
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



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1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
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Microsoft INVOKE

Microsoft INVOKE Microsoft INVOKE Microsoft INVOKE Microsoft INVOKE Microsoft INVOKE
Do you know what Microsoft / Harman INVOKE is?

You know Amazon Echo and Google Home ... They are an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon and Google. But not may people know Microsoft made one too with their AI engine called Cortina.

Well, the hardware is made by Harman so it is one of the best. You should get it even just as a speaker.
#INVOKE #MicrosoftINVOKE #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


January 25, 2011

Anna Uchikura February 28, 1... Anna Uchikura
February 28, 1993 - January 25, 2011
As I get older, I realize my time is limited. I am not invincible as once I thought I was. We do not have very much time here. Even if you live to be 90, that is less than 33,000 days. I do realize now everyone I know and love will pass including myself. I just was not ready to see my daughter go before I do. I regret everyday the things I did not do with Anna.

7 years ... time passes so fast. Everyone gets older every day. But my daughter will be 17 forever. At least I don't have to worry about her dating.


Day 72

Day 72
Pompom woke up couple of times middle of the night coughing. I will chicken the net to see what I can do for him. Other than that his cancer is under control. This is the first week of not having chemotherapy every week. I am keep eyes on his lymph nodes.

I took this picture last night when I left office. I and Pompom are almost always the last one to leave. It was not a full moon but it was bright.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano


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