
PSPINC Official Company Blog

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PSPINC will help your business thrive by providing for all of your technology needs. We offer a wide array of products, including Web & Email Hosting, Website Design, Custom Development, Email Marketing, a number of additional business tools, technical support, and so much more. Visit pspinc.com to learn more.

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Newsletter Changes Coming Soon

Vol. 1

Hello, this is Ken Uchikura from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are combining our What’s New and blog-driven company newsletters into one. Each week with the all-new PSPinc What’s New newsletter, we will continue to keep you up-to-date on what we are doing and promise to keep it informative and entertaining.

Speaking of entertaining, we are stating to gear up for the annual PSP Children’s Foundation Charity Golf Tournament. The tournament will take place at Aldarra Golf Club on August 10th, 2020 and is to support the University of Washington Foster School of Business by providing scholarships to deserving students.

If you are interested in reserving a spot to play or want to know about sponsorship opportunities available please email me or visit the PSPCF website .

I hope you continue to use this newsletter as way to get to know myself, our employees, and PSPinc. As always if you have any suggestions, questions or comments I would love to hear from you.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#Blog #Newsletter #PSPinc


Why your Business Needs a Help Desk

image source: pilot.pspinc.com image source: pilot.pspinc.com
The point of Help Desk software is to help you provide better customer service more efficiently.

You can have wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives, but if they don’t know the first thing about a customer’s history of issues, calls or emails, you’re still going to run into unsatisfied, unhappy customers. In this day of social media, reviews and connectivity, you need to make sure your customers are spreading great feedback about your customer service, not the opposite.

How would you feel as a customer calling or emailing to follow up on an issue that wasn’t resolved, only to get a response from someone new who needs the whole background story again?

Help Desk eliminates this problem and PSP has the software to help you keep track and manage customer questions and issues efficiently. PSP Pilot acts a communal inbox for all your customer inquiries. This way your customer service representatives can easily access customer communication and quickly track and view all correspondence.

With PSP Pilot, there are no lost tickets or ghosted conversations – each employee with the proper credentials has access to a client page with the client's history.

Find out more about PSP Pilot Help Desk and how easy it is to sign up: https://pilot.pspinc.com/helpdesk
#Blog #BusinessTips #CRM #ENnews #HelpDesk #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Software #Technology


Opinion Stand Now Supports Text Message Feedback

A table tent and delivery flyer ... A table tent and delivery flyer featuring the new Opinion Stand text message feature.

The Opinion Stand is a great way to get valuable feedback from your customers on your business. It also allows you, as a business owner, to have a direct line of communication with your customers when they send you their contact information.

Opinion Stand Papyrus is a versatile application that puts the power of the Opinion Stand into your customer’s hands. You can print flyers, menus, table tents, and receipts with instructions on how they can use the Opinion Stand with their smartphone.

We are focused on providing your customers with the absolute simplest and quickest way of letting you know how well your business is performing. With Papyrus, that just got a whole lot simpler. Previously users would need to scan a QR code to gain access to the Opinion Stand on their mobile device. Which is a fantastic and simple feature. Though if you were unfamiliar with QR code technology, it involves educating yourself a bit on it.

We are happy to announce the release of the text message feature!

Almost everyone knows how to send text messages these days, so this feature will help reach audiences of all backgrounds. With Opinion Stand Papyrus you can now define a unique text message code for each of your Stands. Simply add the text message code and the pre-defined phone number to your print collateral and you are set! Customers can now text the code and instantly receive a reply with a link to the Opinion Stand. Customer feedback just got even easier.

Have questions or want to learn more?

Visit OpinionStand.com or call us toll-free 1-800-232-3989 and our team will be there to answer any questions you have. We would love the opportunity to learn more about your business and see if Opinion Stand is the right fit for you.

Opinion Stand logo with Arizona background

You can also find us on the road!

This year we will be at the Restaurant Leadership Conference in Phoenix, AZ from March 22nd - 25th. We are excited to show restaurant owners and executives how powerful the Opinion Stand is for gathering feedback, collecting contact information and engaging with their customers. If you are a restaurant owner, we hope to see you there!

