
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Unusually Cool July Day

It is very cool today. Many houses in Seattle area do not have air conditioning. We don't really needed.

Today, I might need a heater.


First Look at Fisher Plaza Disaster

#Computer #Internet


Fisher Disaster Reported by AdHost

Fisher Disaster Reported by A...


Crisis Communications Moves Fast

Crisis Communications Moves ...
From Fisher Home Page

Communicating with clients is at least as important as fixing a problem. Keeping clients in a dark is the worst thing you can do. I found this article online. I tried everything we can to communicate with the twitter during the crisis.

I got more information from Twitter than Fisher Plaza.

We’ve made this point many times before. But good communication with stakeholders is absolutely essential during an outage, and in the age of Twitter that means good and timely communications. Rackspace hosts a ton of high-profile sites, meaning its outage was on TechCrunch within minutes. Fortunately, the company was already busy on Twitter, acknowledged the issue quickly and then slowly began ramping up a series of updates via Twitter and the company blog.

The Fisher Plaza fire was another matter. “Fisher Plaza lacked any official communication with the first responders at the scene, "writes Jeremy Fisher of GeoCaching in a post-mortem on the event. “Many clients of the building were in the dark, both figuratively and literally, while we were waiting outside for news of what really happened. Instead we had to join in on Twitter to figure out what happened. … If someone walked out of the building with some authority and told us what they knew - we could have passed that information on to our customers."



Message from pesident

Following email has gone out to all our customers.

Dear PSP Customers:

We truly regret to inform you at approximately 11:15 pm on Thursday, July 2, PSP Data Center at Fisher Plaza experienced a total power outage.

This has caused all of our servers and connections to the network to fail totally until July 4, 2009 5:30am PST.

None of our equipment was damaged by the fire causing the power outage. Currently all PSP services are up and running without any further interruption to our service.

We apologize for all of the inconvenience and frustration we have caused you during this extreme event.
We thank you for your patience and value you as our customer.

Sincerely yours,

Mayumi Nakamura
President / CEO
#Computer #Internet


We are back after 30 hours.

There was a fire at Fisher Plaza datacenter. We were up for last 30 hours streight. Please take a look at my twitter account. twitter.com/uchikura


making of ClockLink.com

making of ClockLink.com
The www.clocklink.com has almost 30,000,000 clock impressions everyday. Why aren't we making money?

One of the reasons is that we never design the site to bring in money. So I have decided to change that. This is the current site map of www.clocklink.comm. I will spend next few days to make it more business.
#Business #Marketing


ClockLink Advertisement

This is how ClockLink advertisement works.

Simple Clock Advertisement

(1) You select the clock that you wish to advertise.
(2) We modify the clock and embed your image and URL to the clock.
(3) People can download it and placed it on their blog

With this type of advertisement, you should expect up to 100 visitors daily to your site in few weeks.

Custom Clock Advertisement

(1) We design and develop custom clock for your company with your URL link.
(2) People can download it and placed it on their blog

With this type of advertisement, you should expect few thousand visitors daily to your site in few weeks.

If you are interested, please give us a call at (800)232-3989 or (425)957-0808 and ask about ClockLink advertisement.

This is an example of custom clock.

#Business #Marketing


To make Blog work for you.

To make Blog work for you.
I am sorry but if you want to make blog, any blog work for you, you need to post something as much as possible. Something is a lot better than nothing.

Your web site is not working for you because you are not spending any time. When was the last time you updated your web site? How about your blog? You will not attract anyone when you don't update.

For example, I have now about 100 visitors to this account. It was only a few visitors few months ago. Like any other things, you need to work at it. I am doing the same thing at my twitter account. I have almost 50 people following me.

My goal is to have 1000 visitor every day at this blog. You cannot just sit on your chair and wait for the people to visit you. You must do something. You must write. Please make time to write something.


ClockLink.com on Google and Bing

ClockLink.com on Google and B...
Did you know ClockLink.com ranks top 5 search result on both Google. and Microsoft New Search Site Bing with the search word clock?

We really should think about putting more effort into turning ClockLink.com into a business venture.
#Business #Marketing


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