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  • NewsMAIL: Upcoming Logs Update

NewsMAIL: Upcoming Logs Update

NewsMAIL: Upcoming Logs Upd...
We’re happy to announce that we’re updating the logs feature for our email marketing service, NewsMAIL. When you download your email broadcast log, you’ll see columns that show (from left) the recipient’s emails, the broadcast start date, the broadcast finish date, the success or fail logs, and the mail transfer agent (SMTP server being delivered to).
This update is scheduled at the time below:
* USA Pacific Daylight Time
- April 11th (Thu) 9:00 - 9:30am
* Japan Time
- April 12th (Fri) 1:00 - 1:30am
With this new update, you’ll see more cases of why an email either failed or succeeded in sending. Instead of just seeing a “Pass for DKIM”, it’ll also show other success/fail cases, including:

  • Blacklisted: If your email fails to send because it’s blacklisted, it means ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have added your IP address and/or domain to a list of blocked emails because they have a reputation for sending spam. If this is the case, we suggest you change your “Mail From (Email)” when composing your broadcasts.
  • Pass for DKIM: Many email service providers (including Dreamersi!) implement a DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authentication feature to guarantee the authenticity of an email sender. This log means the email broadcast has been sent to go through the DKIM authentication process.
  • Connect Failure > Re-Sent: A connection failure can mean the server is receiving too much mail at the time of sending, but NewsMAIL will try delivering the email broadcast again. If successful, it will show as another log entry wih "Success" in that column.

  • Connect Failure: After re-sending the email broadcast because of a connect failure issue, it failed to deliver the broadcast.
  • Deferred > Re-Sent: When the recipient’s email server temporarily delays an email, it’s referred to as a deferred email. Again, NewsMAIL will resend the email for you so your recipients will receive it.
  • DNS Failure: When the recipient’s server can’t receive an email because of a DNS (Domain Name System) problem, it’ll show as a DNS failure in your downloaded logs. Examples of DNS problems include:
    • The mail server is down
    • Set-up included a typo
    • The destination domain doesn’t exist
    • Internet or network connection problems
    • Misconfigured DNS settings
    • An outdated browser
  • Domain Failure: A domain failure means the sender’s email address failed the domain’s authentication check. Changing the “Mail From (Email)” to send from a different email address should fix this problem.
  • User Unknown: When a recipient’s email doesn’t exist or is invalid, your email broadcast will not deliver and show the User Unknown in the downloaded Logs file.
  • SMTP Startup Error > Re-Sent: An SMTP startup error means NewsMAIL couldn’t deliver your broadcast because of incorrect SMTP settings, firewall restrictions, or server connectivity issues, but NewsMAIL also resends the broadcast in this case so your recipients will still receive your email broadcast.
  • Greylisted > Re-Sent: Greylisting is a spam-preventing feature that temporarily rejects emails from unknown senders, but NewsMAIL will also resend your broadcast so your recipients will receive your broadcast.
  • Over Quota: An email that doesn’t send because of an “Over Quota” issue means you’re unable to send broadcasts to this email address because your recipient’s mailbox has reached its maximum capacity.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-232-3989 (preferred) or email us at support@pspinc.com.

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