
“Dawn of Japanese Sake” in Myanmar: Part 2

By Kosuke Kuji

This February, sake from ten member breweries of the Japanese Sake Export Association arrived in containers at a port in Myanmar to be sold in restaurants. To commemorate this event, a Japanese Sake Sampling Event was held with JETRO’s cooperation at a hotel in Yangon. Eight breweries participated from Japan, and two breweries exhibited their products. Sake-sampling events targeting Japanese consumers were held on the first day, and another targeting Burmese professionals in the Japanese restaurant industry was held on the second day. Many consumers participated, which brought us a feeling of relief that “we can finally provide stable supplies of Japanese sake products.”

On the third day, a meeting to study Japanese sake was held to communicate the appealing points of Japanese sake to Burmese influencers.

Our project took two years to deliver Japanese sake to Myanmar. The Japanese Sake Export Association created a pathway to distribute Japanese sake in Myanmar, where no laws pertaining to the import of Japanese sake existed previously. Our efforts opened the door for many sake breweries to expand hereafter into Myanmar, known as the last Asian frontier. With many sake breweries following suit into Myanmar, the original narrow path will gradually expand!

This year, 2018, became “the dawn of Japanese sake” for Myanmar! We cannot express our sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from witnessing this historic moment. We look forward to working even harder to deliver delicious Japanese sake to our consumers in Myanmar!

ミャンマーの「日本酒の夜明け」 その2



#Myanmar #alljapannews #sake


A “Japan-quality” matcha café opens in San Francisco

A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit... A “Japan-qualit...
By Elli Sekine

In the Mission District of San Francisco, which is known as the base of cutting-edge food and beverages, start-up entrepreneurs and invested money of Silicon Valley always link together, and new restaurants and cafes have been opening one after another. This is also the place where much-talked-about food and beverages such as the third wave of coffee, the third wave of chocolate, and Tartine Bakery started. One day, this May, the “Stonemill Matcha” cafe opened for the first time ever in the world by a Japanese entrepreneur.

There, a brand-new type of highest quality matcha and Japan-originated dessert-making techniques are united.

This café is the succession of a restaurant bar, “Bar Tartine”, which was the second establishment of “Tartine”, the very popular bakery in SF. Ever since its opening was announced, this cafe has attracted a great deal of attention from the food and drink industry. Many people had huge expectations due to the brand-image left from the former popular place. However, its opening reception day turned out to be the day everybody had to admit its excellent quality which was beyond expectations. In the past year, matcha serving cafes have become a big hit in San Francisco. But, most of those cafes specialize in sweets such as ice cream. On the other hand, a store that specializes in serving infused matcha called “Samovar Tea Bar” which opened 3 years ago in the same Mission District, has also become hugely popular. Yet, the Japanese tea has only been a small part of the tea culture scene along with other teas such as Chinese tea and Western tea. “Stonemill Matcha”, however, is a matcha specialty store by Japanese.

Mr. Eijiro Tsukada, Founder/CEO of “Stonemill Matcha Inc.” is the mastermind behind it. He mastered in the study of tea in Kyoto, studied international businesses in both Japan and the US, and then founded this company. He said about its opening: “I aimed for an ultimate matcha business that no one in this world has accomplished yet.” A matcha business, which can be called the compilation of such idea, opened stately in the Mission District, invested by multiple corporations including Japanese companies. “Matcha has been recognized in the US, but mainly in the form of soft serve ice cream, etc., and people might have thought that it would be difficult to infuse and serve properly at home. I am hoping that this café will be the trigger for Americans to know more variations of matcha, and enjoy it easily at home,” Mr. Tsukada said. He also said that he wants to keep informing the nutrients and health benefits of matcha intently. Looking at the attractive and unique menus makes you want to try everything on them.

The spacious interior space, where tradition and modernism unite, is decorated with Japanese old house–themed decorations throughout, which provide warm tones using high quality wooden materials, and bring out a classy and relaxing ambience. The ceramic dishes used are hand-made originals by a local artist, and are effective in providing stylish tea time experiences. In the back, a real stone mill, symbolic to “Stonemill Matcha”, is displayed, and represents the deep Japanese food culture.