The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
#Blog #CustomerFeedback #CustomerReviews #OpinionStand #Technology


FREE CRM Software for your Small Business

image source: pilot.pspinc.com image source: pilot.pspinc.com
There’s no doubt about it: If you have customers, you should have a program for Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

To grow and scale, every company needs a process in place by which employees can follow. Good customer service, communication, and standardized internal processes will strengthen your business reputation and help you grow. These are all things that can be managed by a CRM.

PSP offers a service called PSP Pilot, which is a CRM software that automates and captures your customer data and tracks all communication. Our program eliminates the need for manual tracking in spreadsheets or files. It eliminates the need for a singular person to manage those files. And it eliminates the possibility of customer information getting lost or mismanaged.

Our cloud-based system is easily accessible to whomever is granted the right to view the data. We also offer premium add-ons such as tracking customer feedback and satisfaction.

Furthermore, this service is FREE to companies with less than 20 employees! Check out all the great features you can get with PSP Pilot and see how easy it is to sign up: https://pilot.pspinc.com/
#Blog #BusinessTips #CRM #CustomerRelationshipManagement #ENnews #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Software #Technology


Our Founder / CEO has returned from Japan!

Our Founder / CEO has return... Our Founder / CEO has return...
After being out of the country for a couple of weeks our Founder/CEO Kenichi Uchikura has returned from his business trip. One of the real treats is when he returns with... treats for the staff!

Happy Monday everyone!
#Blog #BusinessTrips #ENnews #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology #Treats


Website Etiquette your Business Needs to Know

image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
Last week we talked about the importance of having a company privacy policy visible to customers on your website. Today let’s discuss more etiquette to consider when it comes to your website:

1) Is your contact information easy for customers to find?

If you don’t have a customer service or info email on your homepage, have an online form for customers to fill out. It’s actually better to not list your email address on your homepage as spammers tend to grab those.

2) Does your website load quickly?

Do not load your website with too many images or videos. It won’t matter how pretty those images are if your website loads slowly, because people will not wait to see it. We are impatient beings and you can expect your bounce rate to skyrocket. Have a good balance of content and visual appeal without overdoing large files that slow down your load time.

3) Is it easy to navigate through the site?

Be kind to your visitors and make sure your navigation is easy to follow. You may know your business well but your visitors don’t, so be thoughtful when organizing your layout and navigation. It may be worth asking for some feedback from new customers to see how easy it was for them to navigate your site. Again, people have little tolerance and patience for getting lost online.

4) Have you tested your site?

The simplest way to make sure your website is user friendly is to test it with a focus group. Sometimes we’re “too close” to the product to understand how others experience it. Consider asking some outsiders (friends, family, business associates) to check your site and provide feedback so you can update accordingly.

If you would like a professional analysis of your website, contact us at PSPinc. We can do a free evaluation and give you some pointers for improvement. Contact us toll free at 1-800-232-3989.
#Blog #BusinessTips #ENnews #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology #WebDevelopment #Website #WebsiteTips


Have a Privacy Statement for your Customers

image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
California has a new law regarding how businesses can handle client data online. It’s called California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). EU countries implemented similar rules for handling private data a few years ago called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

CCPA prohibits businesses from selling their client data. It is very specific about who this rule applies to: any company that operates in California and either makes at least $25 million in annual revenue, gathers data on more than 50,000 users, or makes more than half if its money off user data.

Even if you do not meet these thresholds, it’s important for your business to clearly inform customers how you manage their private information in your website’s privacy statement. A privacy statement explains how you conduct your business online and handle your customers’ sensitive information.

If you do not have a privacy statement, it’s good business practice to review your policies and make a statement publicly visible to your customers. After all, users are getting savvy and they want to know their data is stored safely.

