(にほん)では、(ある)きタバコや(ある)きながらの飲食(いんしょく)禁止(きんし)されている場所(ばしょ)(おお)くあります。これは、周囲(しゅうい)人々(ひとびと)迷惑(めいわく)をかけたり、公共(こうきょう)()(よご)したりすることを()けるための措置(そち)です。 (ある)きタバコは、たばこの(けむり)火花(ひばな)周囲(しゅうい)()()り、人々(ひとびと)健康(けんこう)衛生面(えいせいめん)(あく)影響(えいきょう)(あた)えるだけでなく、歩行者(ほこうしゃ)車両(しゃりょう)との事故(じこ)原因(げんいん)にもなる可能性(かのうせい)があります。また、(ある)きながらの飲食(いんしょく)同様(どうよう)に、周囲(しゅうい)人々(ひとびと)迷惑(めいわく)をかけることがありますので(ひか)えましょう。

❏ 最低(さいてい)でも3~4(まん)(えん)現金(げんきん)()って(ある)こう


❏ (くち)にものを()れて(はな)さない





Courtesy and Common Sense in Japan

Japan is a country that highly values courtesy. In Japan, there are numerous words and actions to express respect and appreciation for others, and the entire society is expected to behave politely.

For example, greetings, apologies, and bowing are essential in everyday communication. In addition, people are expected to be considerate of others and the environment, such as by remaining quiet in public places or properly separating trash, etc.

Through these courtesies, Japanese people aim to build good relationships with others and ensure the smooth functioning of society as a whole. Because of this cultural background, many recognize Japan as a "polite country."

❏ Please take off your shoes.

Removing one's shoes when entering an indoor space is customary in Japan. Taking off shoes prevents bringing in dirt and grime from the outside and keeps a clean and comfortable indoor environment. Therefore, places to put your shoes are commonly available, and slippers are also often available for use.

❏ Do not talk loudly, do not use cell phones.

Do not talk loudly or use cell phones in public places or in groups. Not only is this disruptive to those around you, but it can also give the impression that you are self-centered. When making phone calls in public places, be aware of your surroundings and try to find a quiet area.

❏ Do not smoke or eat while walking.

In Japan, there are many places where smoking while walking or eating and drinking while walking is prohibited. This is done to avoid disturbing others and polluting public spaces. Not only does smoking while walking cause cigarette smoke and sparks to fly into the surrounding area, negatively affecting people's health and hygiene, but it can also cause accidents with pedestrians and vehicles. Similarly, eating and drinking while walking can cause problems for people around you, so please refrain.

❏ Walk with at least 30,000-40,000 yen in cash.

Cash is still one of Japan's most commonly used means of payment. Non-cash payment methods such as credit cards and electronic payments may not be accepted at small stores, street vendors, or public transportation, etc. Therefore, having at least 30,000 to 40,000 yen in cash is advisable.

❏ Do not talk with things in your mouth.

This is to avoid making others uncomfortable or making it difficult for them to hear you. It is considered a breach of etiquette to speak with food in one's mouth, especially during meals. Similarly, talking with food in one's mouth is also not advisable in public and business situations.

Japan is a densely populated country with many people living in small spaces. Therefore, close attention to detail and good manners are required to avoid causing discomfort or inconvenience to others.

Additionally, Japanese culture and customs also have many rules of courtesies and common sense. Respecting these key points will deepen your understanding of Japanese society and improve your manners.

We would suggest that visitors consider studying about Japanese culture and customs in advance, if possible. Then, through interactions with local people, you can experience Japan's incredible culture and the people's warmth.

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Nippon saisho no jinkō eisei wa 1970 nen 2 gatsu ni uchiagerareta" ō Sumi" desu.

Japan's first satellite was OOSUMI, launched in February 1970.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 174 日本滞在中の注意点について(にほんたいざいちゅうのちゅういてんについて)

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(1) ゴミは()って(かえ)


(2) 公共(こうきょう)()での()()い・(たち)(のみ)はやめましょう


(3) (おお)きな(こえ)(はな)さない


(4) (ひと)(なが)れに()わせて(ある)きましょう


(5) タトゥーがある場合(ばあい)(はい)れないところがあります


(6) (くつ)()


(7) ()んでいる電車(でんしゃ)では(まわ)りに()をつけましょう



(8) 神社(じんじゃ)仏閣(ぶっかく)観光地(かんこうち)ですが、それよりも(まえ)宗教(しゅうきょう)場所(ばしょ)です


(9) 写真(しゃしん)動画(どうが)撮影(さつえい)

店舗(てんぽ)撮影(さつえい)をしたいときは、お(みせ)許可(きょか)事前(じぜん)()るようにしてください。また、そこで撮影(さつえい)した動画(どうが)を YouTube などにアップロードする場合(ばあい)は、そこに(うつ)っている(ひと)(くるま)のナンバープレートはボヤかすようにしてください。(とく)無断(むだん)撮影(さつえい)して、個人(こじん)特定(とくてい)できてしまう場合(ばあい)問題(もんだい)発展(はってん)することがあります。

(10) マリファナは麻薬(まやく)です



Things to keep in mind during your stay in Japan

Nowadays, the number of travelers to Japan from China, Korea, Europe and United States is increasing. Today, in order for you to enjoy your stay in Japan, I would like to share some of the things you should be aware of during your stay in Japan.

