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PSPINC will help your business thrive by providing for all of your technology needs. We offer a wide array of products, including Web & Email Hosting, Website Design, Custom Development, Email Marketing, a number of additional business tools, technical support, and so much more. Visit pspinc.com to learn more.

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What is "The Cloud"?

What is "The Cloud"?
In the tech world, you’ll hear the word, “cloud” frequently, especially when linked to services like iCloud and Google Drive among many others. But what exactly is “the cloud” and what role does it play in business today? The cloud generally refers to servers and the software and databases that run on those servers that users can access over the internet.  

Types of Cloud Services

man in red crew neck t-shirt using laptop
Cloud providers that actively manage resources, or “services”, are known as cloud services. They can include products like data storage, applications, infrastructure, and development tools among others. These services are then categorized into three different service models:
  1. Software as a Service (SaaS): Where cloud server providers sell software applications on a subscription basis online. Ex: Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, etc.

  2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Where cloud server providers deliver computing resources like virtual machines (VMs), storage, and networks. Ex: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or any of PSPINC's SaaS business tools, among many other examples.

  3. Platform as a Service (PaaS): Where cloud server providers host hardware and software on their own servers for those who need application development. Some companies, like PSPINC, have even developed their own web and email servers and systems. Ex: Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, etc.

The Importance of the Cloud in Business

colleagues talking at a meeting
Since there are millions of cloud servers located in data centers worldwide, companies and individuals from around the world can use cloud computing resources without needing to build and maintain physical infrastructure. Therefore, businesses only pay for what they use and can easily collaborate because users can access cloud servers from virtually anywhere.
With the minimal costs and stable infrastructure cloud servers provide, companies can then focus their resources on scaling their business up or down depending on demand. And since cloud providers also manage updates and maintenance for hardware, software, and security, it frees up internal resources. All in all, cloud computing has changed the entire business industry, letting companies focus on growth and innovation without having to worry about infrastructure management.
For more information or assistance on cloud services, don't hesitate to reach out to our experts.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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Dreamersi Web and Email Hosting Plans: Storage Space Increases!

Dreamersi Web and Email Host...
We’re happy to announce that our Dreamersi web and email hosting plans are increasing in storage starting March 19th! And the best part is that the price is staying exactly the same. We’re doubling our storage size for our email-hosting-only plan and our web and email hosting plan from what we originally offered. Now get:
Email Hosting Only: $99/year
10GB Email Storage
Web & Email Hosting: $299/year
20 GB Email Storage
20 GB Web Storage
So, stop worrying about web and email storage space when PSPINC has you covered. At no extra cost, we’ve increased your email and web storage space for our Dreamersi plans and made it more affordable to increase your storage space for those important emails. Get more storage space starting March 19th with Dreamersi web and email hosting.
*This storage space increase does not apply to discounted Dreamersi packages.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business
Biznomos Bloguru ClickItAudio Denrei Dreamersi ImaMenu Informakers Japanese Online Los Angeles Town MegaMail NewsMAIL Opinion Stand Pass Wizard Parcom PSP Pilot San Diego Town Simple Data Pool WebdeXpress
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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What’s New Newsletter Vol. 204 “Dreamersi Web and Email Hosting”

What’s New News...
The first product we created as a company was web hosting. Before 1996, PSPINC focused on growing the Japanese market with already-popular software technology from the U.S. But in 1996, we introduced our premiere web hosting, Dreamersi, which we created in-house, and our customers still use today. Over the years, we’ve continually updated and improved our software and eventually introduced email hosting as part of Dreamersi services.
Even all these years later, Dreamersi is still our biggest selling point because of how much control our developers have over the system, making it easier to customize it toward our customers’ needs. We also offer even more specialized web hosting with VPS packages. In addition, we also sell SSL certificates, which everyone needs for their website today. Learn more about our Dreamersi web hosting plans by going to our Dreamersi page on our website.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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Dreamersi WebdeMail Online Webmail Updates!

