
WOKUNI Spreading Japan’s high-quality fresh seafood to the world

WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin... WOKUNI Spreadin...
By Aya Ota

“WOKUNI”, an innovative restaurant which offers fresh seafood cultivated directly from their own self-operated aqua-farm in Nagasaki, appeared in Midtown in late October, and has become the talk of the town.

“I would like to spread the Japanese food culture in which people eat fresh seafood, to the world,” says Daiichi Sakamoto, President of Tokyo Ichiban Foods (the company is listed with the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange). This company opened a fugu (blowfish) specialty restaurant called “Torafugu Tei” first in 1996 in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and since then, they have developed a restaurant chain of 50 restaurants specialized in seafood in the Kanto area including “Torafugu Tei” and “Uohkuni”, etc.

With the company’s philosophy, “to serve high quality food ingredients at reasonable prices”, they launched their own aqua-farm in 2011. They are Japan’s one and only food service company which handles everything by themselves including producing, processing, and selling of seafood.

The sales points of “WOKUNI”, their first overseas development, are undoubtedly their own brand tuna and adult yellowtail. Their own aquafarm is located in a cove flourishing with nature, where the clear stream of Yasumandake, the highest peak of Hirado City, Nagasaki prefecture, and Tsushima Ocean current meet. They conduct an environment-friendly sustainable cultivation by not catching young fish until they grow to become as large as 50 kilograms or more, etc. They also follow through with quality control by feeding fish with human-consumable fresh sardine and mackerel. I was impressed to know that they produce tuna and yellowtail, considering American customers who do not care for the fishy smell by making adjustments with the foods for the fish. They are the most particular about freshness. Normally, it would take 5 days for the fish to arrive at the restaurant if distributed through the fish market, but for them, it takes only 48 hours because they use their own distribution route to directly send fish from the aqua-farm. The fish are never frozen in the direct shipping, so the quality and taste stay its best. Cultivating fish in its own fishing ground makes consistent supplying possible, and also their own distributing system allows them to keep the prices as low as 60 to 70% of the normal distributing system. In addition to their own tuna and yellowtail, other naturally-caught fish is procured through their own distribution system every week from Tsukiji and various Kyushu areas, and overall, 80 to 90% of their fish is from Japan. The rich variety on the menu that includes not only sushi and sashimi, but also hot grilled, fried, and BBQed dishes, and cold dishes such as tartar, carpaccio, etc., allows you to enjoy the goodness of seafood fully. 30 brands of Japanese sake are strictly selected with the view of “best pairing with the seafood” in mind. From the end of November, they started to serve lunch, and the items such as seafood bowls, chirashi sushi, unagi bowls, etc., are served with reasonable pricing.

“There is no other country but Japan in which such high-quality seafood can be caught naturally or cultivated. I would like to spread the splendidness of Japanese seafood culture from New York, which can be called the Capital of the world,“ says Mr. Sakamoto as his reason to have chosen New York as the base for the company’s first overseas development. While popularity of sushi and sashimi grows bigger, fish consuming population seems to grow every year by one hundred million globally. “I am surprised that customers’ fish consumption is much larger than I originally expected. I feel that we must set our future prospects by looking at the world from now on,” continued Mr. Sakamoto. At “WOKUNI”, most of their customers are local Americans. After the grand opening,they have been making adjustments in the details of the menu structure, food volume, presentation, tastes, etc. according to the customers’ reactions. Their American customers are speaking highly about the restaurant, saying “It is a place where you can eat high-quality sushi and sashimi at reasonable prices”.

In the future, he wants to expand not only the restaurant business, but the company’s own brand of tuna and yellowtail wholesale business, basing WOKUNI. They keep challenging the world as a general fisheries company. He is very enthusiastic about becoming the base of spreading Japanese food culture itself, not to mention seafood.



「新鮮な魚を食する日本の食文化を世界に広めたい」と語るのは『東京一番フーズ』(東証一部上場企業)の代表取締役社長、坂本大地氏。同社は、1996年に、ふぐ料理専門店『とらふぐ亭』を東京・新宿に開店して以来、現在では、関東地方中心に『とらふぐ亭』や『魚王KUNI』など、魚介料理を強みにしたレストラン約50 店舗を展開している。同社では「こだわりの食材を手頃な価格で提供したい」という理念を持ち、2011年に自社漁場に着手。魚類の生産、加工、販売まで一貫して手がける日本唯一の外食産業だ。