The tea menu includes only the Japanese tea using tea leaves from Kyoto’s tea farmers/producers. The menu consists of a wide variety of tea. Besides matcha, it includes sencha, hoji-cha, etc. The most popular drinks are Matcha Latte ($5), Ginger Matcha Latte ($5.50), and Cold Brew ($4.50). You can have latte drinks either hot or cold. There is even a unique drink called “Matcha Spritzer”, in which matcha and carbonated water are mixed together. You can also get advice from knowledgeable staff members as to how to infuse Japanese tea correctly, and the installed cutting-edge tea infusion machine produces tea with the best possible temperature and in the best possible steamed state for serving. The desserts and light meals menus are also richly varied, and contain pastries, cream puffs, and Japan-quality original cakes that are made by a collaboration with Tartine. Among them, matcha croissants and roll cakes are especially popular. On the light meals menu, there are cutlet sandwiches ($14), chicken okayu (rice gruel) ($13), matcha chazuke ($16), etc., and the cutlet sandwiches seem to have captured the American appetite particularly among them.

Knowledge and spirit of matcha have been thrown in throughout this place, in the menus, the way the place has been constructed, and even in the services. There is also even an authentic tea ceremony room, where they plan to have regular workshops and tea ceremonies in the future. Mr. Tsukada expressed his desire passionately to spread this business model from San Francisco to all over the US. “Stonemill Matcha” is already well supported by the Mission District foodies, and branding has been successfull. The “Matcha life” looks very much likely to permeate into their lifestyle soon.


先端の飲食発信基地として知られるミッション地区では、飲食起業家のアイディアと投資マネーが連携し、次々と新しいレストランやカフェを創出している。サードウェーブコーヒーやスモールバッチチョコレート、オーガニックべーカリーなどの話題の飲食もここが発祥の地。先日5 月、日本人起業家による福寿園の抹茶を使った最先端の抹茶カフェ、「Stonemill Matcha」がオープンした。

 SFで一番人気のべーカリー、「Tartine」系列のレストラン、「BarTartine」 の後継となる同店は、オープンの告知がされて以来、飲食業界から多大な注目を集めていた。元人気店に残されたブランドイメージに期待する声は多い。しかしその期待以上に、先日行われたオープニングレセプションでは、誰もがその品質の高さを認めた日となった。

SF ではこの一年、「抹茶」カフェが大流行中。しかしそのほとんどはアイスクーム店などのスイーツが中心となっている。一方、抹茶を煎じて飲ませる店として3 年前に同じくミッション地区にオープンしたお茶専門店の「Samovar TeaBar」が大人気店となったが、日本茶の存在は中国茶や西洋茶と並ぶ一部としてでしかなかった。「Stonemill Matcha」は、“ジャパンクオリティー”の抹茶専門店だ。

仕掛け人は、Stonemill Matcha Inc.の創業者でCEO の塚田英次郎氏。同氏は 京都で茶学を習得し、某大手企業に勤めながら京都で茶学を習得し、国際ビジネスを日本とアメリカで学び、この度同社を立上げた。今回のオープンについて、「世界でまだ誰もがやってない究極の抹茶ビジネスを目指しました」と同氏。その集大成といえる抹茶ビジネスは、日本企業を含む複数の企業からの投資を受け、ミッション地区に堂々のオープンを果たした。「抹茶は今までアメリカで認知されていましたが主にソフトクリームなどで、家庭で煎じるのは難しいという先入観があったと思います。カフェのオープンが、もっとアメリカ人が抹茶のバリエーションを知り、気軽に家庭で楽めるきっかけになれば良いと思います」と塚田氏は、抹茶に含まれる栄養素や健康的な面も強調していきたいと語る。そのメニューを見れば誰もが試してみたくなるユニークで魅力的な内容だ。

伝統とモダンが融合する広い店内は、上質な木材を使った暖かいトーンに京都の古民家をイメージした和テイストの装飾が散りばめられ、上品で落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出している。使用する陶器は、地元作家による手作り感溢れるオリジナルで、おしゃれなティータイムが楽しめる。奥には「Stonemill Matcha」のシンボルとなる石臼の展示が奥深い日本の食文化をアピールしている。

お茶メニューは、福寿園の茶葉を使用。抹茶の他に煎茶、ほうじ茶などバリエーション豊富。人気ドリンクは抹茶ラテ($5.00)、ジンジャー抹茶ラテ($5.50)、コールドブリュー($4.50)で、ラテはホット、アイスを選べる。中には「抹茶スピリッツア」など抹茶と炭酸をミクスしたユニークなドリンクも揃う。また、十分な知識を持ったスタッフが日本茶の正しい煎れ方と美味しい飲み方などのアドバイスをくれたり、先端の茶抽出機を導入し、温度調整や蒸しもベストな状態で出てくる。また、ペストリーとデザートメニューは、Tartine とのコラボしたペストリー、クリームパフ、オリジナルケーキ類など種類豊富で、特に抹茶クロワッサン、ロールケーキが人気。軽食メニューには、カツサンド($14)、チキンおかゆ($13)、抹茶茶漬け($16)などが揃い、その中でもカツサンドはすでにアメリカ人の胃袋を掴んでいるようだ。

