
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

  • ハッシュタグ「#computer」の検索結果631件


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Do you know what this is?

Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is?
I got this but I have never taken it out of the box until today t take those pictures. It is back in the box again. Can you guess what it is?

Click Here to find out what it is.
#Computer #Internet


Setting up new MacBook Pro today

Setting up new MacBook Pro t...
I spent some time to setup new MacBookPro today. I decided not to purchase Micrsoft Office but use Apple, iWork (Pages, Numbers and Keynote).
#Computer #Internet


Junk OS

Junk OS
I uninstalled Japanese from my Windows 8. It worked on all the desktop display but Windows 8 Metro interface refuse to turn to English. Windows 8 Metro is just a junk.
#Computer #Internet


Data Center Tour

Data Center Tour Data Center Tour Data Center Tour Data Center Tour Data Center Tour Data Center Tour Data Center Tour Data Center Tour
I took our business partners to our data center and has a tour of the facility.
#Computer #Internet


Start Button

Start Button
The sale of Windows 8 equipped computers are down. People are demanding Windows 7. Rumor says Microsoft is bringing back the "Start" button and desktop as a start screen instead of unpopular metro tiled interface.

I personally like the things Microsoft did in Windows 8. I like the quick start up and shut down. So, if Windows 7 interface is back with Windows 8 engine, it might be good.
#Computer #Internet


PSPINC's Computer Collection

PSPINC's Computer Collection PSPINC's Computer Collection PSPINC's Computer Collection PSPINC's Computer Collection PSPINC's Computer Collection
Apple IIe
This is a fully functional Apple IIe.
#Computer #Internet


ST Mail

ST Mail
ST Mail is a POP/IMAP Email Server Software we are developing. The software is almost complete but we are finding few bugs. Today we are fixing the image attachment bug that only happens on Mac Mail.

When receiving image on the Mac, sometimes entire image is not being downloaded or displayed like an image above. We are fixing this today.
#Computer #Internet


How much is too much

How much is too much
Our most popular Web & Email hosting service costs $250 per year. That includes 10GB of Web Space and 10 Email Accounts, that should be enough for 90% all businesses in the US.

To put that in the perspective, your cell phone will cost you at lead twice as much a year than our hosting service. Your cable will at your house will cost you 2 to 6 times as much each year.

#Computer #Internet


New Laptop Computers

Lenovo Laptops Lenovo Laptops
We are replacing some of the aging laptop computers people use at data center. Price of computers are continuing to drop, I wonder how hardware manufacturers make any money.
#Computer #Internet


How many visitors do we have?

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Advertisement Free Blog Site Designed and Developed by PSPINC
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Free Flash and HTML 5 Clock Site
Embed the clock in your web sites
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Our company web site
Here are charts not many companies make them public. The first chart is the number of visitors we have at Bloguru. Second chart is our most popular site. The third is our company web site.

#Computer #Internet


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