
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



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What Thing ???

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What Thing ???
Internet of Things (IoT)

Here are the new buzzwords for high-tech industry for you. It is “Internet of Things” and by the first look, you might just say what the heck are they?

I thought the same way so I did some research. Here is what I think what IoT is. There are things that are inherently Internet ready such as your computer, TV Set Top Box, Tablet and Smartphones. And there are by design not Internet ready such as your couch, refrigerator, bicycle, car, bed, coffee maker, windows, doors, air conditioning, shower and so on. At this point, just about everything is not Internet ready. We call them “Things”.

What if we made them connected to Internet?

Imagine your bathroom is connected to Internet, people will know what time you take shower or if you take shower … no, just kidding. What if the bathroom knows you are running out of toilet paper and it order TP before you run out of it? How about your office drawer knowing when you are running out of supplies and order them for you?

IoT … by having “Things” connected to Internet; “Things” will be much smarter and help your daily life. To accomplish this, Things must understand the environment they are in, by site, smell, sound, weight, temperature and so on. Yes, Things must have sensors and communication devices. They require more IP Addresses than what we have now. Thus, we will be using IP V6.

Well, I hope now you have some idea what IoT is.

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