
OBON Society Blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#soldier」の検索結果157件


【FOX】Grandson of World War II veteran reunites souvenir flag with Japanese family

Scott Stein of New York, show... Scott Stein of New York, shown above with his son, wanted to reunite his grandfather's flag from World War II with the family of the original owner.
The family of a Japanese solid... The family of a Japanese solider brought the flag to the burial site of the soldier's mother. (The Obon Society)
A New York man spent seven years working with a nonprofit to find the family of a Japanese soldier
A man in New York inherited a "Yosegaki Hinomaru" banner, also known as a good luck flag, from his grandfather — who served the United States during World War II.
Scott Stein told Fox News Digital in an email that he originally planned on having the souvenir flag restored — but after speaking with an expert, he decided to return the flag to its rightful owner.
His grandfather, Bernard Stein, served in World War II between 1942 and 1945 at the U.S. Army boot camp at Camp Croft, South Carolina, then in the Philippines with the U.S. Army’s 38th Infantry Division, known as the Avengers of Bataan, he said.
"This flag hung proudly in my grandfather's house for many years, and I was always fascinated by it as a child," Stein said.
Like most veterans, he said, his grandfather did not speak openly about the war or his wartime experiences.
As a lifelong collector with an appreciation for the past, Stein was in the process of having the flag restored when the expert recommended he return it in 2017 after he saw news of a similar flag being brought back to Japan.
Stein did research and found the Obon Society in Oregon. 
It's a nonprofit that facilitates the reconciliation of families by returning "non-biological human remains," such as a flag, that were taken during times of war.
Many Japanese soldiers carried their country’s flags inscribed with names and messages from loved ones for good luck, as Stars and Stripes noted. 
"After initial contact and correspondence with the Obon Society and learning of their mission to find and locate the relatives and family of the original owners, I prepared the flag to be shipped to them for an eventual return trip to Japan," Stein said.
After a seven-year search, the Obon Society connected the flag that had been carried in battle to a soldier named Yukikazu Hiyama — who died in 1945.
The flag was then given to the fallen soldier’s son. He hosted a returning ceremony with the entire family.
The man carried a portrait of his father and of his mother — explaining his mother waited all her life for her husband to return home. 
She passed away without ever seeing him again, a representative from the Obon Society told Fox News Digital via email.
"After receiving the Yosegaki Hinomaru flag, the son carried it to the cemetery to unfurl in front of his mother’s grave — to 'show’ her that her husband had finally returned home."
The representative noted, "These flags are regarded as ‘non-biological human remains' … since they evoke the same intensity and closure within the Japanese MIA family that the return of bone and teeth brings to American MIA families." 

#army #closure #flagreturn #japanflag #media #mediacoverage #navy #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #英霊 #護国神社 #靖国神社


【STARS AND STRIPES】Sole memento: American vet’s grandson returns WWII souvenir to Japanese son

Scott Stein and his son, Nichola... Scott Stein and his son, Nicholas, pose with a Japanese flag his grandfather, Bernard Stein, brought home after serving in the Philippines during World War II.
The late Bernard Stein, center,... The late Bernard Stein, center, fought in the Philippines during World War II as a member of the 38th Infantry Division.
This flag, brought to America ... This flag, brought to America by a U.S.soldier who served in the Philippines during the World War II, has been returned to the original owner's family members in Japan.

TOKYO — A Japanese flag, brought to America by a U.S. soldier who served in the Philippines during World War II, has returned home.
The signature-covered flag was taken as a war trophy by the late Bernard Stein, who fought in the Philippines as a member of the U.S. Army’s 38th Infantry Division, known as the Avengers of Bataan. The division landed on the main island of Luzon in January 1945 and helped liberate the Bataan Peninsula and secure Manila Bay.
Almost eight decades later, the veteran’s grandson, Scott Stein, an artists’ agent in New York City, sent the banner back to Japan so it could be given to relatives of the fallen Japanese soldier who carried it into battle.
It was presented to the family on Sunday during a ceremony in a town in southwestern Honshu, the largest of Japan’s four main islands. The late Bernard Stein, center, fought in the Philippines during World War II as a member of the 38th Infantry Division. (Scott Stein)
Many Japanese soldiers carried their country’s flags inscribed with names and messages from family and friends for good luck. Stein inherited the flag from his grandfather, who became a building inspector in Nassau County, N.Y., after the war and died two decades ago, he told Stars and Stripes during an Aug. 8 video call from New York.
As a youngster, he was fascinated by the banner and a Japanese sword at his grandfather’s home, but he didn’t know how they got there. “He never talked about his wartime experiences,” Stein said. “He must have seen some intense stuff in the war, but there were no mental health things when he returned. He just kept it bottled up.” Stein had no plans to hand the flag down to his own son. It was time for it to return home, “especially for the family that might not have any remnant of their lost loved one,” he said.
The search for the flag’s original owner began in 2017, when Stein sought help restoring the item. A friend Stein asked about fabric restoration told him about the Obon Society.
The nonprofit group helps veterans and their families return old war trophies like flags and swords. Japanese researchers helped the society trace some of the 50 signatures on the flag to Tottori prefecture, Keiko Ziak, founder of the Obon Society, said during the video call. It turned out that the soldier who carried the flag into battle, Yukikazu Hiyama, was born in Nichinan town on Feb. 15, 1922. He served as a corporal with the 1st Independent Tank Brigade and died in China on Aug. 17, 1945.
It was the first lost WWII flag returned to Tottori prefecture, Ziak said. It wasn’t only the fallen Japanese soldier’s family who was excited about the flag’s return, she said. This flag, brought to America by a U.S.soldier who served in the Philippines during the World War II, has been returned to the original owner's family members in Japan. (Scott Stein)
“The flag includes the names of many members of the community and people recognize their grandfathers’ or fathers’ names on it,” she said. The flag was given back to the fallen soldier’s son, Tsukasa Hiyama, 81. “I appreciate that Mr. Stein, who had the flag, returned it,” he said by phone Monday. “I want to thank him for it.” Hiyama also thanked the Obon Society and the Japan War-Bereaved Families Association, which helped find him.
The only son of the fallen soldier was born July 5, 1943, the same day his father left home for the Imperial Army and the war, Hiyama said. “Honestly, I don’t know anything about him,” he said of his father, adding that his parents had been married only a year when he was born. The Obon Society called in April to say that the flag would be returned, Hiyama said. “I was surprised,” he said, adding he didn’t think something that belonged to his father would be returned after all these years.
Hiyama said he hopes to display the flag so relatives of the people who signed it also see it. It is the only memento he has of his father. “I want to take time to take a close look at it,” he said.

