
A “Japan-quality” matcha café opens in San Francisco

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By Elli Sekine

In the Mission District of San Francisco, which is known as the base of cutting-edge food and beverages, start-up entrepreneurs and invested money of Silicon Valley always link together, and new restaurants and cafes have been opening one after another. This is also the place where much-talked-about food and beverages such as the third wave of coffee, the third wave of chocolate, and Tartine Bakery started. One day, this May, the “Stonemill Matcha” cafe opened for the first time ever in the world by a Japanese entrepreneur.

There, a brand-new type of highest quality matcha and Japan-originated dessert-making techniques are united.

This café is the succession of a restaurant bar, “Bar Tartine”, which was the second establishment of “Tartine”, the very popular bakery in SF. Ever since its opening was announced, this cafe has attracted a great deal of attention from the food and drink industry. Many people had huge expectations due to the brand-image left from the former popular place. However, its opening reception day turned out to be the day everybody had to admit its excellent quality which was beyond expectations. In the past year, matcha serving cafes have become a big hit in San Francisco. But, most of those cafes specialize in sweets such as ice cream. On the other hand, a store that specializes in serving infused matcha called “Samovar Tea Bar” which opened 3 years ago in the same Mission District, has also become hugely popular. Yet, the Japanese tea has only been a small part of the tea culture scene along with other teas such as Chinese tea and Western tea. “Stonemill Matcha”, however, is a matcha specialty store by Japanese.

Mr. Eijiro Tsukada, Founder/CEO of “Stonemill Matcha Inc.” is the mastermind behind it. He mastered in the study of tea in Kyoto, studied international businesses in both Japan and the US, and then founded this company. He said about its opening: “I aimed for an ultimate matcha business that no one in this world has accomplished yet.” A matcha business, which can be called the compilation of such idea, opened stately in the Mission District, invested by multiple corporations including Japanese companies. “Matcha has been recognized in the US, but mainly in the form of soft serve ice cream, etc., and people might have thought that it would be difficult to infuse and serve properly at home. I am hoping that this café will be the trigger for Americans to know more variations of matcha, and enjoy it easily at home,” Mr. Tsukada said. He also said that he wants to keep informing the nutrients and health benefits of matcha intently. Looking at the attractive and unique menus makes you want to try everything on them.

The spacious interior space, where tradition and modernism unite, is decorated with Japanese old house–themed decorations throughout, which provide warm tones using high quality wooden materials, and bring out a classy and relaxing ambience. The ceramic dishes used are hand-made originals by a local artist, and are effective in providing stylish tea time experiences. In the back, a real stone mill, symbolic to “Stonemill Matcha”, is displayed, and represents the deep Japanese food culture.

The tea menu includes only the Japanese tea using tea leaves from Kyoto’s tea farmers/producers. The menu consists of a wide variety of tea. Besides matcha, it includes sencha, hoji-cha, etc. The most popular drinks are Matcha Latte ($5), Ginger Matcha Latte ($5.50), and Cold Brew ($4.50). You can have latte drinks either hot or cold. There is even a unique drink called “Matcha Spritzer”, in which matcha and carbonated water are mixed together. You can also get advice from knowledgeable staff members as to how to infuse Japanese tea correctly, and the installed cutting-edge tea infusion machine produces tea with the best possible temperature and in the best possible steamed state for serving. The desserts and light meals menus are also richly varied, and contain pastries, cream puffs, and Japan-quality original cakes that are made by a collaboration with Tartine. Among them, matcha croissants and roll cakes are especially popular. On the light meals menu, there are cutlet sandwiches ($14), chicken okayu (rice gruel) ($13), matcha chazuke ($16), etc., and the cutlet sandwiches seem to have captured the American appetite particularly among them.

