we made counteroffer. Just give it a shot, haven't heard after that. Grandpa and grandma said that if the buyer don't buy our house, they will, which is good because the buyer wants to sell his condo first, and the contract said that if he couldn't sell his property till September 17th, he wouldn't buy our house.
Of course we can't wait that long, so we can still show our house to someone and if someone ever wants to buy our house, plus over his bet, which is xxx or xxx whichever, then he needs to make a decision within 72 hours,
And we talk to grandpa and grandma about it, too. Then, they were really thinking, grandma was drawing a picture how they could fix or update our house! So I told her what I felt, I just hope they would.
So everything is fine, the buyer won't sell the house, then we will push grandpa and grandma, because we all know that we have to leave by end of July.
That's what i sent message to my daughter,over the facebook. Her cell phone was totally dead and she decided to get a new one, i-phone.
Here is her reply from her new phone.
Hey I just got home. Got my beloved iPhone :) no more bills from me for you guys. We all win! Also I read your messages. I'm proud of you guys, talked to grandpa and grandma and did great.
大丈夫だったの?と訊くと、うん、と。連絡してよって言ったのにーと言うと、I did! You hang up on me! はぁ?わたし、仕事中だったし、電話なんか出てないし。なのになんか娘、イライラした言い方で。