#army #closure #friendship #japanesflag #mediacoverage #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #yosegakihinomaru #太平洋戦争 #日本遺族会 #日本陸軍 #靖国神社


【日本海新聞・鳥取】 ー旧陸軍兵の日章旗“帰郷” 日南出身の故火山行一さん/NIHONKAI NP -Japanese Flag of the Former Army Soldier Returns Home

【日本海新聞・鳥取】 ー旧陸軍...
ー旧陸軍兵の日章旗“帰郷” 日南出身の故火山行一さん 81年ぶり、遺族に返還 息子の司さん「おやじの姿」喜ぶー







#army #closure #flagreturn #friendship #japanesflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #soldier #war #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #戦没者 #陸軍


【福島民放】遺族の元に日章旗返還 太平洋戦争で戦死 山崎嘉吉さん(福島県田村市船引町出身)Returned to the bereaved family of Yoshikichi Yamazaki, who was killed in the Pacific War

返還された日章旗と(右から)敦... 返還された日章旗と(右から)敦子さん、市男さん、マツさん。遺影が嘉吉さん

#closure #flagreturn #friendship #japanflag #jaso #navy #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #portland #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


【NHK動画】フィリピンで戦死した男性の日章旗 遺族に返還/Flag of a man killed in action in the Philippines returned to his bereaved family.

【NHK動画】フィリピンで戦死... 【NHK動画】フィリピンで戦死... 【NHK動画】フィリピンで戦死... 【NHK動画】フィリピンで戦死...

#closure #japanflag #navy #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #日章旗 #観音寺市


Patriots Point/Obon Society Flag Repatriation 5-9-24

Patriots Point/... Patriots Point/... Patriots Point/...
The USS Yorktown (CV-10), which served as a U.S. aircraft carrier from World War II to the Vietnam War and is now a museum, has returned a Japanese good luck flag of Kumakichi Yamashita, a soldier from Kagoshima Prefecture. The Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum, which manages the Yorktown, has posted a video of the event on YouTube.
第二次世界大戦からベトナム戦争まで米軍の航空母艦として活躍し、現在は博物館となっている「空母ヨークタウン(CV-10)」から鹿児島県出身兵士「山下熊吉」命の日章旗が返還されました。この様子をヨークタウンを管理するPatriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum「海洋博物館」がYouTubeに公開致しました。

#closure #japanflag #navy #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yorktown #yosegakihinomaru


【福島民放】80年ぶり米国から返還の日章旗が家族の元へ/Returned Japanese flag from the U.S. after 80 years returns to family

清水会長(左)から日章旗を受け... 清水会長(左)から日章旗を受けた孝明さん(中央)とあさ子さん
【福島民放】80年ぶり米国から返還の日章旗が家族の元へ 福島県いわき市の田中宏さん 太平洋戦争に従軍




#closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #いわき市 #福島民放 #福島県



神道青年協議会の総会で「寄せ書... 神道青年協議会の総会で「寄せ書... 神道青年協議会の総会で「寄せ書...




#closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #navy #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #北海道神宮 #神社 #神道青年協議会


Rex Ziak has been honored with the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays by the Government of Japan/旭日双光章を受章

Rex Ziak has be... Rex Ziak has be... Rex Ziak has be...
We are pleased to announce that Rex Ziak has been honored with the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays by the Government of Japan, in recognition of “Contributed to promoting understanding of Japan in the United States and friendly relations between the two countries.”

We are deeply grateful for the gracious support extended to us. The medal was presented to Rex by Consul General Yuzo Yoshioka of the Consular Office of Japan in Portland, during a ceremony held on March 15 at the Columbia River Maritime Museum in Astoria, Oregon, where the OBON SOCIETY is headquartered.

This honorable award is solely the result of the support and assistance from many people in both Japan and the United States who have supported our organization’s efforts.
While it would be our wish to individually express our gratitude to each and every one of you, we humbly take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt appreciation collectively.
We kindly seek your continued support and cooperation in our future endeavors.
With sincerest gratitude,

Co-founders, OBON SOCIETY
Rex and Keiko Ziak






レックス&敬子 ジーク

#closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #mediacoverage #navy #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #勲章 #旭日双光章



ひろしま護国令和5年12月号に... ひろしま護国令和5年12月号に...
広島護国神社発行の冊子【ひろしま護国】の令和5年12月号に令和4年12月4日、同護国神社で執り行われました「明鎮憲登命日章旗返還式」について一面記事が掲載されました。冊子の中から表紙の「藤本武則 宮司」のご挨拶、P3の日章旗返還式当該記事、p12から崇敬奉賛会の入会案内(抜粋)して転載させて頂きます。



#army #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #mediacoverage #navy #nhk #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #war #warmuseums #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #広島護国神社


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