1. Take your garbage home with you

As you will soon realize, there are very few trash cans in public places. Please take your trash back to the place where you are staying.

2. Do not eat or drink standing in public places

Avoid eating and drinking while walking or smoking outside of designated areas. Do not eat or drink on public transportation other than long-distance trains or buses.

3. Do not speak loudly

Avoid talking loudly on trains and buses where there are many people around you. Also, be aware of your surroundings when talking on the phone in public places.

4. Walk with the flow of people

When many people are walking, the flow of people usually splits to the left or right. Be sure to walk with the flow in the direction you are going. If you walk on the opposite side, you may bump into someone.

5. If you have tattoos, some places may refuse entry

In Japan, if you have a tattoo, you may be refused to use a hot spring or public bath. Please note that this is not related to the size of your tattoo. If the tattoo is small, you may be able to go in if you cover it with a sticker.

6. Take off your shoes

You may be invited to someone’s home, or there maybe situations in some restaurants where you will have to take off your shoes. We recommend that you choose shoes that are easy to walk in, but also easy to take off and put on. Also, wear clean (hole-free) socks. You can get them at convenient stores.

7. Be aware of your surroundings on crowded trains

When riding in a crowded train, be aware of your surroundings. For example, large bags can be nuisance to those around you. Many people carry their backpacks in front of them as a consideration for those around them.

8. Shrines and temples are tourist attractions, but more importantly, they are places of religion

Photographing and videotaping is fine, however, please act with consideration as shrines and temples are considered sacred sites.

9. Photography and video recording

If you want to film a store, please ask permission from the store in advance. Also, if you upload videos on YouTube or other sites, be sure to blur out the people and license plates of the cars. This can lead to problems, especially if you film without permission and individuals can be identified.

10. Marijuana is a drug

Currently, marijuana is legal to buy and sell in some countries, including the United States, but it is illegal in Japan. Possession of even a small amount is punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

Please keep in mind of the above and enjoy Japan.

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nippon'ichi nagai esukare-ta- wa Kagawaken no nyu-reomawa-rudo ni aru esukare-ta- desu. zenchō yaku 100 m de kōteisa wa 42 me-toru ni narimasu.

The longest escalator in Japan is the escalator at New Reoma World in Kagawa Prefecture. It is approximately 100 meters long and has a height difference of 42 meters.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 173 日本国内旅行(にほんこくないりょこう)

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日本(にほん)国内(こくない)移動(いどう)には観光客(かんこうきゃく)()けのJR Rail Passをご利用(りよう)になる(かた)(おお)いのですが、国内(こくない)LCCもおすすめです。「スカイマーク」「エア・ドゥ」「スターフライヤー」「ソラシドエア」「ピーチ」「ジェットスタージャパン」「バニラエア」「春秋(しゅんじゅう)航空(こうくう)」などのLCCがあり、JRよりもコストを(おさ)えられるかと(おも)います。


(わたし)最近(さいきん)はシティホテルではなく、ビジホを利用(りよう)するようになりました。一般的(いっぱんてき)に、ビジホは部屋(へや)(せま)いという難点(なんてん)はありますが、(わたし)はダブルの部屋(へや)予約(よやく)をして、1つのベッドを荷物(にもつ)()きに使(つか)うようにしています。シティホテルの 1/3 ~ 1/2 の価格(かかく)宿泊(しゅくはく)することができるので(たす)かっています。最近(さいきん)はビジホも(いそが)しくなってきていますので日本(にほん)()きが()まったらすぐにホテルの予約(よやく)をするようにしています。日本(にほん)のビジホの(おお)くは、前日(ぜんじつ)まで無料(むりょう)でキャンセルできるのも(うれ)しいです。


Travels in Japan

Many visitors to Japan from abroad often go to Tokyo and Kyoto. Kyoto is about 2 hours away from Tokyo by a bullet train (shinkansen) and was the capital of Japan in the past, with many shrines and temples. Many tourists from oversees visit Kyoto, and everywhere you go it is filled with many people. And now hotels and restaurants seem to be priced higher for tourists. It is the same in Tokyo. Hotels and restaurants are especially expensive if it is popular by the tourists.

Aside from Tokyo and Kyoto, places like Kanazawa, Nara, Kobe, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Sendai, Sapporo, Nagoya and Takamatsu are also places where you can enjoy Japan. While Tokyo offers a full range of nature, food, entertainment, and all other genres, I think it is fun to choose a destination that suits your purpose.

