
Expanding Sake Sales

By Yuji Matsumoto

Recently in the U.S., wine discount stores like BevMo and Total Wine and More, etc., are prosperous. Also, rural areas have local large liquor stores that sell various alcoholic beverages (tequila, ji-beer (local craft beers), champagne, whiskey, etc.) in addition to wine. When I went to Las Vegas last week, I stopped by the largest local liquor chain store, where I was surprised to see the very limited selections of Japanese sake. With various foreign tequilas, wines, and ji-beer lining the shelves, why were there so little selections of Japanese sake offered? Also, the few selections available were without tages and lost in the “Asian” alcoholic section.

With the current Sake Tour indicating high public interest in Japanese sake and shochu, it’s disappointing to see so few outlets offering the products. The question I’m most often asked is, “This sake is delicious. Where can I buy it?” However, as of yet, the only answer I can provide is our restaurant. I’m also surprised to see customers who wish to purchase by the bottle.

Over ninety-percent of Japanese sake and shochu consumption takes place at Japanese restaurants. However, as long as this is the case, the market will not expand. Japan-affiliated markets are available only in some major cities. To have Americans consume sake and shochu “at home,” it is necessary for these products to be distributed more and more to specialty liquor stores and their staff trained.


最近米国ではBevmoやTotal Wine and Moreなどのワインディスカウント店が繁盛している。また地方に行くと地元の大型リカーショップ店があり、これらの店にはワイン以外にありとあらゆるアルコール飲料(テキーラ、地ビール、シャンペン、ウィスキー等)が陳列されている。先週ラスベガスに行った際にも地元最大のリカーチェーン店に足を運んでみたが、日本酒の種類の乏しさに唖然とした。海外産のテキーラやワイン、地ビールがこんなにあるのになぜ日本酒がこんなに少ないのか、また、何もタグがなく、ただ「Asian」のアルコールの中に埋もれていた。
現在行っているSake Tourでこれだけ日本酒や焼酎に興味を持っている人がいるのに、購入する場所がないのはとても残念なことだ。一番多く受ける質問は、「この酒美味しいですね、どこで買えるのか?」である。しかし、現状としては当店のレストランのみ、ということしか言えない。ボトルで購入したい、という顧客の多さには驚くばかりだ。

#japanesefood #japanesesake #sake #shochu


Zoboshu (alcoholic beverage for monks)

Sake was produced in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temple grounds in high volumes as offerings since the syncretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism, “prohibition (of sake)” was issued in 1420.
Annual rice yield collected as taxes gathered from across Japan to medieval Buddhist temples, as the vast temple grounds were suitable to store the rice. In addition, many monks and their disciples supplied the labor, fulfilling all the necessary conditions to produce sake. During this time, the production of zoboshu (alcoholic beverage for monks) led to the rapid refinement of sake production skills using yeast starter, steamed rice, koji, and the “multiple fermentation method” already used to prepare the water by this time, along with “Bodaisen” (fine and exclusive sake) – the original form of the modern day starter culture - as referenced in the records “Sake Diary.”
Also, the “Tamon-in diary” mentions the terms “pasteurization” and “multiple fermentation.”
The following Zoboshu were especially renowned:

Amanoshu: Kawachi-Amanosan, Kongoji
Hyakusaijishu:Oumi, Hyakusaiji
Bodaisen: Yamato-Bobaisan, Shoryakuji
Tounomineshu: Yamato, Myouryakuji


寺院では中世の神仏習合(しんぶつしゅうごう)時より、境内の鎮守社への献酒にお酒を造っていたが、応永27年(1420) には「寺内禁酒令」が出るほど大量に造られるようになった。


