
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



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Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 177 Creating a More Effective Workplace

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

Creating a More Effective Workplace

Part of doing your job consists of doing what needs to be done. Some people think that doing it as a task is the job itself. But not many people think about the job as a whole. However, if the purpose is, they can determine if it’s the right thing to do.

How a manager distributes and assigns work can change this. It may be more helpful for employees to ask their managers to clarify their tasks’ objectives. This way, he or she can communicate what they think would be the best course of action to accomplish the end goal. Also, a manager’s instructions is not always everything. I think workers can carry out their work more effectively if they have a better idea of what the overall objective is.

What needs to be done must be done. But there are many different ways to accomplish a task. Giving specific instructions on how to do something can eliminate creativity. But on the other hand, if someone goes about a task in a method that’s been proven to fail in the past, it’s also important to inform them how they can do the job more effectively.

Some managers feel it might be faster to do tasks themselves rather than delegating them to others. And I’m sure that’s true sometimes. But it won’t allow your staff to grow. I feel it is important to delegate work to the extent that mistakes are allowed, and to review the work done by the staff.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

Kenichi Uchikura

President / CEO

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.



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