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- Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol 124 Entrepreneurial Mentality
Entrepreneurial Mentality
Thirty-three and a half years have passed since I started my business. When I started my business, I did all the accounting, sales, and work by myself. I never once wondered how long it would last. In the beginning, I didn't have any particular business plan. Not only did I not have a business plan, but I also did not have a business generating income - I didn't have any customers. Still, I wanted to do something, so I worked hard to earn money by doing various jobs.
As the amount of work increased, I could no longer work alone, so I increased the number of employees one by one, and my income increased. This continued for 33 years, and the company grew to its current size of a little less than 50 employees. Sometimes I wonder if this is the right way to grow a company, but I couldn't do anything else. I guess it's because I believe that I should not cause trouble for the people around me to advance my own success.
Rather than making money, I try to avoid making mistakes. I can only think within the scope of not causing trouble even if I fail. This is a way of running a business that does not fit with the current times. That's why I don't borrow money, I don't raise prices - I guess this is my way of thinking. I don't believe this mentality will change in the future. There are many times when I think that this is not the way to live in this day and age, but that's my personality.
Kenichi Uchikura
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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