
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Memorial Weekend Sale

Memorial Weekend Sale Memorial Weekend Sale Memorial Weekend Sale Memorial Weekend Sale
Memorial weekend sale at Geenbaum Home Furnishings in Bellevue. 40% off plus no sales tax.


Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Happy memorial day.
#Life #Politics #Society


I promise I will not rip you off.

I promise I will not rip you off.
Domain, web and email for your company … I promise we will not rip you off. And we will keep our promise. By the way, we will beat any price without compromise.
#Business #Marketing


Mother is Coming Back

Mother is Coming Back
Tiny and Nano spent time with all this week while Mayumi Nakamura is in Los Angles and San Diego, California. They have behaved very well and will miss them. Pompom was happy to have company all this week.
#Animals #Pets


Big Company & Facebook

Big Company & Facebook
I am amazed by the fact companies like Go Daddy and Toyota not only post messages on the Facebook but reply to many of the comments. If the big companies are going that, why not small companies. Are you doing enough?

#Business #Marketing


Where is PSPINC Backup Data Center

Where is PSPINC Backup Data ...
When we had problem with our primary data center at Seattle Fisher Plaza back in July 4, 2009. We experienced the worst outage in our service history. Our service was out for 30 hours. When everything was recovered but still running with backup generators, we started looking for a backup data center where we can run everything if and when our data center goes down.

We looked for many places but everything we looked at effectively double our cost. We have decided to build out our headquarter building to house 10 racks, additional power supplies, additional A/C units and generators. We have added additional fiber optic to connect between HQ and our primary data center.

Our data center at HQ is one of the most efficient data center facilities with almost 90% of the time; it is cooled with outside air. Plus, Puget Sound Energy supplies our HQ building with alternate energy. Backup generators are on of the most efficient and quietest generators in the market. Most people visiting PSPINC do not realize the generator running when they are running.

Creating the backup data center at HQ was not the cheapest option but it created the most flexibility and security for our customers.
#Computer #Internet


Bloguru ... Best Free Blog Service

Bloguru ... Best Free Blog Serv... Bloguru ... Best Free Blog Serv... Bloguru ... Best Free Blog Serv... Bloguru ... Best Free Blog Serv... Bloguru ... Best Free Blog Serv...
Bloguru now supports image upload up to 4MB per image. Now you can uplaod images taken by your iPhone 6 and 6Plus without resizing them.

Bloguru is a free (and no advrtisement) blog serice of PSPINC. To test this new feature, I have uplaoded large images of PSPINC masconts directly from iPad without resizing them.


HopTile Development / Update Schedule

HopTile Development / Update ...
HopTile is the easiest way to develop one page responsive web site.

May 22 release:
- Thumbnails in editor (update thumbnail when tile is saved)
- Preview options (desktop, tablet, and phone display modes)
- Public directory & Features/Trending (portal)

May 29 release:
- Add titles to tiles that will appear on hover in public view
- Full width tile background option
- Back-end prep for Dashboard system (manage upgrade, stats, multiple pages, etc)

#Computer #Internet


UBER Business Model

UBER Business Model
UBER … I like this business model.
Is there any way to apply this to Domain, Web and Email Hosting or Web Development.

#Business #Marketing


Why should you choose PSPINC?

Why should you choose PSPINC?
Why should you choose PSPINC Domain, Web and Email hosting?


(1) Is PSPINC Cheaper than the others?
(2) Does PSPINC have something other's don't have?
(3) Is PSPINC easier to work with?
(4) Can you talk to a president of PSPINC when you have a problem?


(1) No
(2) Not Really
(3) May be
(4) Yes

Would that answer your question?
#Business #Marketing


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