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PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 107 "Digital Transformation"

PSPINC What's New Newslette...
Today I would like to talk about automating tasks with computers. Before computers were used daily, ledgers did all the accounting work. There aren’t many people who know that anymore. Therefore, accounting became the first use of computers. However, instead of accounting software, which we use today, we used a spreadsheet software called VisiCalc. And that was the first step towards computerizing the ledger.

Later, the Lotus 1-2-3, which accountants now and love, was released. With it, accounting ledgers became available on computers. Lotus 1-2-3 used macros, a language that could inspect as well as do some tasks for you. Next came Ashton-Tate’s dBase II. It used a class of software called relational databases, allowing non-programmers to write business applications. So now, it’s possible to write business applications without programming knowledge.

The work then became more efficient because what now was being automated by computers was previously done manually on paper. At the time, they called this office automation (OA). Unsurprisingly, this is how computers became popular. However, spreadsheet and database applications used at that time are also still being used today. But some of them are unable to keep up with the evolution of Windows because they’re still running on old operating systems.

Needless to say, these applications aren’t compatible with the internet or the cloud. After all, they were created before the internet. But this is starting to change as a movement works towards making these programs and systems compatible with the internet in the 21st century. This movement is called Digital Transformation (DX). Do you have any of these legacy systems at your company? They’re not only less efficient, but in some cases, they also pose a security risk. If you think you still possess a legacy system, please contact us at Pacific Software Publishing Inc.

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