同社の海外初進出店となる『WOKUNI』の目玉は、なんと言っても、自社ブランドのマグロとブリだ。自社漁場は、長崎県平戸市最高峰の安満岳の清流と対馬海流が流れ込む、自然の恵み豊かな入り江に位置している。稚魚の乱獲をせずに50 キロ以上になるまで大きく育てるなど、環境にも配慮したサステナブルな養殖方法を採用。そして、人も食べられる鮮度のイワシやサバを餌として与え、品質管理を徹底している。魚臭を苦手に感じる米国人顧客を意識して、餌を工夫して、魚臭が少ないマグロやブリを生産していることにも驚かされる。一番のこだわりは鮮度だ。通常、市場を介して流通した場合、約5 日かかるところ、自社ルートで漁場からレストランへ直送するため、たった48 時間で到着するという。一切冷凍せずに直送するため、品Interior Exterior質や味の点でも引けを取らない。自社漁場で生産するので安定供給も可能で、市場を介さず自社流通するため価格も約60 〜70%に抑えられる。このマグロとブリ以外にも、独自の流通ルートを通して、築地市場や九州各地から天然魚を毎週取り寄せており、店全体で使う魚介類の8 〜9 割が日本産だ。メニューは、寿司や刺身はもちろんのこと、焼き物、揚げ物、串焼きなどの温菜から、タルタルやカルパッチョなどの冷菜まで豊富に揃い、魚介類の魅力を味わい尽くすことができる。日本酒は“ 魚と合わせて美味しい”という観点で厳選し約30種類用意している。11 月末からはランチもスタート、海鮮丼やちらし寿司、ウナギ丼などを手頃な価格で提供している。

「天然も養殖も、これだけ高品質な魚介類が捕れる国は、日本以外にない。世界の食の首都とも言えるニューヨーク、世界中から多くの人が集まるニューヨークから、日本の魚介類のすばらしさを発信していきたい」と、坂本氏は海外初の拠点をニューヨークに定めた理由を語る。寿司や刺身の人気が高まる中、世界的に見て、魚食人口は毎年1 億人ずつ増えていると言われている。「お客様が魚を食べる量が、当初予想していたよりもはるかに多くて驚いている。これからは世界を見据えていかないといけない」と坂本氏。同店では、顧客のほとんどが地元米国人。グランドオープニング後は、顧客の反応を見ながら、メニュー構成や、ボリュームや盛り付け方、味付けなど、細かい点で見直しをかけているという。米国人客からも「高品質な寿司や刺身をリーズナブルに食べることができる」と好評だ。

今後はこの『WOKUNI』を拠点に、レストラン事業だけでなく、自社ブランドのマグロやブリの卸売り事業を広げていきたいと考えている。“ 総合水産企業”として、世界へ挑戦し続けている。魚介類はもちろんのこと、日本食文化そのものの発信拠点にもなりたいと意欲的だ。

325 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10016
(212) 447-1212
Dinner Mon.-Fri. 5:00pm-10:30pm
Lunch Mon.Fri.11:30am-2:45pm
Sunday Closed
#Japanese #NY #alljapannews #restaurant #sashimi #seafood #sushi #wokuni


Bringing peace of mind to New Yorkers by spreading the practice of Japanese tea ceremony

Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New... Bringing peace of mind to New...



主役である抹茶を存分に楽しんでもらうために、提供方法は細かく分類されている。容器(茶碗・カップ・グラス)、好みの温度(温・冷・常温)、抹茶の濃さ、ストレートなのかミルクを加えるのか…。さらに抹茶を常時3種類から選ぶことができ、実に30種類以上ものカスタマイズができる仕組みだ。一人一人の客に対し丁寧に飲み方を説明し、宗碧氏が目の前で一杯ずつ入れてくれる。店内に設置された石臼で碾き立ての抹茶を楽しめるのも格別の体験だ。「抹茶ラテ)」や「抹茶プチーノ」には、さまざまなミルクを試した結果、抹茶との相性を考え、植物性のアーモンドミルクを採用した。濃茶をミルク・ジェラートにかける「抹茶アフォガート」は人気メニューのひとつ。バニラ・アイスクリームではなく、ミルク・ジェラートを選んだのは、バニラの香りが抹茶の風味を妨げるという理由からだ。価格は、抹茶の種類によって異なるが「定期的に来てほしい」という考えから、リーズナブルに設定している。抹茶に合わせる菓子は、日本のパティスリーより取り寄せた米粉の焼き菓子をオリジナルのパッケージで販売しているほか、週末には ニューヨーク在住のパティシエが作るお餅を使った和菓子を提供している。



Setsugekka East Village
74 E 7th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 646-895-9586

Mon, Wed – Fri 10:30am - 6pm
Sat, Sun 10:30am - 7pm
Tuesday Closed
*Changes depending on the tea ceremony class or the event
#NY #Setsugekkaeastvillage #alljapannews #ceremony #matcha #tea


Aiming to be the world’s best tonkotsu ramen specialty restaurant chain, pouring passion into a bowl of ramen

Aiming to be th... Aiming to be th... Aiming to be th... Aiming to be th... Aiming to be th... Aiming to be th...
By Aya Ota

