
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

配慮 Hai-Ryo

配慮 Hai-Ryo
Hai-Ryo is a Japanese word meaning "Being Considrate of ..."
To use Hai-Ryo, you think about your action and its effect to others without being asked.

If you are parking at a parking spot, you try to park in the middle of the space so that others can park easily. When you sneeze, you cover your mouth. When you are at the party, you ask if hosts need any help.

Those are nothing extraordinary at all. It something that supposed to be. That is Hai-Ryo is. At PSPinc, we always keep our eyes and ears open to see or hear anything that we are missing. Customers do not always tell us what we are not doing right and when they do, they leave us. We do not want that. We must always understand customers have choice and we must provide reasons why they want to stay with us. For tha Hai-Ryo is very important.

Please tell us if we are not using our Hai-Ryo.


Sending Large Files Over Internet

Sending Large Files Over Inter...
SendMegaMail.com is a service of PSPinc which enables people to send large files over Internet. It's not a new service. As a matter of fact we had a package back 2004 (12 Year Ago). It was not a SaaS (Software as a Service) back then. It was a software package we released for Windows 2000 server.

If you need to send large files like movies, CAD file or picture to someone over Internet securely and quickly use SendMegaMail.com (SaaS) service.

For more information contact PSPinc.

#LargeFileTransfer #PSPinc #SendMegaMail


Technical Support in Japan

Technical Support in Japan
My father, Windows 8 user, was having difficulties sending attachments to other Windows users. No matter what he does, when he sends email using Outlook 2013 with attachment, attachment disappears to some users. So, I helped him export Outlook address book to CSV file to be imported to Thunderbird.

Email addresses were exported but names were gabbled. Fortunately, there weren't too many entries ... But Outlook is such a pain to use. I think there is a market for very simple email software.
#Dreamersi #PSPinc


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