If you are still unsure if any of this applies to your company, PSPinc can help you determine a plan for updating your site. Contact us toll free at 1-800-232-3989 and ask for assistance from our knowledgeable web hosting representatives.
#Blog #BusinessTips #CCPA #ENnews #GDPR #PSPinc #PrivacyStatement #SmallBusiness #Technology


PSPinc What's New Vol.4

PSPinc What's New Vol.4

Hello, this is Ken Uchikura from Tokyo. Yes, I am on a business trip to Tokyo. I left Seattle yesterday on a direct flight to Tokyo/Narita on a Japan Airlines flight. I used to fly JAL many years ago but they stopped flying to Seattle so I moved to Northwest Airlines which is now DELTA. For a few years, I used Air Canada and Asiana Airlines but both do not have direct flights to Tokyo. This is the first time I have flown JAL in many years. I found a way to save money on JAL Business Class to Japan. If you are interested, please email me and I will tell you my secret.

Sorry for the long introduction. Today I would like to talk to you about InforMakers. This is software we created to help our customers create custom web forms for their web sites. This is the software we used to create contact forms on many websites. It is easy-to-use and is very secure. If you are a Dreamersi web hosting customer, InforMakers is already a part of your system. You can create your own custom web form or you can ask us to build one for you quickly and inexpensively.

If you are not a Dreamersi customer, InforMakers is available as a SaaS (Software as a Service) to you as well. If you would like to know more about web form creation and operation, please contact us. We would be happy to help make your web site interactive.

Inquiry about InforMakers
Website: https://informakers.com
Email: info@pspinc.com
Telephone: 1-800-232-3989 or 1-425-957-0808

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#blog #businesstips #dreamersi #ennews #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc #smallbusiness #technology #webapplications #websites


PSPinc What's New Vol. 3

PSPinc What's New Vol. 3
Hello, this is Ken Uchikura again from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in Bellevue, Washington. Thank you all for being our loyal customers. I am in charge and responsible for things happening within our company … good or bad. No, all the good things are a result of our dedicated and capable staff and all of the bad things are my fault. I guess that is what my job title suggests. Though personally, I like to spend time designing and developing services. That is the reason why I sit (live is the better word) in the R&D building.

One of the things that we are working on is called NewsMAIL. This is a service that is designed to allow you to broadcast email to customers, vendors, friends and family members. You can find the website at https://www.newsmail.com and it is a paid service … until now. We are making this email broadcasting system a part of Dreamersi web hosting without any additional fees. Yes, as a Dreamersi domain/web/email hosting customer, you will soon have access to NewsMAIL at no additional charge.

This is one way to have you use our services and our way of saying thank you for being our customer. We know you have many choices when it comes to domain/web/email hosting. If you are a Parcom, YourHost, or Fazewire hosting customer, the Dreamersi domain/web/email hosting service starts at only $250 per year and is an upgrade to your current service. We will be happy to move you to Dreamersi if you are interested. Please contact our support staff at 1-800-232-3989 or 425-957-0808.

We love talking with you. Thank you for reading my newsletter. Your comments are always welcome, especially when you have something to complain about.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#blog #businesstips #dreamersi #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc #technology


Does your Business Need Opinion Stand?

image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
Have you ever wanted to give a review (bad or good) of a company on the spot? Perhaps you just finished dining at a restaurant and you’d like to recognize the top notch service you received. On the contrary, maybe you experienced long wait times and unfriendly service at a retail store or a sporting event.

These are often the moments where you feel a strong desire to give some feedback to management, but you don’t have time to wait for a manager, and once you get home, you’re too busy (or forget) to send an email with your complaints or accolades.

Good, constructive feedback for a business is often lost because that instant review hasn’t been available. Until now. PSP offers a service called Opinion Stand. It’s designed for your customers to give instant feedback about their experience at the time of service. It’s extremely simple, easy-to-use for customers and customizable to your business’ needs.

Opinion Stand comes in a physical kiosk for your brick and mortar location as well as digital formats for your online store. It’s a great way to monitor activity and view customer satisfaction trends, so you know what’s working and what needs to change.

Get all the details, options and pricing on Opinion Stand here: https://www.opinionstand.com/eng/.
#Blog #BusinessTips #CustomerReviews #ENnews #OpinionStand #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology


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