
OBON Society Blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#japanesflag」の検索結果175件


【STARS AND STRIPES】Sole memento: American vet’s grandson returns WWII souvenir to Japanese son

Scott Stein and his son, Nichola... Scott Stein and his son, Nicholas, pose with a Japanese flag his grandfather, Bernard Stein, brought home after serving in the Philippines during World War II.
The late Bernard Stein, center,... The late Bernard Stein, center, fought in the Philippines during World War II as a member of the 38th Infantry Division.
This flag, brought to America ... This flag, brought to America by a U.S.soldier who served in the Philippines during the World War II, has been returned to the original owner's family members in Japan.

TOKYO — A Japanese flag, brought to America by a U.S. soldier who served in the Philippines during World War II, has returned home.
The signature-covered flag was taken as a war trophy by the late Bernard Stein, who fought in the Philippines as a member of the U.S. Army’s 38th Infantry Division, known as the Avengers of Bataan. The division landed on the main island of Luzon in January 1945 and helped liberate the Bataan Peninsula and secure Manila Bay.
Almost eight decades later, the veteran’s grandson, Scott Stein, an artists’ agent in New York City, sent the banner back to Japan so it could be given to relatives of the fallen Japanese soldier who carried it into battle.
It was presented to the family on Sunday during a ceremony in a town in southwestern Honshu, the largest of Japan’s four main islands. The late Bernard Stein, center, fought in the Philippines during World War II as a member of the 38th Infantry Division. (Scott Stein)
Many Japanese soldiers carried their country’s flags inscribed with names and messages from family and friends for good luck. Stein inherited the flag from his grandfather, who became a building inspector in Nassau County, N.Y., after the war and died two decades ago, he told Stars and Stripes during an Aug. 8 video call from New York.
As a youngster, he was fascinated by the banner and a Japanese sword at his grandfather’s home, but he didn’t know how they got there. “He never talked about his wartime experiences,” Stein said. “He must have seen some intense stuff in the war, but there were no mental health things when he returned. He just kept it bottled up.” Stein had no plans to hand the flag down to his own son. It was time for it to return home, “especially for the family that might not have any remnant of their lost loved one,” he said.
The search for the flag’s original owner began in 2017, when Stein sought help restoring the item. A friend Stein asked about fabric restoration told him about the Obon Society.
The nonprofit group helps veterans and their families return old war trophies like flags and swords. Japanese researchers helped the society trace some of the 50 signatures on the flag to Tottori prefecture, Keiko Ziak, founder of the Obon Society, said during the video call. It turned out that the soldier who carried the flag into battle, Yukikazu Hiyama, was born in Nichinan town on Feb. 15, 1922. He served as a corporal with the 1st Independent Tank Brigade and died in China on Aug. 17, 1945.
It was the first lost WWII flag returned to Tottori prefecture, Ziak said. It wasn’t only the fallen Japanese soldier’s family who was excited about the flag’s return, she said. This flag, brought to America by a U.S.soldier who served in the Philippines during the World War II, has been returned to the original owner's family members in Japan. (Scott Stein)
“The flag includes the names of many members of the community and people recognize their grandfathers’ or fathers’ names on it,” she said. The flag was given back to the fallen soldier’s son, Tsukasa Hiyama, 81. “I appreciate that Mr. Stein, who had the flag, returned it,” he said by phone Monday. “I want to thank him for it.” Hiyama also thanked the Obon Society and the Japan War-Bereaved Families Association, which helped find him.
The only son of the fallen soldier was born July 5, 1943, the same day his father left home for the Imperial Army and the war, Hiyama said. “Honestly, I don’t know anything about him,” he said of his father, adding that his parents had been married only a year when he was born. The Obon Society called in April to say that the flag would be returned, Hiyama said. “I was surprised,” he said, adding he didn’t think something that belonged to his father would be returned after all these years.
Hiyama said he hopes to display the flag so relatives of the people who signed it also see it. It is the only memento he has of his father. “I want to take time to take a close look at it,” he said.

#army #closure #friendship #japanesflag #mediacoverage #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #yosegakihinomaru #太平洋戦争 #日本遺族会 #日本陸軍 #靖国神社


【日本海新聞・鳥取】 ー旧陸軍兵の日章旗“帰郷” 日南出身の故火山行一さん/NIHONKAI NP -Japanese Flag of the Former Army Soldier Returns Home

【日本海新聞・鳥取】 ー旧陸軍...
ー旧陸軍兵の日章旗“帰郷” 日南出身の故火山行一さん 81年ぶり、遺族に返還 息子の司さん「おやじの姿」喜ぶー







#army #closure #flagreturn #friendship #japanesflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #soldier #war #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #戦没者 #陸軍


【Mainichi】Return of WWII Japanese soldier's good-luck flag an opportunity to think about peace

