
Japanese sake type – Classified into four types according to the concentration of flavor and aroma.


Dry/sweetness indicates the degree of sweetness while smooth/refreshing and rich/full flavor indicates the degree of richness.
The stronger the rice flavor, the more easily the rich sake flavor is detected, applicable to low-polished sake high in mineral content such as Junmai, Kimoto, and unfiltered sake with distinct, full flavors.
The characteristics of the flavors, suitable consumption method and temperatures are different by sake type.
This report introduces Aromatic Sake and Refreshing Sake.

Aromatic Sake
Sake with highly aromatic fragrance like fruits and flowers such as Junmai and Daiginjo.
Light to the palate, refreshing, and smooth sake with a fruity, wine-like flavor, popular overseas. The aroma is similar to fruits or herbs.
Applicable mainly to Junmai-Daiginjo and Daiginjo, most fragrant at the temperature range of approx. 41 degF.

Refreshing Sake
Lightest to the palate and highly refreshing, most common among Japanese sake. Applicable to a wide range of sake from Ginjo to non-premium sake, casually enjoyed year-round. The aroma is similar to lemon and lime.
Applicable mainly to unpasteurized sake and sake with low alcohol content, most fragrant at the temperature range of approx. 41 degF ~ 50 degF.





#dry #flavor #junmai #kimoto #rich #sake


Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Sasaiwai Challenge)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Sasaiwai Sake Brewery is a locally cherished sake brewery in Niigata prefecture always taking on new challenges, boasting over 100 years of history since its foundation in 1899. This brewery is known for its “challenge brew” involving farmers, sake retail shops, and consumers to express new sake flavors from Niigata prefecture not limited to smooth and dry. Marketing strategies for cloudy sake, sake produced by kimoto method (rare in kimoto Niigata prefecture), and other innovative challenges are taken on vigorously. This fifth product was recently released.
The product name is “Sasaiwai Challenge Niten-Gonomaki.” For this challenge, two types of sake – Honjozo and Junmai – using the same sake rice and rice-polishing ratio were released at the same time. The label is illustrated with a pair of sweet pandas, reminiscent of Nio Guardians and guardian dogs. As many consumers reference the label to discern Junmai from sake with distilled alcohol added, the label seems to be asking, “Do you really dislike the flavor of Honjozo (Junmai)? Do you dislike the flavor without even sampling it? Why not sample and compare both to decide what flavor you like for yourself?
The controversy surrounding the essence of recent Japanese sake seems to evoke cult-like angry passion among some, liberal information cited by strangers, and vague opinions with some labels worded condescendingly by sake producers, etc. However, I felt this sake label with two adorable pandas show the Sasaguchi Brewery owner’s passion for the Japanese sake industry. I believe the brewery owner is suggesting customers sample sake they don’t normally drink and compare the flavor to sake they enjoy drinking and savor the difference with a smile. The sake leaflet shows the two adorable pandas, Honjozo is traditional for both sake. Those who don’t understand maybe a bit close-minded.
On the other hand, one argument reads Junmai is more popular, the same relationship between guardian dogs and Nio Guardians. This means read between the lines and understand mentally without an explanation. It’s not about distilled alcohol added sake, Junmai, or anything else explained in colorful words, but the essence of sake understood by the heart without any explanation.
It’s natural to have preferences for luxury sake brands. However, it’s such a waste to select sake simply because its junmai, Honjozo, or specifically designated sake. Also, it’s fun to take on the new challenge of discovering different flavors according to the region, sake brewery, or through this Sasaiwai Challenge. The Sasaiwai Sake Brewery’s panda, sure to continue evolving, will no doubt continue to captivate our attention.