ICHIRAN” is a natural tonkotsu ramen specialty restaurant chain. Their headquarters are in Hakata, in the Fukuoka Prefecture, and has developed 68 restaurants all over Japan. This company claims themselves to be “the preeminent company researching tonkotsu ramen”, and they narrow down to offer only one type of ramen in the menu. The soup made with 100% tonkotsu (pork-bonebase stock) using special high skills has no unpleasant smell, and “Hiden no Tare (Spicy Red Sauce)” floats in the middle of each bowl. Those are some of the results of the daily study of 40-plus expert artisans in the efforts to try and create true tonkotsu ramen, insisting to use high-quality food ingredients. While the menu is pretty much narrowed down, they provide a special customizing form to respond to each customer’s preferences. On the form, customers can make optional adjustments from the following 7 categories: “Dashi”, “Richness”, “Garlic”, “Scallions”, “Charshu/ Sliced Pork:, “Hiden no Tare /Spicy Red Sauce”. The most unique system they offer must be the way to eat such a particularly-made bowl of ramen; you eat in an individual space separated from the next seat called “the flavor-concentration booth”. After submitting your customization form, and your ramen arrives, the little bamboo blind that hangs in front of you closes, so you can be relaxed, and really concentrate on your ramen. If you want to order extra noodles (kaedama), or a drink, you do not need to call out, but to merely push the call button.

As for their development overseas, they opened the first North American restaurant in Brooklyn, New York in October of 2016 following Hong Kong in 2013. During the preparation period, many doubted if American customers would be willing to eat alone in an individual space. Moreover, the location is not easily accessible, and the region is still under development. It was chosen to also build a factory nearby to be the base of the future development to have more restaurants. Some wondered if people would be willing to go to such a place just to eat ramen. Some thought that $20 for a bowl of ramen would sound too expensive even including tips.

“I was only half-convinced about succeeding at the beginning, but now I feel certainty. I think the same taste, service, and the atmosphere as in Japan are well received in the US,” says Satoshi Komaya, General Manager. More than 100 people formed a line on opening day, and the restaurant has now grown to have people waiting for hours to get in on weekends. Mr. Komaya analyzes the reason for their success in acquiring customers as follows; “Our brand power established in Japan and Hong Kong has been diffused and permeated through SNS such as Instagram and Facebook.” Just like in Japan, they serve only one kind of ramen.

The key ingredients such as the Hiden no Tare and dashi are directly imported from Japan. Other ingredients are locally procured, so it took about 10 years to prepare in order to replicate the same taste locally. They offer only one appetizer and one dessert, and for alcoholic drinks, there are only three; beer, matcha beer, and Japanese sake. The reason for this careful line of selection is only one and the biggest, which is nothing but offering a good match to the ramen. I thought the matcha beer had been selected to take advantage of the matcha boom and be unique; however, it was not the case. It had been specially developed from deep thinking about how well it would match with ramen. “The flavor-concentration booth” is very well accepted, and receives much better comments than other table seating arrangement. Many people say things like, “My sense of taste felt sharper, and I was very impressed!” I believe that all those experiences create added value, and make people willing to wait in line no matter how inconvenient the access is, how long they have to wait, or how expensive ($20) a bowl of ramen is. One change they made to suit New York life style is the table called “Ichiran Yatai”. Most of the customers use “the flavor-concentration booths”, and average length of stay is as short as half an hour. So people started to use this table as a bar to enjoy appetizers and sake with friends before or after eating ramen.

Mr. Komaya predicts, “From now on, ramen restaurants in the US will probably branch out in two ways; specialty restaurants utilizing Japanlike styles, and those which are more locally adopted. So far, what’s spreading in the US is the type of ramen restaurant which serves various dishes and sake in addition to ramen to enjoy varieties. I am certain that “Ichiran” is the kind that can aim for the best in the world as a ramen specialty restaurant,” He also says that the factory has ample producing capacity, and a plan to have more restaurants in the US is under consideration.


天然とんこつラーメン専門店『一蘭』。福岡県博多に本店を置き、日本各地に約68店舗を展開する。「とんこつラーメンを世界一研究する会社」と謳う同社では、メニューをラーメン1 種類に絞り込む。高度な特殊製法で作った“100%豚骨で全く臭みなく仕上げたスープ” や、丼の中央に浮かべた“ 元祖・赤い秘伝のタレ” をはじめ、安全で高品質の食材にこだわり、40 人もの熟練職人が日々研究を重ねて、本物のとんこつラーメン作りを極めている。メニューを特化した一方で、客の微妙な好みの違いに応えるために、専用オーダー用紙を用意。「味の濃さ」「こってり度」「にんにく」「チャーシュー」「秘伝のたれ」の7 項目を調整できる仕組みを提供している。最も独特な点は、そのこだわりの一杯を、隣席と仕切った空間「味集中カウンター」で食べることだろう。専用オーダー用紙を提出し、ラーメンが運ばれてきた後は、目の前の簾も閉められ、周囲を気にすることなく、リラックスした状態でラーメンに集中する。替え玉やドリンクの追加注文時も、一切言葉を発する必要はなく、呼び出しボタンを押すだけでいい。