Knowledge and spirit of matcha have been thrown in throughout this place, in the menus, the way the place has been constructed, and even in the services. There is also even an authentic tea ceremony room, where they plan to have regular workshops and tea ceremonies in the future. Mr. Tsukada expressed his desire passionately to spread this business model from San Francisco to all over the US. “Stonemill Matcha” is already well supported by the Mission District foodies, and branding has been successfull. The “Matcha life” looks very much likely to permeate into their lifestyle soon.


先端の飲食発信基地として知られるミッション地区では、飲食起業家のアイディアと投資マネーが連携し、次々と新しいレストランやカフェを創出している。サードウェーブコーヒーやスモールバッチチョコレート、オーガニックべーカリーなどの話題の飲食もここが発祥の地。先日5 月、日本人起業家による福寿園の抹茶を使った最先端の抹茶カフェ、「Stonemill Matcha」がオープンした。

 SFで一番人気のべーカリー、「Tartine」系列のレストラン、「BarTartine」 の後継となる同店は、オープンの告知がされて以来、飲食業界から多大な注目を集めていた。元人気店に残されたブランドイメージに期待する声は多い。しかしその期待以上に、先日行われたオープニングレセプションでは、誰もがその品質の高さを認めた日となった。

SF ではこの一年、「抹茶」カフェが大流行中。しかしそのほとんどはアイスクーム店などのスイーツが中心となっている。一方、抹茶を煎じて飲ませる店として3 年前に同じくミッション地区にオープンしたお茶専門店の「Samovar TeaBar」が大人気店となったが、日本茶の存在は中国茶や西洋茶と並ぶ一部としてでしかなかった。「Stonemill Matcha」は、“ジャパンクオリティー”の抹茶専門店だ。

仕掛け人は、Stonemill Matcha Inc.の創業者でCEO の塚田英次郎氏。同氏は 京都で茶学を習得し、某大手企業に勤めながら京都で茶学を習得し、国際ビジネスを日本とアメリカで学び、この度同社を立上げた。今回のオープンについて、「世界でまだ誰もがやってない究極の抹茶ビジネスを目指しました」と同氏。その集大成といえる抹茶ビジネスは、日本企業を含む複数の企業からの投資を受け、ミッション地区に堂々のオープンを果たした。「抹茶は今までアメリカで認知されていましたが主にソフトクリームなどで、家庭で煎じるのは難しいという先入観があったと思います。カフェのオープンが、もっとアメリカ人が抹茶のバリエーションを知り、気軽に家庭で楽めるきっかけになれば良いと思います」と塚田氏は、抹茶に含まれる栄養素や健康的な面も強調していきたいと語る。そのメニューを見れば誰もが試してみたくなるユニークで魅力的な内容だ。

伝統とモダンが融合する広い店内は、上質な木材を使った暖かいトーンに京都の古民家をイメージした和テイストの装飾が散りばめられ、上品で落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出している。使用する陶器は、地元作家による手作り感溢れるオリジナルで、おしゃれなティータイムが楽しめる。奥には「Stonemill Matcha」のシンボルとなる石臼の展示が奥深い日本の食文化をアピールしている。

お茶メニューは、福寿園の茶葉を使用。抹茶の他に煎茶、ほうじ茶などバリエーション豊富。人気ドリンクは抹茶ラテ($5.00)、ジンジャー抹茶ラテ($5.50)、コールドブリュー($4.50)で、ラテはホット、アイスを選べる。中には「抹茶スピリッツア」など抹茶と炭酸をミクスしたユニークなドリンクも揃う。また、十分な知識を持ったスタッフが日本茶の正しい煎れ方と美味しい飲み方などのアドバイスをくれたり、先端の茶抽出機を導入し、温度調整や蒸しもベストな状態で出てくる。また、ペストリーとデザートメニューは、Tartine とのコラボしたペストリー、クリームパフ、オリジナルケーキ類など種類豊富で、特に抹茶クロワッサン、ロールケーキが人気。軽食メニューには、カツサンド($14)、チキンおかゆ($13)、抹茶茶漬け($16)などが揃い、その中でもカツサンドはすでにアメリカ人の胃袋を掴んでいるようだ。

