
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



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Crisis Communications Moves Fast

Crisis Communications Moves ...
From Fisher Home Page

Communicating with clients is at least as important as fixing a problem. Keeping clients in a dark is the worst thing you can do. I found this article online. I tried everything we can to communicate with the twitter during the crisis.

I got more information from Twitter than Fisher Plaza.

We’ve made this point many times before. But good communication with stakeholders is absolutely essential during an outage, and in the age of Twitter that means good and timely communications. Rackspace hosts a ton of high-profile sites, meaning its outage was on TechCrunch within minutes. Fortunately, the company was already busy on Twitter, acknowledged the issue quickly and then slowly began ramping up a series of updates via Twitter and the company blog.

The Fisher Plaza fire was another matter. “Fisher Plaza lacked any official communication with the first responders at the scene, "writes Jeremy Fisher of GeoCaching in a post-mortem on the event. “Many clients of the building were in the dark, both figuratively and literally, while we were waiting outside for news of what really happened. Instead we had to join in on Twitter to figure out what happened. … If someone walked out of the building with some authority and told us what they knew - we could have passed that information on to our customers."



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