海外展開は2013 年の香港に続き、初の北米店としてニューヨークのブルックリン地区に2016 年10 月に開店。準備段階から「米国人が、個室で、一人でラーメンを食べるのか」との声も多かった。また、立地条件は、アクセスが不便で発展途上の地域。多店舗展開の拠点として工場併設のために選んだ立地だが「こんな場所に、わざわざラーメンを食べに行く人がいるか」と疑う声もあった。チップ込みとは言え「ラーメン1杯20ドルなんて高すぎる」という反応もあった。  

「当初は、自分自身も半信半疑だったが、確かな手応えを感じている。日本と全く同じ味、サービス、雰囲気が米国でも受け入れられている。」と語るのは、同店のジェネラル・マネージャー、米屋聡氏。開店初日には100 人以上が行列、今や、週末には数時間待ちが続く店に成長した。「日本や香港で確立したブランド力が、インスタグラムやフェイスブックなどSNSを通して、国境を越えて拡散・浸透している」と米屋氏は集客成功要因を分析する。日本同様、ラーメンは1 種類のみ。秘伝のタレや出汁などキーとなる食品は日本から直輸入するが、それ以外は現地食材で同じ味を再現すべく、約10 年の準備期間を費やした。前菜もデザートも各1 種類、アルコールもビール、抹茶ビール、日本酒の3 種類しかない。“ ラーメンに合う” という唯一にして最大の理由で厳選された内容だ。抹茶ビールは、近年の抹茶ブームに便乗し奇をてらったメニューかと思いきや、ラーメンとの相性を考え抜いて特別開発されたものだ。「味集中カウンター」も好評で、テーブル席を利用した客よりも、圧倒的に評価が高く「味覚が研ぎ澄まされ、感動した」などの声が多いそうだ。これらすべての体験が付加価値となり、
アクセスが不便であろうが、長時間待とうが、1杯20ドルだろうが、客は列を作るのだろう。ひとつ、ニューヨークらしい変化を遂げたのが「一蘭屋台」と呼ばれるテーブル席。多くの客が「味集中カウンター」を利用し、また平均滞在時間は30 分と短いため、ラーメンを食べる前後に、仲間と共につまみや酒を楽しむバーとして活用されるようになったという。  
「今後、米国のラーメンは、日本らしさを生かした専門店と、現地化した店に、二分化していくのではないか」と米屋氏。「これまで米国で広がってきたのは、ラーメンを中心にいろいろな料理や酒を楽しめる“ ラーメン・レストラン”。一蘭は“ ラーメン専門店” として世界一を目指せると確信している」と続ける。現在の工場は十分な生産能力もあるため、店舗を拡大する計画も考察中とのことだ。

#Japanese #NY #alljapannews #ramen #tonkotsu


Making a hit without changing the business style used in Japan!

Making a hit without changing t... Making a hit without changing t... Making a hit without changing t... Making a hit without changing t... Making a hit without changing t...
By Aya Ota

It has been long believed that bringing the Japanese way of business as is to the US would not lead to success. It has to be modified to fit the tastes and habits of local customers. Lately in the New York area, although authentic Japanese taste in general has settled in and well accepted in various menus, I believe almost no one has succeeded in bringing the Japanese way in every aspect including styles of service and operation up until now. The “Ikinari Steak” chain in Japan has been growing with incredible speed since the opening in December of 2013 with their innovative concept of “tachigui steak” (meaning you eat steak standing up), and now has 120 restaurants all over Japan. In February of 2017, their first overseas restaurant opened in the East Village of Manhattan, and has rapidly become super popular with more than 400 visitors daily.

Here is how it is at “Ikinari Steak”—when you enter the restaurant, you will be guided to a table with usually no chairs (There are a few with chairs). You pick up a number plate on your table, walk towards the kitchen, and order your steak. There are 4 different types of steaks: “Ribeye” ($2.55/ oz), “Sirloin ($2.27/oz), “Filet” ($3.12/oz), and “Assorted Steak”) ($22.16 for 10oz). The price is by the weight of your order, and the meat is cut in front of you. The meat will be cooked according to your preference right away, and brought to your table on a sizzling hot iron plate. You pour the soy sauce-based special sauce made in-house by yourself, and eat the steaming excellent quality meat that is full of aroma. When you finish eating, you take the check on the table to the cashier to pay for your meal.

“The customers seem to enjoy the experience as a whole,” says Takashi Tsuchiyama, the US President of the company. During the planning for the opening, many people thought that no one would want to eat steak standing up, or that it would be so uncommon to have customers bring the bill to the cashier, but all those worries turned out to be in vain. The concept of “eating standing up” came from the hopes of offering high quality meat with reasonable pricing. As a result, the great taste and quality led to winning. In Japan, they use US, Australian, and domestic meat according to the menu, but in the US, they use only American beef to enable the offering of low cost yet high quality meat.

Customers in general prefer medium rare temperature, but the restaurant strongly recommends rare steak, and now 30% of the customers prefer rare. Their special sauce created with the idea of Kunio Ichinose, the founder of the company, is served warm in a thermos so the cooked-off-the-grill piping-hot steak won’t cool down.

