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- Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 169 How Common Sense is Changing
How Common Sense is Changing
What is common sense? It’s often said that not killing people is an easy one. However, there have been times in history when murder wasn’t seen as a crazy act. When you think about the history of humanity, there’s never been a time without “legitimate” killings, like the existence of wars and battles.
The idea of what’s considered common sense changes depending on the context. The Internet has changed the world as we know it. Media, in the form of newspapers, TV, and/or radio, used to be the only tool used to distribute information. Now, anyone with a smartphone can send out information whenever they want no matter where they are.
In addition to traditional media, using social networking services (SNS) has become a norm in our society. As a result, people are starting to question the common sense of taking in information from traditional media as always being correct. Now, we’re questioning if the news we receive from newspapers, TV, radio, and even social media sites, is true or not.
As the Internet continues to change, common sense will continue to change alongside it. With it, a new common sense will be born. What an interesting time we live in.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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