同店は、店づくりからサービスに至るまで抹茶の知識とスピリットが投入されている。さらには本格的なお茶室も完備し、定期的にワークショップやティーセレモニーも行う予定だ。今後の展開について塚田氏は、このビジネスモデルSF から全米へ、やがて世界へと発信していきたいと意気込みを表した。すでに「Stonemill Matcha」は、フーディーなミッションの地元客に支持され、抹茶がライフスタイルに溶け込みそうな勢いだ。

Stonemill Matcha
561 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
7days open
#Japan #SF #StonemillMatcha #alljapannews #cafe #dessert #matcha #okayu #quality


Purposeful sake-making

By Yuji Matsumoto

I often see breweries and wholesale dealers recommending their sake to local American diners at sampling events, saying, “This sake goes with any food,” “We use 100% Yamadanishiki rice,” “This is Junmai Daiginjo,” and “This is a traditional kimoto sake,” etc. However, most people (including myself) don’t understand what those industry jargon means. In other words, “So what are the flavors of sake, and what foods does the sake go well with?” is my question.

While sake fully utilizes processing techniques to create differences in flavor as a product, wine is largely influenced by the flavor of the grapes themselves, more of an agricultural product. In other words, the flavor of sake can be designed to some extent and adjusted (through the selection of rice, grade of rice polishing, fermentation, temperature, storage method, etc.), while wine is largely dependent on the quality of grapes harvested that year. Of course, wine can be blended and processed to some extent through fermentation temperature, storage method, etc., but sake does not reflect the “flavor” of the original ingredient like wine does. If that’s the case, the best and quickest way to understand sake and to communicate the flavor is to understand the brewery’s objective for the particular brand (design objective). However, unfortunately many breweries (including importers) don’t understand this. Even if they understand, the breweries don’t know how to adequately express the sake flavors.

Making delicious sake, made in traditional ways, keeping to tradition, goes with any cuisine, utilizing Yamadanishiki, the king of sake rice; a gold-medal winner of xxx collection, sake YY made from rice produced in abundant nature, Junmai Daiginjo, etc., and various other advertising blurbs are used to recommend sake, while none of the words communicate the anticipated flavors, the flavors of homemade sake, nor describes what sake produced in abundant nature tastes like. Isn’t it most important to accurately communicate to consumers the brewery’s “philosophy and objective towards the brand’s flavor?” For example, the brewery’s benefits of hard water should be capitalized upon, and the use of XX rice to pursue the ultimate compatibility with meat dishes, how the sake is created using rice YYY to create a uniqueness that won’t be defeated by wine or shochu, etc., to suggest designing sake that proposes a more narrowed-down qualities to customers.



#alljapannews #sake #wine


“Peace Dining”, a pioneer of sustainable sushi An interview with Josh Onishi, President and CEO of Peace Dining Corporation

“Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,...
By Aya Ota

They say that the number of Japanese restaurants developing overseas has tripled in the past 10 years, and is reaching near 90,000 (*1). The popularity of Japanese cuisine never seems to decline. Sushi, in particular, seems to have settled into America’s dining scene; however, a big new wave of changes is also about to hit the shore.

“Just like the past transition of the phase after the mass production and consumption period in which you needed to take in healthy and organic elements in order to stay successful in the current business world, I am certain that you need to consider sustainability more importantly next,” says CEO/President Josh Onishi of “Peace Dining”. This company provides take-out sushi and ramen all over the US including 250 store locations of the Whole Foods Market chain under the “Genji” brand, and in about 50 other supermarkets and company cafeterias under the “Mai” brand.

The common principle of all of this company’s businesses is sustainability. They are the first sushi handling company that acquired ISO14001 in the United States. Then, in 2011, they realized 100% sustainable procurement of ingredients. They procure only the seafood which is certified by the third-party certification authorities as green or yellow grade, and therefore, the types of fish they can get is limited. The tuna this company uses is caught by the traditional single-hook handline fishing method. The current mainstream fishing methods are by longline, such as round haul netting or bottom trawl netting, which tend to lead to overfishing, bycatching, or destruction of the seabed environment. Realization of sustainable procurement of ingredients takes cost and labor, and is not easy. “At this point, as the reason for consumers to buy sushi, sustainability accounts for only less than 20%. However, it will be too late if we wait for another few years to take it seriously,” says Mr. Onishi. The top two largest supermarket chains in the US have already committed themselves to realize 100% sustainable procurement of seafood by 2020, and 2022 respectively. Presently, from the point of view in which the usable seafood is limited, it is possible for supermarkets to realize the procurement of sustainable sushi; however, general sushi restaurants still experience many issues in order to realize that. Nevertheless, the effect on the entire US consumer market from this movement, when nearly 6,000 supermarkets shift for it in a few years, would be so huge, and could surpass one’s imagination.