Dreamersi WebdeMail Online W...
To increase overall security for our users, we will be updating WebdeMail, our webmail platform (running Cent OS7 + Roundcube 1.4) by replacing it with the latest version (running Alma Linux8 + Roundcube 1.6). There will be less than one minute of downtime for these updates when accessing WebdeMail, but it won't have any impact on sending/receiving.
Date and Time
*US Pacific Standard Time (PST)
- December 28, 10:00 - 10:30 a.m.
*Japan Standard Time (JST)
- December 28, 2:00 - 2:00 a.m.
In this update, we will:  
  • Add a new Mailvelope extension plugin (available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox) option that helps encrypt your emails. Install it manually at Mailvelope.com.
  • Add a deletion period for emails in your Trash when you log out, with the option to:
deletion period for trash in webdemail
    • Never clear your Trash upon logging out.
    • Clear all messages in your Trash when logging out.
    • Clear messages older than 30 days when logging out.
    • Clear messages older than 60 days when logging out.
    • Clear messages older than 90 days when logging out.
  • Add a “Business (Work)” contact form option, which lets you add "Organization", "Department" and "Job Title" when adding new contacts after selecting the "Business (Work)" contact form mode.
  • Add a “Collected Addresses” feature, which automatically saves an email recipient to an address book. It also lets you automatically save an email address after selecting the “Always allow from” pop-up option, which will appear in an email with remote content. That email address will then appear in the new “Trusted Senders” address book. Both “Collected Addresses” and “Trusted Senders” address books will now appear in your contact groups.
collected recipients and trusted senders folders
  • Add the ability to copy contacts from new groups like “Collected Addresses”.
  • Move “On request for read receipt” to “Displaying Messages” (previously under “Mailbox View”).
on request for read receipts to displaying messages
  • Remove the Spellcheck feature as many browsers and smartphones already have this feature built in.
If you have any questions about these changes or require more assistance, please email us at contact@pspinc.com or call us toll-free at 1-800-232-3989.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business
Bloguru ClickItAudio Denrei Dreamersi ImaMenu Informakers Japanese Online Los Angeles Town MegaMail NewsMAIL Opinion Stand Pass Wizard Parcom PSP Pilot San Diego Town Simple Data Pool WebdeXpress
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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What’s New Newsletter Vol. 198 “New Dreamersi Email Hosting Features and Updates"

What’s New News...
We’re happy to announce that we’ve added a new feature for our Dreamersi email hosting customers! To improve your email account’s overall security, we’ve implemented a new DKIM authentication feature! DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authentication is designed to guarantee the authenticity of an email sender.

Benefits of DKIM Authentication

  • Confirms a sender’s legitimacy
  • Enhances your email’s security
  • Improves the overall reliability of your emails
  • Protects you from spam and phishing attacks

Since the default setting is off, you can turn on this new feature by:

  1. Logging in to your Dreamersi admin panel
  2. Clicking on the Spam Filter tab
  3. Enabling the DKIM Authentication feature
If you’re looking for an email that doesn’t appear in your Inbox and find it in the Mail Recovery page (in the left sidebar) instead, it may be because the email failed the DKIM authentication. In case you need it, you can move it to your Inbox by selecting the Recover checkbox.

DNS Changes for Outgoing DMARC

woman in gray blazer sitting in front of a gray laptop computer

In addition to adding a DKIM authentication feature, we’ve also adopted Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC), an email security protocol that lets senders control how their email handles sent messages that fail DKIM authentication by implementing DMARC measures. 

Benefits of DMARC:

  • Transparency and improved delivery rates: DMARC gives users more control over how to handle emails that fail DKIM authentication. With DMARC, you can choose to “Do nothing”, “Quarantine”, or “Reject”, giving users more transparency over the email authentication process and reducing the risk of spam filters catching legitimate emails.
  • Enhanced security: if a third party sends a spoofed email, DMARC will likely catch it with the help of DKIM authentication and senders can receive those results, protecting your email from potential cyber threats.
  • Increased reliability: DMARC can reveal a sender’s origin, which helps maintain email accounts’ overall security, assuring emails are coming from a legitimate source.
These settings will help further enhance the security and overall reliability of your emails. If you wish to use DMARC, please contact our support team by emailing us at contact@pspinc.com or calling us at 1-800-232-3989 to set up the necessary DNS records.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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What is Web Hosting?

What is Web Hosting?
Web hosting refers to providing storage space and access to websites. In other words, web hosting acts like a space where websites store their files so users can view them online. So, every website you’ve ever been on is hosted on a server.

There are three types of hosting:

Shared: consists of one server where multiple websites share resources in equal proportions

Dedicated: offers end users all the hardware resources of a given server instead of sharing them like in shared hosting

VPS hosting: stands for virtual private server and is like a mix of the two, where a single virtual machine on a piece of physical hardware is shared with other virtual machines with levels of performance, flexibility, and control that fit somewhere between what shared and dedicated hosting offers.

Features Worth Considering

When choosing what features you need for your website, start by looking at what each type of hosting plan offers. Paid plans will generally have additional features that make it easier to manage your site as opposed to a free plan, which has the basics needed to get a website online. The more a web hosting plan costs, the more features there will be. But all you really need to keep in mind are these three aspects of your web hosting plan: speed, support, and scalability.