同店は、店づくりからサービスに至るまで抹茶の知識とスピリットが投入されている。さらには本格的なお茶室も完備し、定期的にワークショップやティーセレモニーも行う予定だ。今後の展開について塚田氏は、このビジネスモデルSF から全米へ、やがて世界へと発信していきたいと意気込みを表した。すでに「Stonemill Matcha」は、フーディーなミッションの地元客に支持され、抹茶がライフスタイルに溶け込みそうな勢いだ。

Stonemill Matcha
561 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
7days open
#Japan #SF #StonemillMatcha #alljapannews #cafe #dessert #matcha #okayu #quality


Introducing the “Japan quality” to the world, that Japan is so proud of

Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the...
By Aya Ota

In a corner of the busy Midtown East District, you will find a heavy dignified looking door with a family crest design. As soon as you step into the space behind the door, the crisp air is felt like from another world. It is “MIFUNE New York” opened in the summer of 2017 as the first US restaurant by Tokyo Restaurant Factory Inc., which has established 40 restaurants in Japan, most of them serving high-end Japanese cuisine.

“While introducing the Japan quality, I would like to make a lot of Japan fans all over the world,” so told Mr. Hiroyuki Morishima, General Manager/Overseas Business Division Chief of the restaurant, about their mission. The name of the restaurant was taken from Toshiro Mifune, a prominent Japanese actor, who was known as “Mifune of the World”. The name was chosen as such that deserves to represent Japan, and carry the responsibility to go to the world. The company has a deep connection to the Mifune Production, and Toshiro Mifune himself was once passionately involved in restaurant related businesses. So, the name also holds an intension to inherit Toshiro Mifune’s old dream, and also to reintroduce his greatness.

As the name suggests, the consistent natural style and modern and international sense of Japan co-exist in “MIFUNE New York”.

While holding values of traditional Japanese cuisine, their dishes are combined with French cuisine techniques, which made them so unique that you cannot experience anywhere else. The menu was created by Hiroki Yoshitake, owner/chef of “Sola”, a Michelin starred Paris restaurant. The New York kitchen is led by Yuu Shimano, a strong-skilled executive chef, who has the experience of displaying his skills in a Michelin 3-starred restaurant in Paris. Their dishes, using plentiful local seasonal ingredients, are presented beautifully and delicately on plates made by Japanese craftsmanship, and they are picturesque, colorful and elegant, and so breath-taking that they make you leak a sigh. You see no sign of compromise from any of those dishes which are created one by one so diligently. I would really like you to try their original signature cocktails, too. They were created by a bartender, Shingo Gokan who is a winner of the World’s Cocktail Championship, and entertain you with their names taken from the films in which Toshiro Mifune starred in, and the ingredients using Japanese foods and sake. They also have “sushi AMANE” hidden in the basement, which has only 8 seats, and serves omakase-style sushi. The chef, Uino Shion, is a young elite from “Sushi Saito”, a prominent 3 consecutive Michelin 3-star winning restaurant in Tokyo. “sushi AMANE” has become a legend in no time by winning a Michelin star only 3 months after its opening, which was the fastest in New York.

“MIFUNE New York”——you may say that it is a stage where Japanese proud young talents compete.

“I wanted to make it in New York where people of diverse races and cultural backgrounds live and lead the trends, and only true things can survive,” says Mr. Moriyama as the reason for choosing New York for their first restaurant in the US. At the beginning, doing business in New York was much harder than he expected. However, they have surely been increasing the number of customers including repeaters as they have improved the menu and services flexibly since opening while they carefully observe the customer reactions. Due to its high-end ambience and price setting, people tend to use it for special occasions such as anniversaries, so their current issue is how to have more people come and use it more casually. There is a counter space near the entrance, a dining space with an open feel with a high ceiling, and private room-like divided table section in the basement, which should allow you to enjoy in various situations such as dating, group dining, entertaining guests, etc. They also wish to appeal to a wider range of people by planning a cocktail paring event with Shingo Gokan, expanding seasonal menus etc.