#Zoboshu #japan #japanese #japanesesake #sake


Tokyo Jizake Strolling (200 years of history)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Kanemasu Brewery (Shibata city, Niigata prefecture), producer of Junmai Daiginjo “Hatsuhana” and “Kinmasu,” celebrated 200 years since their foundation. Kanemasu Brewery was founded as “Takahashi Shuzo” in Shin-Niigata city, Niigata prefecture in 1822 and relocated to their current location in Shibata city in 1930 to access quality water and rice. I received an invitation from Kanemasu brewery to celebrate 200 years in business. Since the liquor shop I operate is a client of the brewery, I visited Shibata city, Niigata prefecture to attend the celebration. On my way, I first stopped by Aumont Sake Brewery, Inc., also located in Shibata city, Niigata prefecture.
The reason for my visit was to verify a rumor that started when Ichishima Sake Brewery changed their name to Aumont Sake Brewery, Inc. in February 2022. A rumor that the brewery’s retail shop became their promotional shop and tourist attraction circulated. Upon arrival, I was surprised to see how clean the brewery was, more like a posh Japanese restaurant in the suburbs in appearance. When I stepped inside, sake brands on the shelves consisted not only of Aumont Sake Brewery, but also by Kikusui and Kanemasu Breweries. The retail shop selling local food products is equipped with a food court, acting as a promotional shop for Aumont Sake Brewery as rumored. Although I wanted to purchase some local specialty foods, I still had to reach my primary destination. Therefore, I put off my purchase and headed to Kanemasu Brewery. Upon arrival, several participants had already arrived, along with food trucks from a local café on stand-by.
First, I spoke to the founder and master sake brewer, enjoyed a glass of beer and sake served as a gesture to welcome my visit, then followed the master sake brewery on a tour of the brewery. Although I was already familiar with the inside of the brewery, it’s not often I enter the brewery with many other visitors. Just seeing the reaction of other visitors was interesting. A 40-minute introduction of the brewery was presented throughout the day, with many visitors listening to the master sake brewer’s introduction. Next came the main product of the event, coffee liquor. In September, Brazil celebrated 200 years since declaring independence from Portugal. To commemorate this celebration, the Brazilian Embassy consulted Kanemasu Brewery, also celebrating their 200-year anniversary, to discuss a collaborative product produced from Brazilian coffee beans.
Kasutori shochu (made from distilling sake lees left over from fermenting sake) is the main shochu produced by a Japanese sake brewery, produced by Kanemasu Brewery using pot distillation. The brewery also produces rice shochu, sweet potato shochu, and distilled beverages. Shochu and Brazilian coffee beans were used to produce this collaborative coffee liquor, refreshing to the palate with a fragrant coffee aroma that calms the mind of the consumer, completed to perfection. The joint celebration between the Brazilian Embassy and Kanemasu Brewery continued for several days until preparation for production started, which consisted of a photo exhibition, capoeira performances, musical performances, etc. The day left me mesmerized by the depth of Japanese sake that established a fated connection made possible only after 200 years in business.


#daiginjo #japanese #japanesesake #jizake #junmai #niigata #sake


Sake Nation “Activities of New Sake Breweries: Part 3”

By Kosuke Kuji

Hokkaido prefecture is fast garnering attention as home to one of several new locations of Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery, featured in the last report.
Another reason Hokkaido is garnering attention is a sake brewery in Gifu prefecture relocated their entire sake brand to produce sake in Hokkaido, an unprecedented development in past history.
Koji Yamada, CEO of Michizakura Shuzou brewery, producer of the “Michizakura” sake brand for the past 143 years, explained the impact of global warming and the search for a new location from their deteriorated brewery in Gifu prefecture led to his decision to relocate to Hokkaido prefecture.
The reason for their relocation had nothing to do with a brewery closure nor any change in ownership. The current owner of the founding family departed Gifu prefecture after nearly 140 years in business and chose Hokkaido prefecture as their new home to continue their legacy.
Japan is indeed impacted by global warming, requiring western breweries to expand their cooling facilities while rice crops are more easily destroyed by high temperatures. I hear breweries in southern and western Japan face many challenges due to the weather. Moving to Hokkaido prefecture eliminates this challenge posed by the climate. Further, recent rice harvested in Hokkaido is said to have improved significantly.
Further, Hokkaido prefecture is prepared to welcome new breweries to the region like Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery, which likely inspired Yamada to relocate to Hokkaido.
The new “Michizakura,” released as a new regional sake produced in Hokkaido, is popular among many fans of the Michizakura sake brand in addition to new consumers in Hokkaido, indicating their relocation was a success.
I’m confident regional sake from Hokkaido prefecture will continue to garner attention.