The serving style of Japan is directly introduced as well. As soon as you arrive to your table, a glass of water is served. There is a place under the table for your belongings. In order to avoid spills or smells, your belongings will be covered with a cloth napkin, and for you, they provide a paper apron to protect your clothing from the spill of meat juice. The restaurant staff wear a see-through plastic mask for hygiene, and so not to hide their friendly smiles.

Their detailed service doesn’t end there. There is an odor-eliminating spray can at the exit. No tipping is necessary. The specially-priced lunch menu is offered until 5PM. There is no compromising except the little inconvenience of eating standing up. They also made minor adjustments by making the tables higher and wider than the standard sizes, and just started to change the meat weight unit from grams to ounces in July. All those efforts are for their “customers first” principle.
Their second restaurant is planned to open around this coming October in the Chelsea District. Their goal is to open 20 restaurants in Manhattan alone, and eventually a total of 1,000 restaurants nationwide. The secret for their success in Japan, where they opened 100 branches in only 3 years, was limiting the number of menu items for effective operation and productivity. One other secret for success for this New York restaurant is the introduction of Japanese sake on the menu. The promotion of the “J-Steak”, a Japan-made steak eating style, was very effective, and also made people want to drink sake. They introduced only one brand of sake in April, and sell more than 100 bottles a month.

Their next immediate goal is to familiarize in the US, the “Niku (meat) Mileage membership card” combined with an app., which is very popular in Japan. You collect points according to the weight of the meat you eat for discounts. In Japan, you can even add pre-paid amounts on the card, and get bonuses accordingly. They also publish the customer ranking according to the collected points, which creates many repeaters who wants to come eat steaks as if they enjoy playing games. I would really like you to go and try this new restaurant, “Ikinari Steak” in New York that gives you continuous surprise and excitement.


米国飲食業界では長年、「日本のやり方を持ってきてもうまくいかない。米国人客の嗜好や習慣に合わせなくてはいけない」と言われてきた。近年ニューヨークでは、メニューに関しては、日本そのままの本格的な味が受け入れられるようになったが、サービスやオペレーションまでそのまま持ってきて成功を収めている店は、これまで存在しなかったのではないだろうか。『いきなり!ステーキ』は“ 立ち食いステーキ”という斬新なコンセプトで、2013年12 月創業後、驚異的速度で日本全国に約120店舗に拡大。そして、2017年2 月、海外1 号店をイーストヴィレッジ地区に開店。瞬く間に一日400 人もの客が訪れる人気店となった。
 『いきなり!ステーキ』の仕組みはこうだ。店内に入ると、まずテーブルに案内される。テーブルと言っても、基本的には椅子はない(一部着席できるテーブルがある)。テーブルに設置された番号札を持って、キッチンへ歩き、肉を注文する。メニューは「リブロース($2.55/oz)」「サーロイン($2.27/oz)」「ヒレ($3.12/oz)」「乱切りカットステーキ(10oz $22.16)」の4 種類のみ。目の前で塊肉を好みの量にカットしてくれ、値段は重さに応じて決まる。焼き方を選んだ後、すぐさま焼き上げ、アツアツの鉄皿に乗せて、テーブルに運ばれる。客は自らの手で、醤油ベースの特製ソースをかけ、その香りと湯気を楽しみながら、極上の肉をほおばる。食べ終わったら、テーブルに置かれたチェックをレジに持参して精算…という流れだ。

「客はこの世界観全体を楽しんでいる」と話すのは米国社長の槌山隆氏。開店計画中には「ステーキを立ち食いする客などいない」「レジで会計させるのは非常識」などの声も多かったが、杞憂に終わった。立ち食いを導入したのは、そもそも「高級ステーキを安価に楽しんでほしい」と考えたからこそ。結果的に、味や品質が勝因につながった。日本では、牛肉は米国・豪州・国産を使い分けているが、ニューヨーク店ではすべて米国産を採用した結果、より低コストで高品質な肉を提供できている。一般的にミディアム・レアを好む客が多い中、同店では自慢のレアを堂々と勧めて、レアを頼む客も約3 割に増えたという。創業者の一瀬邦夫氏が考案した特製ソースは、焼きたての肉に温かいソースをかけるという細やかな配慮で、保温ポットで提供される。

日本で実践しているおもてなしもそのまま導入。テーブルに着くと即座に水が運ばれる。足下の荷物置き場に荷物を置くと、臭いや汚れがつかないようさっと布をかけてくれる。肉汁が飛ばないように紙製のエプロンを用意。店員のマスクは、衛生面と笑顔が見えることを両立させた透明のプラスチック製。店の出口には消臭スプレーを設置。チップも廃止。ランチタイムには破格なメニューを用意し、しかも夕方5 時まで注文可能だ。