“Peace Dining” was formally operated as “Genji Sushi”, a small sushi restaurant in Philadelphia. “Genji” entered the Whole Foods Market chain as a sushi bar section in 1997, about 20 years ago. At that time, unlike now, supermarkets that had a sushi bar were very rare. Then, the “Genji” brand grew big very quickly, and the “Peace Dining” company acquired the Genji brand in 2005. Mr. Onishi took the position as Vice President in 2011, and then became President/CEO in 2015. Then, in 2016, the company joined “Hana Group” that develops Japanese cuisine in 11 countries globally in Europe and Asia.

While promoting sustainability, Mr. Onishi has also been aggressively pushing “Market-in”, which is the customer first concept. This company has a group specialized in R&D, which develops products always with customers’ voices in mind. It is not too much to say that their products, including not only sushi made with brown rice, but sushi with brown rice and quinoa or multigrain rice, sushi under 500kcal, vegetable-only vegan sushi, non-grain Paleolithic sushi, etc., are leading the trend of the entire US food industry. They introduce at least one new product a month, and among them, sushi called “AHIMI®” made with new 100% plant origin ingredients became a recent hot topic. Also in recent years, in addition to the sushi business, they began developing globally, the “Grocerant” business, in which restaurant-quality foods are offered, expanding their categories to include izakaya and ramen businesses, and other Asian cuisine besides Japanese.

“I intend to go to the side where rules and systems are made in the future,” says Onishi. Currently, regarding seafood, it is required to abide by the standards created by the third-party certification authorities. Moreover, there are still many kinds of Japan-caught fish that have not been certified by such authorities; which leaves a possibility that you will no longer be able to sell them in the US in the future. Mr. Onishi continues, “From now on, by aggressively getting involved in the side where rules and systems are made, I would like to keep supporting the efforts of having many more kinds of Japanese fish get certified.”

“Sustainable sushi―sushi with sustainable and natural ingredients that can contribute to people’s health, should grow bigger for the society. And I feel that it is my lifework as Japanese to promote that,” says Onishi. I cannot help but keep my eyes on their future development.

(*1) In a 2015 report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and an estimate by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries

サステナブル寿司のパイオニア『Peace Dining』


「かつての大量生産・消費時代を経て、ヘルシーやオーガニックといった要素を取り入れないとビジネスに乗り遅れる時代に変遷したように、次には必ず、サステナビリティの重要性が高まる」と語るのは、『Peace Dining』社プレジデント兼CEOの大西ジョシ氏。同社は、全米で持ち帰り寿司やラーメン等をホールフーズ・マーケット内に『Genji』ブランドで約250店舗、その他のスーパーや社食等に『mai』ブランドで約50店舗展開する。


『Peace Dining』社の前身は『Genji Sushi』。フィラデルフィアの小さな寿司店だった『Genji』が、ホールフーズ・マーケットの寿司バーとして入ったのは今から約20年前の1997年。当時、寿司バーが設置されたスーパーマーケットが今ほど存在していなかった。その後、急速に成長を遂げた『Genji』ブランドを『Peace Dining』社が取得したのが2005年のことだ。2011年に大西氏が『Peace Dining』社に副社長に就任し、2015年にプレジデント兼CEOとなる。その後、2016年に同社が、欧州やアジア11カ国でグローバルに日本食を展開する『Hana Group』に加わった。

大西氏は、サステナビリティを推進してきた一方で、 “マーケットイン”、つまり顧客重視の概念を積極的に導入してきた。同社にはR&D専門のチームがおり、常に、顧客の声を反映させた商品開発を行っている。玄米で作る寿司はもちろん、キヌアを混ぜた玄米や雑穀米で作る寿司、500キロカロリー以下に抑えた寿司、野菜だけで作るヴィーガン寿司、穀物等を使わないパレオ寿司……同社の商品は、米国食品業界全体のトレンドを牽引していると言っても過言ではない。毎月少なくとも1つは新商品を投入する中、最近では「AHIMI®」という100%植物性の新食材を使った寿司も提供し話題になっている。また、近年では、グローサリーの中でレストラン・クオリティの料理を提供する“グローサラント業態で、寿司にとどまることなく、居酒屋やラーメン、日本以外のアジア料理などへカテゴリーを拡大し、世界各国への展開も進めている。