Many people often use the JR Rail Pass that is made for tourists to travel within Japan, but domestic LLCs are also recommended. SKYMARK, AIRDO, STARFLYER, Solaseed Air, Peach Aviation, Jetstar Japan, Vanilla Air, Spring Japan are some of the LLCs that are available, and I think they are less expensive than JR.

In addition, as for lodging, city hotels have been especially expensive lately, so I recommend business hotels. Most business hotels are located near train stations and are very convenient because they often offer free breakfast and have convenient stores nearby. Also, since they are designed for business travelers, they are equipped with great Wi-Fi.

Recently, I have started to use business hotels instead of city hotels. Generally speaking, business hotels have the disadvantage of small rooms, but I book a double room, using one of the beds for luggage storage. This helps me to stay in a hotel for 1/3 to 1/2 the price of a city hotel. Business hotels are getting busier these days, so I try to make a reservation as soon as I decide to go to Japan. I am also happy to know that many of the Japanese business hotels are free to cancel up to one day in advance.

By changing your destinations slightly, staying at a business hotel, or using an LLC, you can save money without losing out on convenience. Please give it a try.

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Photo by Daiga Ellaby Photo by Daiga Ellaby

Nihon ichi ookii doubutsuen wa kanagawaken ni aru "yokohama doubutuenn zu-rashia" desu. 1982 nen ni kaien shimashita. 

The largest zoo in Japan is "Yokohama Zoo Zoorasia" in Kanagawa Prefecture. It opened in 1982.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 172 現金社会の日本(げんきんしゃかいのにほん)

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もし(げん)(きん)がなくなっても銀行(ぎんこう)()必要(ひつよう)はありません。日本(にほん)ではコンビニエンスストア(セブンイレブンなど)にはATMが設置(せっち)されており、すぐに現金(げんきん)()()すことができます。出発(しゅっぱつ)(まえ)海外(かいがい)利用(りよう)手数料(てすうりょう)がかからないATM Debitカードを準備(じゅんび)しておくと、より便利(べんり)です。


Japan is a cash society

In Japan, a cash society, you often feel safer if you have some cash on you even though more places are accepting credit cards now compared to before. For an example, although cards are accepted in hotels, on airplanes, and on long-distance trains such as the Shinkansen, cash is still required at places like restaurants and bars.

So how much cash should you have on hand for your peace of mind? I try to carry at least 40,000 yen in cash. Although, I would never make purchases worth 40,000 yen in cash, I consider 40,000 yen to be an amount that would be enough even if I go to a restaurant with several people and cards are not accepted.

If you run out of cash, there is no need to go to the bank. In Japan, convenience stores (such as 7-Eleven) have ATMs where you can withdraw cash immediately. It would be more convenient if you can prepare an ATM Debit card without foreign transaction fees before your departure.

Also, although Japan is a relatively safe country to carry cash, do not forget that there are places where it is not safe to do so. In unsafe places, you should be aware that there are many police officers in the area. Be aware that you are in an unsafe place and be careful.

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Nippon sainenshō no sōri daijin wa Itō Hirobumi de shūninji wa 44 sai 3 kagetsu deshita.

Japan's youngest prime minister was Hirobumi Ito, who was 44 years and 3 months old when he took office.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 171 ゴールデンウィーク GW

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・4(がつ)29(にち)(土)()‐ 昭和(しょうわ)()
・5(がつ)3()(水)(すい) - 憲法(けんぽう)記念(きねん)()
・5(がつ)4()(木)(もく) - みどりの()
・5(がつ)5()(金)(きん) - こどもの()




Golden Week (GW)

Golden Week, a week of consecutive Japanese holidays between April and May will be nine days, from Saturday, April 29 to Friday, May 5 this year. However, Monday, May 1, and Tuesday, May 2, aren’t holidays, so the actual vacation will be seven days, including Saturday and Sunday.

The holidays for Golden Week in 2023 are as follows:

Saturday, April 29 - Showa Day
Wednesday, May 3 - Constitution Memorial Day
Thursday, May 4 - Greenery Day
Friday, May 5 - Children’s Day

During this time, many people crowd tourist destinations, and hotel and flight ticket prices rise, so it’s best to avoid this period if you’re planning to visit Japan from abroad.

Golden Week began when Japan named Emperor Showa’s enthronement as a national holiday on April 29th. Later, they named May 3 as Constitution Memorial Day and May 5 as Children’s Day, both of which are national holidays. Since these holidays occur near each other, they formed a series of major holidays.

This period is also an important time for the tourism and service industries, as the weather is relatively stable, and the season is ideal for enjoying nature and scenery.

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Vaccine Cards not Required

Vaccine Cards not Required

If you are boarding an aircraft arriving in Japan after midnight on April 29th, a valid vaccination certificate or a negative pre-departure test result is not required for entry.

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