
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#pompom」の検索結果250件


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
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Pompom's Update | After the Treatment

Pompom calms down when Tin... Pompom calms down when Tiny is near by.
Pompom was doing better when we were doing weekly chemotherapy. Although, his lymph nodes are normal, we suspect the cancer may have spread to his lungs or breathing pipes. We can do the testing to make sure but the fact he was doing better with weekly chemo tells us we have not gotten rod of the cancer.

So, we started on the chemo that tends to stay longer on his lungs instead if targeting his lymph nodes. We are also starting the test medication to open up his wind pipes. We are getting back to weekly treatment.

We made to 100 days ... our next target is 150 day. It feels like Pompom started his fight with cancer again.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 100

Day 100
Today marked the 100th day since Pompom started his chemotheraphy. He is having problem breathing so we are at the vet this morning. I hope we can treat his cough and breathing problem. We do not want to make him suffer.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 99

Day 99
Pompom slept very well last night waking up only twice to cough. Those coughs did not last long like they did few day ago. He finished his antibiotics medication this morning and we are farther reducing the steroid intake. He will see a doctor tomorrow.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 98

Day 98
Pompom cough is continuing. I contacted the doctor this morning. I will setup an appointment this Friday to see what is going on. We may have to go back to weekly chemotherapy.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 97

Day 97
Pompom is not coughing a lot at night. But I am starting to cough and felt chill last night. I hope I am not coming down with a cold or flu. I don't have time for that.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 96

Day 96
Although Pompom is coughing much less than last week, his coughing continues despite steroids and antibiotics. Chemo medication made his cough little less ... that means his lymphoma may have spread to his lung. We must wait and see. He is sleeping well with humidifier. I ordered large capacity humidifier today from Google Express.
#GoogleExpress #pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 95

Pompom has better appetite. It... Pompom has better appetite.
It might be due to the steroids he is taking.
Pompom still having some coughing issues but they are much better than two days ago. I hope it continues to get better.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 94

Pompom seems to better arou... Pompom seems to better around me and Tiny.
After the chemotheraphy, we started Pompom on steroid and antibiotic. His breathing has gotten a lot better. I hope he will be better soon.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Tiny and Pompom

Best Friends Best Friends Tiny and Pompom I am here! I am here!
Pompom is having breathing problem when he stands up. But he has good appetite and moving as well as I could hope for. It is good thing that he has a doctor's appointment.

He is very happy to see me and so am I. I heard from Mayumi that Tiny's wight is less than 10lbs. He is getting skinnier. I am very worried about that as well. I hope tiny and Pompom have more days together.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


Day 93

The he sleeps, he has no issue. The he sleeps, he has no issue.
I came back to see Pompom sicker than when I left. He has developed the breathing issue and making funny noise when the breath. I will talk to a doctor tomorrow. He was very happy to see me.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


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