Mr. Morishima continues, “I want MIFUNE New York to be not only a restaurant, but also a place where people who gather there realize their dreams. I will be happy if we can motivate such a thing.” Mr. Morishima used to work in a different industry. He himself is one of those who keep trying to realize his dreams. I was surprised to know that he is already planning to open a yakitori restaurant this spring in the West Village District. I want to keep my eyes open for the Japan quality this company keeps sending out to the world.


賑やかなミッドタウンイースト地区の一角、家紋をあしらった重厚感ある扉を押して足を踏み入れると、一瞬にして別世界に入り込んだような凜とした空気が流れる。『MIFUNE New York』——高級和食店を中心に日本国内で約40店舗を展開する『東京レストランツファクトリー株式会社』の北米進出第一号店として、2017年夏に開店した店だ。


『MIFUNE New York』には、その店名が語る通り、一本筋の通った日本らしさとモダンな国際感覚が共存している。


ニューヨークの厨房を仕切るのはエグゼクティブ・シェフの島野雄氏。パリのミシュラン三つ星レストランで腕を振るった実績を持つ実力派だ。四季折々の地元食材をふんだんに使い、陶芸作家による美しい和食器に、繊細に盛り付けられた料理の数々……絵画のような色彩感覚と優雅さに、感嘆のため息が漏れる。一品一品、丁寧に作り込まれた皿からは、一切の妥協を感じない。同店オリジナルのシグネチャー・カクテルもぜひ試してほしい。カクテル世界大会優勝者のバーテンダー、後閑信吾氏が考案したもので、三船敏郎氏が出演した映画にちなんだネーミングと、和食材や酒を使った内容で楽しませてくれる。そして、地下には隠れ家のようにひっそりと、8席のみでおまかせ寿司を提供する『sushi AMANE』が存在する。シェフの宇井野詩音氏は、8年連続ミシュラン三つ星を獲得する東京の名店『鮨 さいとう』から抜擢された若き精鋭。『sushi AMANE』はニューヨーク・ミシュラン史上最速、開店後3カ月で星を獲得し、瞬く間に伝説を打ち立てた。

『MIFUNE New York』——ここは、日本が誇る若い才能が競演する舞台のような存在なのかもしれない。


「MIFUNE New Yorkはレストランでありながらも、集まった人々が夢を実現させる場所でありたい。そして、その原動力になれるとうれしい」と森嶋氏は続ける。森嶋氏自身も全くの異業種から転職し、夢に向けて挑戦し続ける一人でもある。そして、もうすでに、この春にはウェストビレッジ地区に焼き鳥店を出店予定だというので驚きだ。同社が世界に発信するジャパン・クオリティ、これからも注目していきたい。

245 E 44th Street
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-986-2800(MIFUNE New York)/212−986−5300(sushi AMANE)

Lunch: Mon – Fri 11:30am – 2:30pm
Dinner: Mon – Sat 6:00pm – 11:30pm
#French #Japan #MIFUNE #NY #alljapannews #quality


Iwate Specialties and Sake Pairing

By Kosuke Kuji

Iwate prefecture I live in is the number one largest prefecture next to Hokkaido and the area is about the same size as Shikoku. Besides the 70% of the prefecture being mountainous, it contains Sanriku Coast which is a ria coast and is famous as the Japanese fjord. Abundant with food from both the land and sea, another character of Iwate prefecture is having the rich food culture. I'm always asked how the Japanese sake goes with food overseas.

If it is Japanese food with Japanese sake, any combination goes well to an extent, but if you're looking for the best combination, some of the best can be found by pairing food materials from the local areas of the brew masters that brew regional sake.

