
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 159 Sole proprietorship, where you can't go without being able to do everything

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

Sole proprietorship, where you can't go without being able to do everything

What do you think is the biggest difference between a sole proprietorship and a company / organization? It's the number of people. It's obvious, isn't it? Of course, it is. You are a sole proprietor because you are alone. So what's the difference between a company with one person and a company with multiple employees? This is also easy to understand if you think about it. The roles of the jobs that people do are different.

For example, in a large company, there are people in the sales department for sales, and people in the accounting department for accounting. In a company, there is a specialist for every job, and the larger the company, the narrower the scope of responsibility for each employee. Alternatively, in a sole proprietorship, the individual is the president, sales, accounting, and human resources.

As the sole proprietorship expands and hires more people, the responsibilities can be shared among multiple individuals, and the business takes its first steps as a company. Some people in the world become independent from a company and become sole proprietors. These people have jobs that they had not considered before.

Many people who become sole proprietors use the skills they acquired while working as an employee of a company to provide services. However, there are many cases where they have the skills but not the ability to sell. In addition to that, there are many other firsts when you go from being an employee of an organization to a sole proprietor. If you are a sole proprietor or even an independent business owner, I think this is the most difficult part. So while not everyone can become a sole proprietor, the basics of all businesses are included in a sole proprietorship. I think it is worth the challenge. I started my current company alone as a sole proprietor 34 years ago.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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Retiring Fitbit Versa

Retiring Today Retiring Today Original Activation Date July 29... Original Activation Date July 29, 2019 Back in the Original Packaging Back in the Original Packaging
I started using Fitbit Versa back in July 29, 2019. After two band changes, it is still working well. However, because I purchase Apple Watch 7 for its EKG function, I am retiring a Fitbit today. I put it back in the ring Mal box and it will de displayed permanently at our museum.

This was my third Fitbit I purchased. I like this product and company very much and I hope to get back to it.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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My Christmas Gift

My Christmas Gift My Christmas Gift My Christmas Gift
I bought myself an Apple Watch 7 which can monitor Blood Oxygen Level as well as EKG. I bought RED because red is the color I like for 2022 ... I am not talking about Accounting Red. Red is a very energizing color.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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Product Release is Coming Soon

https://www.pspinc.com/pass-... https://www.pspinc.com/pass-wizard
One of the products we are releasing is a password management system called PassWizard. It is now in Bata state and you can register and use it for free. Try it. It is the most secure password storage system.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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From the Domain Registration to Web Dev. and Update ...

https://www.pspinc.com/dream... https://www.pspinc.com/dreamersi
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. has been developing, hosting and maintenance and marketing.
Everything you need to maintain and increase your web presence, we can do everything you need.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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I really like this quote!!!

Haruki Murakami Haruki Murakami
Haruki Murakami is a Japanese writer. His novels, essays, and short stories have been bestsellers in Japan as well as internationally, with his work translated into 50 languages and selling millions of copies outside Japan.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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Our Premire Web Hosting Service

This was an ad we created b... This was an ad we created back in 2007.
If you are not satisfied with your web performance, please give us a call.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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Are you completely happy with your web site?

Are you completely happy with...
Are you 100% happy with your website?
Of cause not ...

What do you wish it can do?

Is that your website design you are not happy about?
Or are you satisfied with the traffic and the business it brings in?
Does it bring in any business?

If you have any idea to improve your website but you do not know where to start.
Please contact us. We have been working an independent web building and hosting company since 1996. Our company started 1987.

Let us work with you to make your website work for you.
Please call us at 1-800-232-3989
The call is free and our friendship has no $ sign.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 158 You can't do it without a manual

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

You can't do it without a manual

When given a new project, many people are often saying that they don't know how to do it or that they have never done it before. In short, it's the idea that you can't do something new.

Many things in this world do not have a manual. If you think that you can't do something because you have never done it before or because there is no manual, you are saying that you have no room to grow. It is important to challenge yourself in any way you can. It is also important to learn by doing and to write down what you have learned as a manual to pass on to future generations.

Sometimes saying no because you can't do it or don't know how to do it is not necessarily the wrong response. If you were to ask me to run a marathon, I would say, "I can't do it." It's not that I'm wrong for not taking on the challenge, but it's an error in judgment on the part of the person who asked me to run the marathon.

If it's not such an obvious mistake, I think it's important to challenge yourself even if you fail. And more importantly, you should clarify what went wrong and how it went wrong. That way, others won't have to make the same mistakes over and over again.

There is no manual for everything, it's your challenge to create one.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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It is a long day.

It is a long day.
I am here at Virginia Mason for testing since 7:30 this morning. It is 3:15 and waiting for one last test. I am tired.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


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I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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