酒豪大陸「新しい酒蔵の息吹 その3」


#KamikawaTaisetsu #Michizakura #hokkaido #japanese #japanesesake #jizake #sake


Sake Nation “Activities of New Sake Breweries: Part 2”

By Kosuke Kuji

The last issue introduced sake brewery “Tenbi” (Yamaguchi prefecture). New sake brewery “Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery” recently emerged in Hokkaido as well.
This brewery was originally based out of Mie prefecture, where they acquired a license from an inactive brewery, transferred to Hokkaido prefecture, and started producing a new sake brand.
A new sake brewery suddenly opened in Hokkaido prefecture, completely different from the sake produced in Mie prefecture. I curiously observed the launch of the new brewery from a distance as I pondered their future.
Surprisingly, Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery was accepted across Hokkaido prefecture, quickly became popular and widely consumed as the “sake” representative of Hokkaido prefecture.
Further, the brewery built another Japanese sake brewery within the Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, where they started operating as “Hekiungura.” It’s exceptionally rare for a sake brewery to be operating inside a university campus, which generated major headlines.
Sake products produced by Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery are widely consumed not only in Hokkaido prefecture, but throughout Japan.
The brewery’s label is quite memorable and surprising, utilizing branding that is far removed from the concept of past Japanese sake breweries.
This brewery’s challenge to revitalize vitality throughout Japan is ready to make waves in the long-established Japanese sake industry, hinting at a new future.
Please look forward to this sake representative of Hokkaido prefecture to be imported into the U.S. in the near future.

酒豪大陸「新しい酒蔵の息吹 その2」

#breweries #japanese #japanesefood #japanesesake #sake


Prepare for the upcoming party season.

By Yuji Matsumoto

When we get into December, restaurants start becoming busy with year-end parties and Christmas parties, and we should start preparation from the beginning of November. During this time, wines and champagnes are consumed a lot and even served by restaurants, and it is disappointing that sales of Japanese sake is slightly held back by them. However, if you think of what goes good with food, I feel that Japanese sake is the winner. Also it can be consumed at different temperatures and I am happy that hot sake can warm up your body during the cold seasons.
With some thought out presentations, you can drink Japanese sake in style.
Let's start with the glass. By using the white wine glass instead of the usual Japanese sake glass, you can increase the luxury at your table. If you like sparkling alcohol like champagne, it would be interesting to serve sake in a flute glass. Varieties of sparkling Japanese sake has increased recently and we're thankful that they are being sold at reasonable prices. Also, we would like you to try flavor sake which is popular during this season.
If you like to drink hot sake, we suggest you buy the sake warming set on the market that uses candles to warm sake. This would be a very good match with Western style foods.


#christmas #holiday #japanese #japanesesake #party #sake #wine #yearend


Yashiori (Pressed) Sake

Yashiori sake is the first sake mentioned in Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters), Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan), “Kiki-shinwa” (Mythology) in “Yamatano-orochi: Eight-headed, Eight-tailed Serpent.” “Ya-” (eight) means “many times, repeatedly,” while “yashiori” means “to press.”

Rice and malted rice are prepared as fermentation-mash, filtered with a cloth before placing the rice and malted rice back into the fluid with the sake lees removed. This procedure is repeated several times to produce sake high in alcohol content.

Although a few disadvantages of this sake brewing method include high-viscosity of the fermentation-mash and the lengthy time required for the pressing process that warms the sake. Still, this sake brewing method is much more advanced than the “Amano-tamukezake.”
An even more advanced sake brewing method is the “Multiple Fermentation Method” (three-step preparation method for the fermentation-mash), widely used between the 11th ~ 12th century.


さらに進んだ醸造法としては、11~12世紀に一般に用いられるようになった「酸(とう)法」 (段掛(だんがけ)法:現在の三段掛も同じ)がある。 
#AmanoTamukezake #Yashiori #japanesesake #sake


Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Sake Breweries Face a New Challenge)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Nakatani Brewing Co., Ltd. is a long-established sake brewery operating since the Edo period (1603-1867). Located in Yamato-koriyama city, Nara prefecture, the brewery’s sake product Mikka-odori garnered attention. Upon release, master sake brewers from other sake breweries visited my sake shop to purchase the Mikka-odori and study the flavor of this breakthrough sake product. The Mikka-odori was not entered into the Annual Japan Sake Awards as sake produced from sake rice, but as sake produced from regular rice instead. Still, the brewery’s extremely advanced brewing skills helped the Mikka-odori garner the Gold Prize.
Yamato-koriyama city, home to Nakatani brewery, was designated as a special zone to experience sake production based on the Structural Reform Special Area Act in December 2020. Following this designation, the Nakatani brewery decided to establish Yanagimachi Brewery in a separate location from their current brewery for tourists to experience sake production firsthand and to take a new step forward as the “first Japanese sake micro brewery & sake bar in Japan to offer firsthand experience in sake production.”
The current brewery is located in an area difficult to access by car, one reason sampling events typically offered during sake brewery tours cannot be organized here. On the other hand, the Yanagimachi brewery is close to the Kintetsu Koriyama station, easily accessible by train. After the sake production experience, tourists can walk into the adjoining sake bar and enjoy sake to their heart’s content before heading home safely by train. Although meals are not served at the sake bar, food can be brought in or delivered from the Jyokamachi Shopping District, revitalizing business for the shopping district as well.
Tourists visiting the brewery can produce very low volumes of sake in only several dozen gallons. Also, tourists can sample fresh sake squeezed daily, still containing carbon dioxide. Of course, not every aspect of this new business direction is pleasant. As concerns are raised over recent consumers growing distant from Japanese sake and alcohol, customers may gather when the product first garners attention, but maintaining the initial momentum in ways that generate long-term sales will require serious effort. Since the Kintetsu Koriyama Station area is not a lively area to begin with, the brewery must be feeling anxious. Also, the current brewery will temporarily halt sake production, meaning their classic sake products like Mikka-odori and Banjo will not be available, very disappointing news. However, we support the brewery’s new business direction regardless.
Nakatani brewery is crowdfunding to establish this new brewery. Past sake is named the last sake, while future sake is referred to as the first sake to be delivered to supporters. One tank of original sake can also be produced. Purchases have already started among many supporters. I also made a purchase to support the brand. I would also like to visit Japan’s first sake microbrewery in this area where Japanese sake originated. As a Japanese sake enthusiast, I would also love to see Nakatani Brewing Co., Ltd. pass on their high sake-brewing skills to future generations.


#NakataniBrewing #Nara #japanesesake #sake


Sake Nation “Praying for World Peace”

By Kosuke Kuji

Shocking news of Russia invading Ukraine rattled Japan in the end of February 2022.
A nation that relinquished war based on the three non-nuclear principles and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, Japan advocates for peace. Therefore, it never occurred to the Japanese that a major invasion and war would start during the Reiwa Era (2019~).
We pray this conflict will end quickly for peace to return.
To enjoy “alcoholic beverages” like Japanese sake, beer, and wine requires peace.
Needless to say, no one would drink alcohol on the battlefield.
Recently, I’ve contemplated how our family business of sake production passed down through generations requires “peace” to operate.
Japanese sake exports are purchased in high volumes by nations such as the U.S., China, etc. and also Russia.
The Consulate-General of Japan in Vladivostok was planning to organize a remote Japanese sake seminar and sampling event in early March.
After thorough preparation including a rehearsal was complete, Russia invaded Ukraine a day later, causing the event to be canceled.
Our disappointment over the canceled event was overpowered by our agony over the sad plight of Ukrainian refugees and the agony of Russians protesting the war.
We sincerely pray for peace to return as soon as possible for Ukraine and Russia to enjoy delicious cuisine and sake.


#JapaneseSake #Russia #Ukraine #WorldPeace #sake


Enjoy sake more casually

By Yuji Matsumoto
Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers.
Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indicating the unfortunate reality that sake is still far from being casually enjoyed in private homes and parties.

One of the reasons is because the true flavors of sake and how they’re enjoyed is not widely introduced. Therefore, to American diners, sake is still a unique beverage to be enjoyed at local sushi bars. Also, because the prices can be at times higher, products may not be lined visibly on store shelves and information may be lacking on labels, which may be contributing to this issue.
In this issue, I will give you a simple overview of how to select sake.
First, it’s important to decide what menu selections to enjoy the sake with. Similar to how wine enhances the foods you eat, sake is also to be enjoyed during meals.

Meat dishes: Junmai or Junmai Kimoto is recommended (from Kyushu, Tohoku, Kanto, Hokuriku or Nada regions)
Chicken dishes: Ginjo class (from Hiroshima, Niigata, Nada, Hokuriku, and Kanto regions) is recommended
Fish dishes: Ginjo and Daiginjo class (Niigata, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyoto regions) are recommended.

Of course, flavoring and preparation methods will influence your choice of sake, but first, it would be interesting to sample sake by region.





#japanesefood #japanesesake #nihonshu #sake


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