To start, Iwate prefecture that has the Sanriku Coast is a large fish industry area. A variety of fishes and shellfishes at the coastal areas can be enjoyed. Out of all those items, "Abalone" represents Iwate prefecture.

Especially the abalone that is caught in Yoshihama of 'Sanriku, Ofunato' is dried and has been exported to China from long ago. This abalone is called "Yoshihama Dried Abalone" and is useful as the highest quality food material in China.

This Sanriku in Iwate is proud of their "Sanriku Takarazuke" which is pickled with abalone, salmon roe, smelt roe and 'mekabu' (seaweed family) etc is a specialty item that shines out of all items in Iwate. Mr. Nakamuraya of 'Kamaishi, Iwate' who also starred on the popular TV program "Ryori no tetsujin" (Iron Chiefs) is the one who makes this "Sanriku Takarazuke". This specialty item that combines the goodness of Sanriku ocean and Nanbu Bijin Daiginjyo just make the best combination and the fruity aroma of the Daiginjyo and the sea aroma and salty tang make the best match.

This Sanriku Takarazuke pairs well with sake but it is also wonderful eating it after putting it on top of just made hot rice.

It just makes me feel good to be born a Japanese knowing we have Iwate prefecture that has the best seafood, with variety of processed foods, also as raw or dried and processed and being distributed throughout Japan and to the world.









#alljapanusa #iwate #japan #pairing #sake


Enjoy Jizake at Tokyo Station Underground Shopping Center

By Kosuke Kuji

Tokyo Station that is located in Tokyo which is also the center of Japan.

Tokyo Station has been newly born and changed with a large scale renovation construction in recent years and Japanese sake is being offered at different locations so there are more opportunities to try Japanese sakes.

With the increase of foreign visitors in the last few years, many foreigners can be seen even at Tokyo Station also. One place where a foreigner will definitely visit when they come to Japan is Tokyo Station.

Within the station, after you go thru the ticket gates and go underground there is a shopping area that spreads in front of you called “Gransta.”

Once you go thru the ticket gates of the station in the past, there were only a few souvenir, convenience or station bento stores, and a small ‘tachigui soba’ (eat noodles while standing) restaurant, but that image has greatly changed after the opening of Gransta.

Gransta has many specialty and unique stores from restaurants that have all kinds of Japanese/foreign/Chinese bentos, special restaurants from resort specialty chains, cakes or Japanese-style confectionery stores, or gift stores with brand name items, there is so much delight just from looking around.

Would like to share that there is a store here where you can enjoy Japanese sake by the glass for reasonable prices. It is Hasegawasaketen Tokyo Station Gransta operated by Hasegawa Shoten which we introduced to you in a previous column.
This bar only has about 10 seats at the counter but there is always a line of customers waiting outside in the evening and is such a popular bar where you can see customers savoring Japanese sake even in the early morning hours.

There is no other ideal bar-style pub that can used during the short time you are waiting for the Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed rail) or express trains and it couldn’t be a better place for the people that like sake.

All of you in the U.S. coming home or for your sightseeing trip to Japan, I think you will have a good time if you stop by Tokyo Station and have a drink at the bar where you can enjoy a glass of Jizake (regional sake) before you leave. Another pleasure is you can certainly buy a bottle of the sake you enjoyed there.








#alljapannews #japan #jizake #sake #station #tokyo


The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 3

The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 3
By Kosuke Kuji

I received a phone call from Master Sake Brewer Morikawa in "Kouro" of Kumamoto prefecture a few days after the Kumamoto Earthquake. It happens that while I was in the 3rd year of attending Tokyo University of Agriculture, Brewing and Fermentation, I had the experience of receiving student training at "Kouro", the birthplace of Kumamoto brewing yeast No. 9. For two weeks, I slept in the brewery with Master Sake Brewer and all of the brewery staff, learned the basics of sake making and fortunate to receive training of cultivating brewing yeast and also Kouro brewing yeast (Kumamoto brewing yeast).