つまり、立ち食いなだけで、他は一切妥協しない。わずかに調整を加えたことと言えば、テーブルを少し高く、幅を広くしたこと。そして、この7 月にはグラム表示からオンス表示へ変更したこと。「顧客満足が第一」と考えるからこその調整だ。

10月頃には2号店をチェルシー地区に開店予定。マンハッタンだけでも20店舗、全米に1,000 店舗を目指しているという。日本でもわずか3 年で100 店舗という偉業を成し遂げた秘訣は、徹底してメニュー数を絞り、オペレーションを効率化し生産性を向上させたことにある。ひとつニューヨーク店初の試みとして成功したのは、日本酒の導入だ。日本発ステーキ“J-Steak” としての打ち出し方が功を奏し、日本酒を飲みたいという客が多かったという。4 月から1 種類のみ導入したが、1 カ月にボトル100 本以上売れるという。



Ikinari Steak
90 E 10th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 917-388-3546
#Japanese #NY #alljapannews #ikinaristeak #steak #tachigui


Revolutionary in the yakiniku industry, spreading Japanese style yakiniku culture in the US

Revolutionary in the yakiniku i... Revolutionary in the yakiniku i... Revolutionary in the yakiniku i... Revolutionary in the yakiniku i...
By Aya Ota

Yakiniku Futago” of Osaka is a restaurant chain which has so far developed about 50 restaurants in the Tokyo metropolitan area and overseas. It was founded in 2010 in Tsuruhashi, Osaka which is a battleground for yakiniku businesses, by third-generation Korean twin brothers, Suncho and Sunbong Lee who were born in Tsuruhashi, and grew up in Japan. The “Hamideru Kalbi”, their popular menu item which helped this restaurant chain grow into its popularity very fast, is a piece of Japanese black wagyu beef that is larger than its iron cooking plate. The meat is delivered to the table by a server with a high-spirited cheer, “Yoisho!”, and the server delicately cuts the meat in 4 sections, explaining each part, and then cooks it to perfection. They also have other customer pleasing services such as offering half portions of every menu item for half the price from their richly varied menu, and providing a very friendly serving style, which makes for high customer satisfaction, and has also led them to the quick success in growing into a very popular restaurant and increasing the number of locations as well. Overseas, they opened one in Hawaii in 2014 following Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, and exactly 2 years has passed since the opening of this New York restaurant which was in late May of 2015.

“Since the very beginning, We were already thinking about going to New York,” says Jumpei Sakai, the General Manager of the New York restaurant. They started researching for a location in 2012 when they only had less than 5 restaurants in Japan, and they were able to open one in New York only within 5 years from the founding of the business. The New York restaurant is positioned as their flagship restaurant by running it with a higher-end operation style compared to other branches in Japan and other countries. They have absolute confidence in their secret sauce inherited from their mother who used to run a yakiniku restaurant in Tsuruhashi, Osaka, and reproduces the same taste of Japan. The Hamideru Kalbi ($45) is also the favorite item in New York as well. The Japanese Style Cold Noodle ($6) is served in light Japanese dashi soup which is the key factor to choose this item in which 8 kinds of ingredients have been cooked for 8 hours. It is served in a small ball, and is a musthave item to complete your yakiniku meal. The New York restaurant offers an upgraded menu including the New York only “Thickly Cut Special Filet Steak with Garlic” ($25), and “Deep Fried Shrimp and Quail Egg with Shiso Leaf” ($5) in addition to “Japanese Black Wagyu”, and US-produced “Washugyu” and “Prime Beef”. As they do in Japan, customers can experience the joy of cooking meat by themselves, or let trained professional servers cook the high-quality meat for them.

You may think that it would be easy for yakiniku culture to become familiarized in the US where meat cooking culture is already settled in; however, it is not that easy for the Japanese-style yakiniku to get familiarized here in the States. People often ask “What is the difference from Korean barbecue?” So, they try to stress on for sushi and ramen to sink in. It would also take a long time for Japanese-style yakiniku to sink in, but I am willing to accept the slow process.”
“The best way to market it is to show it through our dishes and services in the restaurant,” Mr. Sakai says. The majority of their customers come by word of mouth, but they do a unique pinpointing promotion for the Chinese customers who account for 60% of the whole clientele.

It is interesting that they have added menu items that are targeted for the Chinese customers such as “Uni Yukhoe” ($18) and “Uni and Wagyu Toro Sushi” ($10), and also a line of fruit liquors such as ume and yuzu wine drinks to cater to Chinese clientele who don’t prefer beer and sake. A promotion that would tickle repeating customers' minds has also been effective as it is in Japan, in which a golden tong is given to the customer after their tenth visit. In the future, they will try to lower the cost without compromising the quality, and increase the sales of alcoholic drinks. They are also planning to promote parings of original cocktails with the food menu aggressively.

Now that they are in the third year, they are looking to develop the second restaurant. Since it is still a young company, they are not persistent about the line of business or the current business model. “Yakiniku Futago” has a strong presence in the Japanese yakiniku industry. I am certain that they will also develop freely and flexibly in the US under their principle which is “to impress customers”.