 明治32年創業、新潟県で地元に愛される地酒中の地酒を造る笹祝酒造は100年以上の歴史を大事にしつつ、新たなチャレンジを常に行っている。笹祝酒造のチャレンジで有名なのは「challenge brew」
と題した酒造り。農家や酒販店や消費者を巻き込み淡麗辛口だけではない新潟の新たな酒を表現し続けている。にごり酒のマーケット戦略、新潟県では珍しい生酛(きもと)造りなど、革新的なチャレンジを精力的に行っている。その第五弾が先日発売された。「笹祝challenge brew 伍ノ巻」である。今回は、なんと同じ酒米・同じ精米歩合の本醸造と純米の2種類同時発売である。ラベルには、ほぼ同じ可愛いパンダのイラストが阿吽の一対になっており、仁王像や狛犬を連想させる。純米かアルコール添加かをラベル情報で判断して飲み分けている人が多い中、「本当に本醸造(純米)の味は嫌いですか?飲まず嫌いではないですか?2本飲み比べてもう一度判断しませんか。」というメッセージが込められている感じがする。昨今の日本酒の本質を巡る論争には、オカルティックな怒りとかリベラル的な他人の情報を間借りした答えの無いよく解らない意見や、メーカー側が飲み手を馬鹿にしたようなラベルが有ったりするのだが、私はこの可愛いパンダの2つのラベルに笹口蔵元の日本酒の世界に対する愛情を深く感じた。普段手を出さない酒と好きな酒を飲み比べ、その良さを笑顔で再認識出来る最善の策を蔵元は打ち出したと思っている。酒の案内書には、2頭のパンダが、互いの酒に対して、本醸造は伝統的だ。理解できない人は頭が固い。いややっぱり人気は純米だと議論をしていると書いてあった。しかしこのパンダ達は阿吽の関係である。狛犬や仁王像と同じ阿吽の関係にある。この阿吽、阿吽の呼吸などと使われる言葉だが、この意味の中には、心で感じるとか暗黙の理解といった意味が有る。アル添酒がどうとか、純米酒がどうかは、言葉で色々と語り合うものでは無い。この酒の本質である心の伝達や暗黙の理解であると思う。このパンダ達も、それを言葉で発しているわけではないのである。嗜好品の酒には好き嫌いが有って当然なのである。しかし、純米だからとか本醸造だからと特定名称で酒を選ぶのも勿体ないし、地方や酒蔵で味は全く違うのを知る事や、今回の笹祝酒造のチャレンジ酒の様に、新たな発見が出来る酒を飲み手側もチャレンジしてみるのも面白いと思う。今後も変化を続けるであろう笹祝酒造のパンダに今後も目が離せない。

#covid19 #daiginjo #jizake #junmai #nigori #sake #tokyo


Sake Nation “NON GMO Certification: Part 3”

By Kosuke Kuji

This report is a continuation from the last report, the last report on NON GMO certification.
Currently, many non-Japanese consumers worldwide enjoy Japanese sake and cuisine because they like Japan, know friends and family associated with Japan, have a working relationship with Japan, or for various other reasons.
These consumers enjoy sake during meals like wine. Of course, some consumers enjoy sake for its health benefits or simply for its delicious flavor.
However, consumers with such preference are very few according to non-Japanese nationals worldwide. Thinking of ways to entice other non-Japanese consumers to try Japanese sake and cuisine will be crucial to ensure the future of Japanese sake.
Overcoming the language, religious, racial, and dietary barriers (taboos) is crucial for Japanese sake to become a true internationally consumed alcoholic beverage.
One way for sake to become a true internationally consumed alcoholic beverage is to attain Kosher, vegan, and NON GMO certification.
“Safety, Security, and Purity.” Qualities expected for food products by Japanese nationals are ’visualized’ for all consumers by attaining this international certification.
Reliability is earned by attaining thorough certification from third parties. This certification could also be the first step to lower the threshold to introduce the appeal of Japanese sake flavors to consumers with low interest in Japanese sake.
Of course, there are various other strategies as well. However, I believe it’s important for Japanese sake to be consumed overseas to visualize the appeal of Japanese sake.

酒豪大陸「NON GMO認定 その3」

前回からの続きになります。今回でNON GMOのお話は最後となります。
そのための方法の1つがコーシャやヴィーガン、そしてNON GMOなのだと思います。

#Breweries #Dassai #Hakkaisan #Kosher #NONGMO #Sake #kanpai


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