At the time it was the Master Sake Brewer Morikawa that gave me warm and sometimes strict guidance.

To hear his voice after a long time since I graduated university brought back such fond memories, but beyond that I was so worried about the damage status that I asked about the damage in Kouro with asking about general matters.

Regarding Kouro brewing yeast (Kumamoto brewing yeast) that I was most worried about, they had already incorporated in-house generators since they occasionally experience outages from many typhoon passing through Kyushu, so there was absolutely no problem with the refrigeration of the yeast.

I found out that on top of that their preservation technology of yeast has advanced and they could now dry the yeast and store it in room temperature, and already as double insurance had preserved such dry yeast as a backup.

I was so relieved after I heard this. The original yeast of brewing yeast No. 9, Kouro brewing yeast was saved!

Regarding damage status of the entire brewery, serious condition was caused by a chimney breaking and falling directly on the electrical lines of the Kyushu Shinkansen, a large number of sake bottles were broken in the bottle storage, and there was threat that the storage brewery may collapse and was off limits etc, there was no way of grasping the total damage at that time.

However, Master Brewer Morikawa told me this regarding the yeast.

"Kumamoto yeast doesn't belong only to Kouro. I made sure that there was tight management of the yeast because many breweries across Japan depend on it."
I thought that was wonderful thinking and what wonderful responsibility he has.
Let's drink Kumamoto sake and support their quick recovery.

「熊本大地震 その3」










#alljapannews #earthquake #japan #kumamoto #sake


The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 2

The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 2
By Kosuke Kuji

Kumamoto Earthquake that happened at 9:26 pm on April 14th 2016. As mentioned in the previous column, there were many deaths and evacuees. When this Kumamoto Earthquake happened the very first thing that arose in my mind was the condition of "Kouro" which is the birthplace of Kumamoto brewing yeast No. 9.

Brewing yeast has many varieties starting with brewing yeast No. 1 and currently there is No. 18 which are used by sake makers in Japan and the yeast is the basic production factor to produce high quality sakes.

From all the yeasts, brewing yeast No. 9 has a special existence that it was the yeast that also contributed to the Ginjo sake making in Japan from Showa (1926-1989) era to the beginning of Heisei (1989 -) era.

Ginjo sake has the character of having a wonderful aroma and it was this brewing yeast No. 9 that brought out the highest amount of that Ginjo aroma compared to all the previous brewing yeasts and was also the yeast that was used by head sake makers in Japan. This brewing yeast No. 9 was separated at the brewery in "Kouro" of Kumamoto prefecture with Kouro brewing yeast (Kumamoto brewing yeast) being first found at this brewery, then this yeast was passed onto Brewing Society of Japan that named it brewing yeast No. 9.

Brewing yeast No. 9 was distributed to the breweries in Japan and it became the basic production factor to support the high quality ginjo making. What resulted was the birth of the name "YK-35" (Y is Yamadanishiki rice, K for brewing yeast No. 9 & 35 is rice polishing ratio up to 35%) and there was a time that they said if it wasn't YK-35 you wouldn't be able to win the gold prize at the Annual Japan Sake Awards.

Kouro yeast which is the origin of this brewing yeast No. 9. If electricity was shut down by the Kumamoto Earthquake, the yeast would be destroyed if you are not able to keep it chilled which is necessary for preservation. If such a situation continued for a long time, the famous Kouro yeast (Kumamoto yeast), the original
yeast of brewing yeast No. 9, would be gone from this world.

If that were to happen that would mean losing a 'treasure' of the Japan brewery industry and it would be such a major blow to the Japanese sake world.
Is the yeast OK? That just worried me for several days when I received a call from Kumamoto.

The call was from the Mr. Morikawa (master sake brewer) in Kouro. To be continued in #3.

酒豪大陸「熊本大地震 その2」








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