東京首都圏と海外に約50店舗を展開する『大阪焼肉・ホルモン ふたご』。焼き肉激戦区として有名な大阪・鶴橋生まれの在日コリアン3世、李純哲(リ・スンチョル)と李純峯(リ・スンボン)の双子の兄弟が、2010年に創業した。鉄板からはみ出る大きさの黒毛和牛「はみ出るカルビ」は、同店の急成長を後押しした人気メニューだ。「よいしょー!」という威勢のよい掛け声と共にテーブルに運ばれてきて、店員が、4つの部位を説明しながら丁寧に切り分け、最高の状態に焼き上げてくれる。他にも、豊富なメニューを半量ずつ半額で提供したり、顧客密着型の接客をしたりなど、満足度の高いサービスを提供したことで瞬く間に人気店へ成長、店舗数も急速に拡大した。海外店舗は台湾、香港、中国に続き、2014年12月にハワイへ進出。ニューヨーク店は、2015年5月末に開店。ちょうど丸2年が経ったところだ。






Yakiniku Futago
37 W 17th Street
New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-620-0225

Mon - Sat : 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm / 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Sun : 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm
#Japanese #NY #YakinikuFutago #alljapannews #yakiniku


Taste the marvelously arranged mixture “cagen” of tradition and modernism, which no other place can offer

Taste the marve... Taste the marve... Taste the marve... Taste the marve... Taste the marve...
By Aya Ota

There is a restaurant in a corner of the East Village, which is so quietly stands with no sign, and you might pass without noticing. Once you step in, a neatly set-up, and slightly intense, yet comfortable space spreads in front of you, and you forget the city noise outside. From the exterior of the restaurant, you can hardly predict the upcoming surprises and impressions.

Here at “Cagen” restaurant, kappo style Japanese cuisine prepared with various seasonal ingredients, and omakase-style sushi are offered. This is a kind of restaurant where gourmet people who have already been to all the famous restaurants in New York would come by word of mouth.

“We strive for doing thing no one else does”, says Toshio Tomita, the head chef of the restaurant. Mr. Tomita started his career in kaiseki cooking at the age of 15.

He came to US in 1984, worked at various Japanese restaurants, and demonstrated his excellent skills for 16 years at "Nobu", the pioneer, and the most well-known among all New York Japanese restaurants. In 2013, the time was ripe for him to become independent, and he opened this restaurant.

Chef Tomita’s cooking is traditional and genuine, and with creativity and playfulness are added, it creates a unique world. It is especially remarkable in the way to present variety of seafood and the way to serve them. White and blueback fishes which are rare in the US such as menuke, aburabouzu, higesoridai, okaaji, and takabe are procured through a unique buying route. These rare fishes with unique textures and flavors are first treated delicately in various ways such as vinegar-marinating, parboiling, skin-scorching, etc., and then served with a combination of jalapeno and nikiri soy sauce, or raw wasabi and chimichurri sauce, etc. It is surprising that raw oysters are served with puree of little peach, which gives refreshing and unconventional flavor. Only kappo omakase courses were served at the beginning, but by strong requests from the customers who wanted to taste those rare fishes as sushi, he started omakase sushi.

“Ayu-no-sugatayaki”, one of the hot-served dishes, is a result of repeated trial and error. In order to make everything from head to bone deliciously edible, bones, head and body of ayu fish are separately grilled first, and then combined to build the original shape of the fish. Slight bitterness of ayu and cilantro sauce go perfectly together. The sushi dish which appears at the end of the kappo course is unprecedentedly innovative. It is interesting that you wrap nigari sushi with nori to eat. The highest-quality sushi rice from Uonuma, Niigata is cooked only by 1 to 2 cups at a time, and vinegar is mixed into the cooked rice in front of customers. The simple combination of rice, fish, and nori can be tasted fully with your 5 senses.

Soba is also very particularly prepared. Hokkaido buckwheat is imported, and ground with a stone grinder. Two of the three soba strands are served topped with yuzu and black shichimi pepper. You taste the plain strands first, and continue on with yuzu and shichimi to enjoy different flavors. After that, toasted buckwheat, wasabi, and chopped green onion pieces are added to the remaining soba dipping sauce to make a warm soup dish in front of each customer. The completed nice hot soup magically made out of the leftover sauce impresses customers. It is also a special enjoyment for the customers to adjust the taste to each own preference by themselves.

Mr. Tomita’s creation has something more than an expression of “unification of tradition and modernism”. Adding ingredients which are familiar to American customers such as jalapeno, chimichurri sauce, cheese, chocolate, and ham to the unfamiliar ingredients as accents may make American customers curious, and make the unknown ingredients more approachable. Mr. Tomoita thinks that dryness in wine and karakuchi in Japanese sake are different. In order to help customers to select sake drinks, he tries to explain each characteristic using the terms to express wine drinks. You don’t see the glass case filled with sushi ingredients which is usually placed between the chef and the customers across the counter. It requires more explanation and communication to achieve “doing thing no one else does”. Customers can talk with, and watch Chef Tomita work skillfully as they keep eating with excitement as though they were traveling in an unknown world. It is touching to see everything he does from cooking to treating of customers which demonstrates and gives a strong impression of his hope to have customers enjoy unprecedented delicious Japanese cuisine.

