
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Benefits of Single Page Web

Benefits of Single Page Web
People are looking for an answer even before they know what the question is. People do not have patience to listen to your reason or explanation if you do not come upfront with your message. So, do not spend time trying to build up, just go straight to the conclusion.

Only if your conclusion is interesting or relative, people will listen to your reasoning. This is the reason why many advertisements have little or even negative affect. I am turned off by many video streaming sites because of advertisements. You think your web site should contain lots of information about your business. That’s exactly what I am not looking for. I visit website to see what you are. I need short and precise website.

I believe website should be about your product, not your company. You should have a website about your company, but do not combine everything in the same page. Create a page for each of your products so that only the relevant information will be displayed to the visitor. Do not let your visitor try to navigate your website. They already navigated long enough to get to your page.

The design a simple attractive page for each of your product then each product page link to your company site. Another benefit of having a product page instead of flaming everything into one giant website is that you will be able to focus your message. Your SEO keywords will be simpler, easier for people to find your product page on search engines.

What is your goal? You want people to know your product, right? So make a simple website design to promote one of your product, If it is successful, do it for another product, the a another… What do you think? Do you agree. If you do and if you need my help, contact me.

This is the concept that I am working to build new a web service.
#Computer #Internet


I can has cheese ...

I can has cheese ...
Pompom likes cheese. He almost do any thing including wait.

Sent via bloguru mobile.


Small Business Solutions

Small Business Solutions
What is the difference between the solutions designed for small businesses and large businesses? The only difference I can see is the total cost of the solutions. Per user, all the solutions cannot be much different sine what they need is the same regardless of the company size.

Sent via bloguru mobile.


Consumer Electronics Show 2007

Consumer Electronics Show 2007
This picture was taken at CES back in 2007. 7 and half years ago … Time goes by so fast.
#Business #Marketing


Windowsill Repaire

Windowsill Repaire Windowsill Repaire Windowsill Repaire Windowsill Repaire Windowsill Repaire
Because of the design of our building and of cause the climate of western Washington, water damages to the buildings are significant. We consistently repair and replace parts of the buildings but the worst part is windowsills.

We replaced most of them when we bought two buildings, but now we are replacing the windowsills again.


Congratulations to Ten Sushi

Congratulations to Ten Sushi Congratulations to Ten Sushi
Ten Sushi Seattle has been in business for one year next month. To celebrate this, Ten Sushi is having one month long event next month.

PSPINC will sponsor June 30th (Monday) event to congratulate first anniversary. For more detail, please keep eyes on their web page as well as ours.



Software Packages

Software Packages
Now the software and the boxes are complete, we are now working on other contents like "User License", "Return Policy", "Get Started Manual", "Other Product Information" to be placed in the packages.
#Business #Marketing


Historical Watch

Historical Watch
We just deployed new clock at ClockLink.com
This watch is based on the watch I purchased last year.
It is a 120 years old pocket watch.
We have developed the history page as well.



Single Page Web

It is a new trend to have a web page design to promote a product or service. It is a web page consists of single page that user can can scroll down. We are currently designing the web service that enables you to create a single product web page easily.

We will keep you posted.
#Computer #Internet


Chinese Power

Chinese Power
I saw a new bank sign today. This shows how strong the Chinese economy is. I do not see any new Japanese bank opening beaches in Washington State.
#Business #Marketing


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