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AI and Automation versus the Human Component

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image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are critical components to the future of business. Some experts say, “AI will add nearly $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030.” (Source: Forbes.com) As our computing power gets stronger and faster, smart devices are reaching the speed of our brains, calculating the probabilities and possibilities of an outcome, creating more AI-like results. Automation is a similar technology on a simpler scale.

AI calculates the countless possibilities and outcomes in a matter of seconds, returning the results (of a process) back to you so you don’t have to do the actual “thinking.” But these calculations are based on the rules and computing commands humans create, so the rules and commands we provide (or teach) to AI limits its ability to get what we want from it. It’s kind of like raising a child: we teach them to think for themselves, according to what we know.

The AI that’s most difficult to refine is speech recognition and language generation. Have you tried your smart speakers or voice commands in your car? Have you ever asked Siri a question? I tried to start a phone call in the car with voice command and ended up turning on my radio instead.

The downside to AI and automation is the lack of human touch and compassion. Human sensibility, sensitivity and emotions can touch the heart of your customers, and neither automation nor AI may ever be able to deliver that.

The bottom line is: AI and automation are the wave of the future, but still a work in progress. There are automated systems that may benefit your business model and fill the gaps where needed – as long as you’re not sacrificing a critical human component your business and your customers need.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Automation #Blog #BusinessTips #ENnews #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology


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