“Cagen” is from the Japanese word, cagen, meaning “Just Right”. It can be cagen of the combination of classic and contemporary cuisine, also of the balance of flavoring and decorating, and of distance from the customers, or of the timing to serve dishes. I hope that you go and experience these perfect cagen created by Mr. Tomita!









『Cagen』とは“加減”、つまり“Just Right”という意味。それはクラシックとコンテンポラリーな料理の加減でもあり、味付けや盛りつけのバランスでもあり、客との距離感や料理を出すタイミングなどのもてなしでもあるのだろう。冨田氏が創り出す、パーフェクトな“加減”をぜひ体験してみてほしい。

414 E 9th Street
New York, NY 10009
Tuesday through Sunday
5:30pm- 11:00pm
#Japanese #NY #alljapannews #cagen #kaiseki #soba


Pioneer of new boom of Japanese food next to sushi and ramen

©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu ©Joji Uematsu Pioneer of new boom of Japan... Pioneer of new boom of Japan...
By Aya Ota

“TsuruTonTan” is an udon specialty restaurant chain which runs a total of 12 restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka. The menu contains over 30 different items including signature Kansai-style udon in bonito based dashi, original cream or curry flavored udon, and seasonal limited edition udon dishes. Each item is served boldly on their large symbolic plate. Each restaurant has its unique concept that fits the region, and offers high-priced items with added values, etc., which makes this chain famous for its unconventional approach in the udon industry. Because of their unique way, the Japanese consumers sometimes say, “We are going to eat “TsuruTonTan”, instead of saying “We are going to eat udon”.
Such “TsuruTonTan”’s first overseas restaurant opened in the summer of 2016 in the Union Square district of New York. They were getting a lot of attention even before the opening, and became a popular place immediately, and you always see people waiting in line.

“Our mission is to expand Japanese food culture to the world. I thought the next thing to sushi and ramen must be udon. I am sure that the concept for TsuruTonTan will be well-accepted worldwide,” says Joji Uematsu, the Vice President of “Dining Innovation USA” who is in charge of the development of the chain in North America. Mr. Uematsu already has experience in succeeding to cultivate a business in North America with “Gyukaku”, and used such experience and know-how plentifully for “TsuruTonTan”’s first overseas restaurant. He created a place where the kind of interior and services that match New Yorkers and true traditional Japanese tastes marvelously unite.

Once inside, you feel as if you were in an art gallery of modern Japanese paintings. You will be drawn to the interior which is both classy and gorgeous. The wide variety of spaces including the waiting bar filled with sake and shochu bottles, counter seats, private looking tables, etc., accommodate various situations.
The udon noodles and dashi are the exact reproduction of the Japanese recipe. The specifically blended flour is imported from Japan, and noodle-making specialists make about 700 servings per day. The ingredients are flour, salt, and water only, and it takes delicate techniques to blend it right depending on the climate and humidity. Bonito and konbu used generously for the dashi are the highest quality from Japan. The menu has a large variety from the traditional bonito-based dashi udon to original udon. The sophisticated presentation on large plates, and the choice between thin and thick noodles are the same as in Japan. The menu items unique to New York are “Cold Uni Udon” ($24), “Truffle Creme with Crab and Mushroom ($22), etc. It is March now, and exactly 6 months since the opening, the menu has just been renewed, reflected by the customers’ reactions. Sushi, sashimi, and the kaiseki-style skillful menu were enhanced. In the beginning, more fusion style cuisine was served to try to suit American tastes, but New Yorkers’ taste palettes are more sophisticated than expected, and they want more true traditional Japanese cuisine. It is interesting that the Asians who account for about 60% of the customers like original or cold noodles with cream or curry, etc. whereas the remaining 40% of non-Asian customers like more traditional bonito-based dashi udon.
The average price for one udon dish is $20, which is surprisingly high to Japanese who know the average price of udon dishes in Japan. Even at the TsuruTonTan in Japan, the average price is only about 1,000 yen. In New York, the high price-setting is accepted because of the good service and ambience as added values in addition to the true taste. The Americans must be enjoying their udon in the same way they enjoy good pasta dishes at Italian restaurants.

“My goal is to open 10 restaurants in North America in the next 5 years. I want to open restaurants speedily in big key cities to be the pioneer,” says Mr. Uematsu. The second restaurant has already been planned to open in 2017 in the Times Square area. This restaurant is supposed to be large with more than 200 seats. I bet this location will also become very popular immediately, and people will form a long line to get in.







TsuruTonTan Udon Noodle Brasserie
21 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 212-989-1000
#Japanese #NY #alljapannews #noodle #tsurutontan #udon


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