OSAKA -- A ceremony was held at a shrine in this western Japan city to return a Japanese flag belonging to a former Imperial Japanese Army officer, killed in action in Burma (now Myanmar) at the end of the Pacific War, to his bereaved family.
The ceremony was held on July 14 at Osaka Gokoku shrine in Osaka's Suminoe Ward, and the flag was returned to the family of Tatsumi Okabe from Kyoto Prefecture who died in June 1945 aged 30.
Inscriptions on the flag include Japanese letters literally meaning "pray for long-lasting good fortune in battle" as well as the signatures of 167 individuals, believed to be related to a clothing store where Okabe worked before his deployment.
The nonprofit organization Obon Society in the United States received a request from the grandchild of a former signaler who had kept the flag in their home in the U.K. for a long time. With the cooperation of organizations including Nippon Izokukai (Japan War-Bereaved Families Association), they located Fusako Okabe, 86, the eldest daughter of Okabe residing in Osaka Prefecture.
The ceremony was attended by family members including Fusako and Okabe's third daughter Yoshiko, 79, and others involved in the matter. The flag was returned to the family by Nippon Izokukai chairman Saburo Okakura, who received it from Obon Society co-founder Keiko Ziak. Okakura greeted participants saying, "We hope this return ceremony will serve as an occasion to think about peace and spread the wishes for lasting peace."
According to Fusako and others, Okabe enjoyed billiards, coffee and Western music. Fusako fondly recalled, "I remember him taking me to a bathhouse before he left for the war. I think my late mother will be pleased if we place it (the returned flag) on the family Buddhist altar."
(Japanese original by Kana Takagi, Osaka City News Department)

#burma #england #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #oosaka #pacificwar #war #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


【毎日新聞】平和考える機会に 寄せ書き入り日章旗、旧陸軍兵の遺族に返還/Returned a Japanese flag former army soldier as an opportunity to think about peace.

【毎日新聞】平和考える機会に ...


#burma #england #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #oosaka #pacificwar #war #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


【読売新聞】寄せ書き日章旗 遺族に…大阪護国神社 旧日本兵・岡部さん遺す/A flag with a message “Yosegaki flag” was returned to the bereaved family...Osaka Gokoku-jinja Shrine,

【読売新聞】寄せ書き日章旗 遺... 【読売新聞】寄せ書き日章旗 遺...
第2次世界大戦中にビルマ(現ミャンマー)で戦死した京都府出身の旧日本兵・岡部辰美さんが 遺のこ した寄せ書き入りの日章旗が14日、大阪市住之江区の大阪護国神社で遺族に返還された。当時の英兵の孫が保管していたもので、遺族は79年の時を経て遺品が戻ったことを喜んだ。
 岡部さんは、大戦末期に多くの犠牲を出した「インパール作戦」に赴き、30歳だった1945年6月、ビルマで戦死した。日章旗は出征時に戦地へ持参したとみられ、「祈 武運長久 岡部辰美君」と書かれ、日の丸を囲むように167人分の名前が記されている。
 交戦した英兵がビルマから持ち帰り、保管していた。旧日本兵の大切なものだと知った孫が2020年8月、遺品の返還に取り組む米国の団体「OBON SOCIETY」に仲介を依頼。岡部さんの娘らが大阪にいることが分かり、この日、同神社で返還式が開かれた。

#burma #england #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #oosaka #pacificwar #war #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


【産経新聞】「遺品あってうれしい」旧日本兵の日章旗、遺族のもとに 英兵の孫がNPO通じ返還/Grandson of British soldier returns Japanese flag to bereaved family through NPO.

【産経新聞】「遺品あってうれし... 【産経新聞】「遺品あってうれし...

#burma #closure #england #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #oosaka #pacificwar #peace #war #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


【共同通信】寄せ書き入り日章旗、遺族に返還 英国から、京都出身の旧日本兵/Returned to the bereaved family of a former Japanese soldier from Kyoto, Japan, from the U.K.


#Burma #England #Oosaka #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #war #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


神社庁網走支部で研修会/Workshop at the Abashiri Branch of the Jinja Agency

神社庁網走支部で研修会/Wor... 神社庁網走支部で研修会/Wor... 神社庁網走支部で研修会/Wor...

#Hokkaido #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #war #workshom #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還 #神社


Triad City Beat featured our effort: 「寄せ書き日の丸(遺霊品)」返還について取り上げて頂きました

This yosegaki h... This yosegaki hinomaru, or “good luck flag” was found in the Greensboro History Museum’s attic in 2023. Flags like these were often sent off with young Japanese soldiers prior to being deployed during WWII. (photo by Sayaka Matsuoka)
Triad City Beat featured our effort: 「寄せ書き日の丸(遺霊品)」返還について取り上げて頂きました
Japanese WWII flags found by the GSO History Museum tell the story of loss, family trauma and reconciliation (BY SAYAKA MATSUOKA / JUNE 27TH, 2024)
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#closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #veteran #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #太平洋戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還


A personal touch: Hand-Delivered Flags at the Maritime Museum

Rex meets Peggy, whose father... Rex meets Peggy, whose father, a Navy medical doctor, obtained the flag during WWII.
Keiko explains the Japanese wr... Keiko explains the Japanese writing seen on the flag.
Karen, the Executive Director o... Karen, the Executive Director of the Northwest Nikkei Museum in Seattle,

drove down to personally hand over the flag in their collection.
Keiko explains the tradition of ... Keiko explains the tradition of the flags and their deep personal significance to Japanese families.
We had a delightful visit at Columbia River Maritime Museum on June 26th. Peggy and her friend drove down from Woodland, Washington to personally deliver her father's Yosegaki Hinomaru flag, which he acquired during World War II while serving in the Navy. Additionally, we had the pleasure of meeting Karen, the Executive Director of the Northwest Nikkei Museum in Seattle, who also traveled to Astoria to hand-deliver two flags. We truly enjoy meeting the dedicated individuals who make the journey to personally deliver these cherished items.

#closure #flagreturn #friendship #japanesflag #navy #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #pacificwar #peace #veteran #war #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru


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