
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Half Moon Tonight

Half Moon Tonight
This picture was taken just after sunset tonight. When there is enough light, taking a picture of the moon is not too difficult. I am using Olympus SLR camera with 600mm lens.


New Administration Screen for Bloguru!

New Administration Screen for ...
We have just updated the administration screen for Bloguru. It contains more information and should be easier to use. Please let me know what you think...


New Company Car, New Company Tag Line

New Company Car, New Compa...
This is our newest fleet of cars. And this Hybrid Civiv got the new Tag Line for PSPINC.

Web Hosting Company
that does a whole lot more.
#Business #Marketing


Understanding Online Backup

Understanding Online Backup
Fact about High-Speed Internet

There are not many people remember when 9600bps was a fast communication. Now days, you are looking at several mega bits for internet download accesses.

So, how fast is the 1 mbps. 1 mbps means 1 mega bit (not byte) per second. 1,000,000 bits per second. That is 125,000 Bps or 125,000 character per second. At this rate you can receive 1 floppy disk full of data (1.44MB) every 11.52 seconds. ! Giga Byte is 1,000 times the Mega Byte. So in order to receive Giga Byte of Data, you must spend 11,520 seconds or 3 hours and 12 minuets.

Now let’s look at reality. When the Internet Access Company promise you up to XXmbps, they are promising “UP TO” that amount. You rarely get that full burst of speed. Besides, when they say XXmbps, that is for download only. So, when you want to send large file,you will need much more time.

Does Online Backup Work?

The answer is “Yes”, but if you are only backing up data or a system or application. What is that mean? If you are using Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, you will have no problem backing up all your Excel, WORD and PowerPoint documents online. But you will need a lot of time to backup entire Windows OS and Office Application Programs.

That does not mean you should not back up your OS and application. You hould do so using local disk or Network Storage (on-site). Remember, your LAN (Local Area Network) can be as fast as 1gbps. That is 1,000 times faster than your 1mbps Internet access.

What is the Best Backup Solution?

One of the best setup for small to medium size businesses are:

(1) Setup local storage server to backup entire computer on the LAN.
(2) Use the Off Site Storage for Documents and Data.

This way, if anything were to happen, you have full back up on the premise and in case of total loss at your location, you will have data at off site.

If you need to evaluate your backup storage and your internet access, please contact PSP, Inc. We will be happy to spend time with you to help you evaluate your IT.
#Computer #Internet


About PSPINC SPAM Filtering

About PSPINC SPAM Filtering
About PSPINC SPAM Filtering

PSP, Inc. provides SPAM filtering to it email hosting to our email hosting clients. The setting that we use to filter out SPAM is much less invasive than the one you find in the email services like Gmail. This is because we do not want our customers to loose or miss any email due to the filter that we provide.

In addition to SPAM filtering, we provide the way to recover all the filtered email. Once a day we provide the list of emails that we filtered out. From the list, you can recover any email within the set duration. We are one of the few email hosting company to provide this recover feature. You can look at the SPAM list to find out how much email that we are taking out. We usually filter out 80 to 95% all SPAM emails.

How do you know if we are doing a good job?

Usually, the email client software such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Thunderbird and OS-X Mail come with their own SPAM filtering. When they detect SPAM, they put them into JUNK folder instead of the inbox. Please take a look at how many mails are in the JUNK box. If you have a lot of them in the JUNK, that means we are passing many SPAM in to your mail clients. If there is non or very few in the JUNK, we are filtering out that your email client software also thinks as SPAM mail.

Changing SPAM Filter Settings.

The SPAM setting that we apply will effect thousands of other people. Our SPAM filter is used for all 37,000 domains that we host. When we change our SPAM setting, it effects all of them. So we are very careful in changing any SPAM filter settings. You may feel that we are not moving fast enough, you are right. We cannot rush this setting changes.

That is being said, we are adjusting the SPAM filter setting as fast as we can to eliminate as much SPAM as possible. So, next time if you feel you have received too many SPAM into your INBOX or JUNK mail boxes, please send some of the email to me. I personally inspect those emails and let you know. Please also check your SPAM out list to make sure we are not stamping valid email as SPAM.

Thank you.

Ken Uchikura
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#Computer #Internet


Another Virus ... DO NOT OPEN!

Another Virus ... DO NOT OPEN!
There are several new virus email that is going around. This one is very official looking but it takes you to the site that has TROJAN virus. Do not click on the mail.
#Computer #Internet


Obon Festival in Japan

Obon Festival in Japan
Obon is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the departed spirits of one's ancestors. According to the tradition, sprits come to visit once a year around this time and departs when the Obon is over.

Many people take vacation during this time and today, August 16, is the first day of work after a few days of vacation.

Any morning after the vacation, we see peak in email traffic. Many people download may be a week worth of email on Monday morning.

We host a few hundred thousand email accounts from Japan. Many of use are at the office watching the traffic to make sure we do not overload our system. We are experiencing two to three times the email traffic from Japan, but our email system is handling them without any hitch.
#Life #Politics #Society


Familiar Sight ... No more public phone.

Familiar Sight ... No more publ...
Because everyone has a mobile phone, there is no need for the pay phone any more. And there are more and more people decide to get rid of the land lines.

There will be no use for the cable TV or Satellite TV either soon. People will be watching TV over Internet. I think that is the way it is going to be anyway.
#Computer #Internet


High Temperature in Seattle

High Temperature in Seattle
No, I am not playing golf this weekend. This picture was take on the way to A/C cooled office this afternoon. In case if you are not familiar with the celsius, 36C is 96.8 Fahrenheit. This is very hot.

After living here in the US for 30 years, I am still used to metric system.
#Life #Politics #Society


No sales tax sale

No sales tax sale
It is such a fun to purchase anything at the price that is displayed. Today ist the last day of no Sales Tax Sale at McLendon Hardware.

I bought a tool I wanted buy for a long time yesterday.


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