
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

(3) Using Blog for Your Business

(3) Using Blog for Your Busin...
What do you write on your blog?

Many people ask what you write about? As a business blog, people think you should be writing about your business. WRONG

There is nothing more boring about people talking about their business all the time. Your job is to let people know what kind of person you are. Here are some of the things that you can write about.

  • Things you like to do. Your hobby, your passion and so on.
  • Thing you like to eat.
  • Places you have visited or like to visit.
  • Your personal experience, like a trip.
  • Books you like to read.

    Every time you post a blog, you are voting one point to your web site. Every time someone visit your blog, that person is voting one point to your web site. More point you have, higher the position of your blog and web site are on Google, Yahoo and Bing. This is not a fan and game, when you write a blog, you are WORKING!
  • #Blog


    Pictures from Last Seattle Executives

    Pictures from Last Seattle Exec...

    Thank you, Tim for taking picture.

    #Business #Marketing


    Give me a cookie!

    #Animals #Pets


    (2) Using Blog for Your Business

    (2) Using Blog for Your Busin...
    Why should you blog?

    Nobody in business has time to blog just for the sake of blogging. So, what are the purposes of blogging for businesses. Here are some of the reasons I considered.

    (1) I want people to know me and my business.

    (2) I want to be ranked higher on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

    (3) Ultimately I want to sell more products and services.

    Can we do all that with Blog?

    Blog and SNS are like a ultimate SEO tool that you can use. You may be spending hundreds or thousands of dollars in SEO, you can replace that with Blog and SNS. Blog and SNS provides “natural” SEO which search engines are looking for.


    (1) Using Blog for Your Business.

    (1) Using Blog for Your Busin...
    Many businesses want to start blogs.
    Or many businesses started blogs and stop.

    You will need to keep at it for at least for a few weeks before you start seeing the results.

    In addition to blog, there are many social networking sites like Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. Who has the time to do all that? Or can you afford not to use them?


    New Year Plan

    New Year Plan


  • Organize business plans
  • Finish all unfinished products and services
  • Introduce new software and services
  • Accomplish 100% service availability
  • Network with more people
  • Loose weight and be healthy
  • Play more golf. Shoot sub 80s at Aldarra

  • #Business #Marketing


    Am I really a president?

    Am I really a president?
    I just finished the first day as a president of Seattle Executives Association. I want to make sure I will complete this presidency and leave the association to next president little better organization than when I started. It is very though because the association is a very sound and well established.
    #Business #Marketing


    We will be deleting all inactive users.

    We will be deleting all inactive...
    To make room for more people for bloguru, we are deleting all inactive users from 2009 soon. Specially, the English version of bloguru will be down to less than three hundred users.
    #Business #Marketing


    Here is why you should use Bloguru!

    Here is why you should use B...

    This is a friendly reminder why should you use Bloguru over other blog services.



    Message From PSPINC

    This is Tiny, our president's K9.

    The black dog that appear briefly is my dog PomPom.

    #Business #Marketing


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