Peace Dining Corporation
Two Penn Center JFK Blvd. Suite 725
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Tel: 215-523-5782
#Genji #Japanese #PeaceDiningCorporation #alljapannews #sushi


Cutting into the US market with western-style cooking with a brand-new imagination

Cutting into the US market wit... Cutting into the US market wit... Cutting into the US market wit...
By Keiko Fukuda

Red Rock opened in August of 2017 in Torrance, a suburb of Los Angeles, with the Slice Beef Don from Kobe as their signature dish. A rumor which said that you could taste a very unfamiliar sounding dish called the Slice Beef Don, spread instantly in the neighborhood. One time when I asked a friend of mine for a place to meet for lunch, she said, “I want to try Red Rock,” without a moment of hesitation. That was the first time I visited Red Rock. What appeared in front of me was literally a red rock. Rice was hidden under the many layers of red roast beef slices. The “rock” of beef was hard to chip away at even with substantial effort. The very flavorful beef and rice went very well together as they were, but the server said, “Please try with this if you like,” and gave me a white sauce. The sauce tasted like yogurt.

This Slice Beef Don surprises you by its appearance first, overwhelms you with the quantity, and then surprises you again by its unimaginable combination of roast beef with rice, and yogurt sauce. It is indeed a “western style dish with a brand-new concept”, which you have never tasted before.

After that, every time I passed by Red Rock, I saw a long line of people waiting outside. I visited the restaurant a few more times after that, and finally in the spring of 2018, I had a chance to talk to the founder, Akira Masuda. Currently, there are 11 Red Rock restaurants in Japan, and the Torrance location is the first overseas Red Rock. Besides the Red Rock restaurant chain, R & B Shuhari Inc., which Mr. Masuda is the CEO of, has been developing a wide variety of restaurant businesses including bars, izakayas, tonkatsu,and Mongolian barbecue restaurants.

Mr. Masuda explained the origin of the sliced roast beef donburi concept as follows: “I just thought of combining and completing a dish using roast beef and rice together while I was having a roast beef dish at a restaurant, and tried to create such a dish shortly after that.” He started the Red Rock chain in Japan 4 years ago, and succeeded in running the multi-restaurant business, which gave him confidence. He decided to join the US market, and did so very quickly. I wondered why he chose Torrance.

He said, “The reason I chose Torrance for our first overseas restaurant was because I wanted to study the US market while running a business in an area where many Japanese and other Asians live.”

In the early days right after the opening, they were serving the same menu as Japan’s location. After a while, they started to serve other dishes other than the Slice Beef Don such as omelet rice, and curry rice. Masahiro Karl Ohshima, the manager, explained that they kept adding more dishes to their main menu by trying here and there to accommodate lunch for business people, and a wider range of customers such as families with children who come more often on weekends.

They also carry a wide variety of alcoholic beverages including beer, wine, Japanese sake, and shochu brands. Mr. Ohshima said, “For dinner time, there are many customers who just enjoy wine with a side of steak dish.”

Red Rock, which cut into the US market with their signature dishes of Slice Beef Don, steaks, and omelet rice, is planning to open the second US restaurant soon. The location is the Sawtelle District in West Los Angeles, where a lot of Asian restaurants fiercely compete with each other. Mr. Masuda spoke of his future prospect as follows: “Although we are from Japan, it does not have to mean automatically that it will be a fight with ramen and sushi. I would like to win with a new type of particular cuisine in this market. I would like to show the same successful result as the Red Rock in Japan, here in the US as well, in the next 3 years.”





その後、レッドロックの前を通るたびに、店の外に伸びる行列が目に入った。そして私も数度リピートした後、2018年春、創業者である増田昭さんに店で話を聞く機会があった。レッドロックは現在、日本国内に11店舗、トーランス店は海外初の店だ。しかも、増田さんが代表取締役を務める有限会社R & B 守破離は、レッドロック以外にもバー、居酒屋、トンカツ、ジンギスカンをはじめ、多彩な飲食店を展開している。






Red Rock
2141 W 182nd St., Torrance CA 90504
11:30am-2;30pm / 5:00pm-9:30pm
7days Open
#Japanese #Kobe #LA #RedRock #alljapannews #beef #don #omlet #rice #steak


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