In terms of speed, multiple factors affect your website’s speed—one of which is your web hosting plans, and if your site takes longer than two seconds to load, generally, a user won’t stay on your site. When it comes to support, it’s important to know that your web hosting provider can get your site up and back up and running quickly if it were to unexpectedly go down. Lastly, there’s scalability. Your plan might work for you now, but as your site gets more traffic, you’ll want to upgrade your plan–your web hosting provider needs to have that option available for you to grow.
There is a myriad of choices when it comes time to buy web hosting, and PSPINC is one of them! Dreamersi is our premiere web hosting option that we’ve fully custom-built in-house, making it easier to control the overall hosting environment and features we’ve built into it. To learn more, head over to Dreamersi.com.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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What’s New Newsletter Vol. 192 “Dreamersi Email Hosting”

What’s New News...
As a small business, one of the most important parts of marketing your business consists of boosting your overall credibility. Bigger brands have the advantage of being well-known and, therefore, trustworthy. So, they don’t have to work as hard to gain that trust from potential customers. An easy way to establish your business’s credibility is through your email. If your email ends with your website name, it looks much more professional as opposed to if it were a Gmail or Yahoo email address.

Right now, we are offering free email migration from your current email (excluding Microsoft 365) to our premiere email hosting service, Dreamersi. The best part of Dreamersi email hosting is that you can add as many users as you want to your email hosting plan. For just $8.25/month for an unlimited number of email accounts, you can’t get better than that. If you don’t already have your own domain name for your website, we’ve got you covered there, too! You can get a free domain included with our Dreamersi email hosting plan, or pair it with our web hosting plan! Get started today.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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What is IMAP?

What is IMAP?
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and is a set of protocols that allows mobile and email desktop applications to access email on an email server. POP, in contrast, stands for Post Office Protocol, which downloads email messages to your device locally before deleting them from the email server. Both are used to access emails on an email server, but they’re both done in different ways.

The Difference Between IMAP and POP

The biggest difference between the two is how each receives emails. IMAP essentially copies email messages to your email app on your mobile or desktop device by pulling from the email server. POP, however, downloads email messages onto your local device and deletes them from the server. The easiest way to think about it comes from an example from CloudFare. Think of IMAP like it’s Google Docs and POP like it’s Microsoft Word. With Google Docs, your documents and changes, from both you and whatever collaborators you might have shared it with, are instantly saved on the cloud, regardless of device. But when using Microsoft Docs, if you’re working with someone else and you make a change to the document, the other person won’t see that change because you’ll only be saving that document to your local computer. Email apps that support IMAP include:

  • Dreamersi – our web and email hosting option
  • Gmail
  • Yahoo mail
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Outlook – with options to change to POP, if users want to change it in the settings.

    Why IMAP Is Better

    businessman with laptop at cafe table on street

    With the rise of mobile devices, IMAP makes it easy to seamlessly transition when using phones, desktop, and tablet. Because of how users receive emails with POP, users won’t be able to access their email if they want to open their email in an app on a different device in cases of a lost, damaged, stolen, or even upgraded device. With IMAP, users can just open their email app on a new device without a problem because it’ll just redownload from the server onto the new device. So, using IMAP is a much more secure option than POP.

    Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

    1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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    Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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    What’s New Newsletter Vol. 186 “Extortion Fraud”

    What’s New News...
    Online scams have been around for a long time, but over the last few years, they’ve gotten more popular. Specifically, extortion frauds have become popular as many of our customers have received them in their email inboxes. Extortion frauds usually occur over email and consist of cybercriminals sending threatening messages demanding payment in exchange for not releasing sensitive information. While they may seem threatening, these emails are scams where hackers are just trying to trick people into giving them money. They don’t actually have any sensitive or embarrassing information on you, as they claim.

    Our advice is to just mark those messages as spam and delete them from your inbox. As great as spam filters can be, cybercrime continues to get more sophisticated, which makes it easier for emails like these to make it into your inbox. Our Dreamersi email hosting customers have the option of adjusting their spam filters to try to weed emails like these out. If you’d like any help to clean out your inbox or adjust your spam filter, reach out to our support team! They’re always happy to help!

    Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

    1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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    PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business
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    Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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    Dreamersi Mail V5: New In-Email Spam Reporting Feature!

    Dreamersi Mail V5: New In-E...
    We’re happy to announce that Dreamersi, our premiere web and email hosting service, now has a new feature! We will now display an in-email warning for any incoming email that looks suspicious but isn’t caught by the spam filter.

    screenshot of new in-email spam reporting feature
    When you report an email as spam, it will lead you to a page where:

    in-email spam email
    ·         The message removal option is checked by default
    ·         You can choose to add the sender to your personal spam filter

    When you report an email as not spam (“Looks okay”), it will lead you to a page where:

    report email as not spam
    ·    You can click on the “Submit” button to report the email as not spam to help our spam filter system improve its accuracy

    In both instances, you’ll also receive a “Thank you for your report” page and a Thank you email.

    The 'Report Spam Banner' option is also turned off by default, so unless you manually go in to turn it on, you won't see the report banner. To turn it on, go to 'Spam Filter Settings' and select 'On' in the 'Report spam banner' option at the bottom. Then click 'Save' and you will then see the banner the next time you receive an email that may look like spam.

    spam filtering settings in dreamersi

    Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

    1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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    PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business
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    Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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