
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Bloguru Invitations

Bloguru Invitations
We have just issued everyone 5 invitations that you can use to invite your firiends to BLOGURU.COM.

Thank you for supporting BLOGURU.


ScannedCards.com PART 3

ScannedCards.com PART 3
ScannedCards.com enables you to register your business card and issues you a funny looking symbol called RQ code. So, what is this QR code?

A QR Code is a matrix code (or two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The "QR" is derived from "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed. QR Codes are common in Japan, where they are currently the most popular type of two dimensional codes. Moreover, most current Japanese mobile phones can read this code with their camera.

What happen when your QR Code is read by mobile phone equipped with the QR Code reader? Well, this is what is going to happen you read the QR Code issued by ScannedCards.com. It opens a mobile browser and connects to ScannedCards.com and enters the ID number. If you are a registered user of ScannedCards.com, you have just initiated the business card exchange with the person just handed you the business card with ScannedCards.com QR Code.

QR Code you see on this screen is the QR Code generated byScannedCards.com for me. If you have a QR Ready mobile phone, scan it. It will take you toScannedCards.com. If not, just go toScannedCards.com and enter my ID displayed at the bottom of the QR Code. You can exchange business card by typing the number too.

There is a QR Code reader software available for Google Phone, iPhone, Windows Mobile Phone and BlackBerry. All new LG Phone are equipped with QR Code readers. All phones with camera in Japan are QR ready. QR is coming.

The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

#Business #Marketing


34 people are deleted from Bloguru

34 people are deleted from Bl...
We have deleted 34 inactive users from bloguru.com today. Those people who have not posted anything for last 1 year were notified two weeks ago to post something on their blog or be terminated. Only those people not responded by posting something were deleted today.

This leaves 195 active users at this site. If you know anyone or any company looking for a commercial free blog site, please invite him, her or it. If you do not have invitation, please contact me. Thank you for your continuing support.


28,125,939 times in 24 hours.

ClockLink.com clocks are the world most widely used clock for Web and Blogs. Clocks had shown over 28 million times in last 24 hours. That means any given second, someone has open a web page or blog with clock 325 times.

Seattle Time

PSPINC will start ClockLink.com business development project soon. With this much traffic and exposure, we should be able to capitalize on it. We will soon be looking for a Webmaster and business partners for ClockLink.com. If you are interested or know someone or company, please let me know.

#Business #Marketing


YouTUBE and Business

YouTUBE and Business
YouTUBE provides a way for anyone to upload video and embed in your web page or blog. It is a great tool until you start using it to promote your business or products.

When you display the promotion video using YouTUBE, at the end of the video the display screen will look like image above. This case, this video was to promote the golf swing training aid. At the end of this video, YouTUBE is showing other video related to the video you just show. That means, YouTUBE might show the product or business that is competing you.

It is a good idea to use YouTUBE to display your promo video, but you should never embed YouTUBE in your web or blog. For that reason PSPINC created Web de Video. It is a free video streaming system like YouTUBE, except it has no commercial to other sites. Try it for free.

#Computer #Internet


ScannedCards.com PART 2

ScannedCards.com PART 2
Advertising or No Advertising.

Once we have the central database of contact information, we can update it anytime we want. And when the contact information is updated, the updated information will be available to everyone you exchange your contact information with.

We can make this a free service and run it using the advertising money. But I am sick and tired of advertising. I thought it is better if the site is run by the contribution of users. If we can charge very small charge like $10 or $20 per year and run it without advertisement, people will be more responsible.

During the beta stage, we are no charging anything to register. Please take a moment to register with ScannedCards.com.


ScannedCards.com PART 1

ScannedCards.com PART 1
How many business cards have you collected last year? How about a year before that? Have you taken a time to put them in your contact database? Or you just have them in your drawers or boxes. Even if you put them on your contact database, you will never know if the information in your database is up to date.

The picture you see above is the business card of Lincoln in 19th century. We have added telephone number, fax number and email address, but the business card itself has not evolved at all since it was developed. We need better way to exchange contact information wit each other. We need a central database of contact information.

This is the thought behind the development of ScannedCards.com.

I will get into more detail tomorrow. Please take your time to register your contact information at ScannedCards.com.
#Business #Marketing


My first SAM'S CLUB


I used the one-day membership coupon and went to SAM’S CLUB. I am used to COSTCO, but the product, layout and prices are very similar to COSTCO with one exception.

The exception is that at SAM’S CLUB there are hardly any customers. I was able to park right outside the front entrance. How often does that happen at COSTCO.

They told me there is a 10% surcharge on the product that I purchase as one-day member. But manager there waived that fee. I purchased few gifts for my Japan trip like chocolates and vitamins. I bought them at SAM’S CLUB because almost everything sold at COSTCO here are also sold there in Japan. That would not make good gifts.

Unlike COSTCO, SAM’S CLUB takes Master Card, Discover Card and Debit card for the payment. But they do not take VISA. I have VISA and AMEX. I ended up using my cash card to pay for everything I purchased.

Do I like SAM’S CLUB?

It is not bad at all. Only if they are little closer, I might consider joining. I went to Renton SAM’S CLUB. I live in south Bellevue and go to Kirkland COSTCO.




I found this on the net. With this, you should be able to shop at SAM’S CLUB without becoming a member. I am a Costco member and have never been to SAM’S CLUB. But I always wanted to see how good or bad.

I cannot guarantee that you will be able to get inside with this, but we have nothing to loose. Try it out and let me know what it is like.


ScannedCards.com is in beta.

ScannedCards.com is in beta.
Have you ever seen a bar code like this before?
Do you know what it can do?

This is one of the new technologies that we used to create ScannedCards.com.


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