Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 180 日本のICカード(にほんのICカード)

日本(にほん)()かれたら、交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)発行(はっこう)する電子(でんし)マネーIC Cardをまず発行(はっこう)することをおすすめします。いちばん有名(ゆうめい)なものはSUICAで、このカードがあればほとんどの公共(こうきょう)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)切符(きっぷ)()必要(ひつよう)がなくなるので、大変(たいへん)便利(べんり)です。SUICAの発行元(はっこうもと)はJR東日本(ひがしにほん)なのですが、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)すべてのJRや私鉄(してつ)地下鉄(ちかてつ)、バス、タクシーなどで使(つか)うことができます。また、コンビニでの決済(けっさい)にも利用(りよう)可能(かのう)です。

SUICAカードを発行(はっこう)するとき、カード料金(りょうきん)として500(えん)支払(しはら)必要(ひつよう)がありますが、それは返却(へんきゃく)()返金(へんきん)されます。また、海外(かいがい)からの短期(たんき)滞在(たいざい)(かた)()けにWelcome SUICAというものがあり、これはカード代金(だいきん)(はら)うことなく発行(はっこう)可能(かのう)です。

また、2013(ねん)にはSUICAをスマートフォンで使(つか)えるよう、アプリ対応(たいおう)実現(じつげん)し、2019(ねん)にはApple Payとの連携(れんけい)可能(かのう)なり、2021(ねん)にはGoogle Payと連携(れんけい)してAndroidでも使用(しよう)できるようになりました。

日本(にほん)はまだまだ現金(げんきん)社会(しゃかい)ですが、このICカードを利用(りよう)することで電車(でんしゃ)やバス、コンビニで現金(げんきん)支払(しはら)必要(ひつよう)がなくなりますので大変(たいへん)便利(べんり)です。日本(にほん)公共(こうきょう)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)利用(りよう)するときは、ぜひ SUICAのような電子(でんし)マネーカードを利用(りよう)することをおすすめします。


1. SUICA(スイカ)
• JR東日本ひがしにほん展開てんかいしている交通こうつうけい電子でんしマネーであり、鉄道てつどうやバスの乗車券じょうしゃけんとして利用りよう可能かのう 
•  ほか地域ちいき交通こうつう機関きかんでも相互そうご利用りよう可能(かのう)

2. PASMO(パスモ)
• 首都圏( しゅとけん)私鉄(してつ)地下鉄(ちかてつ)などが共同(きょうどう)展開(てんかい)している電子(でんし)マネーICカード
• Suicaと相互(そうご)利用(りよう)可能(かのう)であり、交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)だけでなく、コンビニや自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)でも利用(りよう)可能(かのう)

3. ICOCA(イコカ)
• JR西日本(にしにぽん)をはじめとする鉄道(てつどう)会社(がいしゃ)やバスで利用(りよう)可能(かのう)

4. Kitaca(キタカ)
• JR北海道(ほっかいどう)をはじめとする鉄道(てつどう)会社(がいしゃ)やバスで利用(りよう)可能(かのう)

5. nimoca(ニモカ)
• JR九州(きゅうしゅう)九州(きゅうしゅう)私鉄(してつ)、バスで利用(りよう)可能(かのう)

IC Cards in Japan

When you visit Japan, I highly recommend getting an electronic money IC card issued by public transportation companies. East Japan Railway Company issued an IC card called SUICA, which is used on all JR trains, private railways, subways, buses, and cabs. It can also be used for payment at convenience stores.

When you purchase a SUICA card, you must pay 500 yen as a card fee; however, the deposit will be refunded when you return the card. There is also a Welcome SUICA for short-term visitors from overseas. You can get this without paying a card fee.

In 2013, SUICA created an app that made the card compatible with smartphones. In 2019, SUICA became available on Apple Pay. And lastly, in 2021, SUICA became linkable with Google Pay and enabled its use on Android devices.

Japan is still a cash society, but using IC cards made things much more convenient because it eliminated the need to pay cash on trains, buses, and convenience stores. I highly recommend using an electronic money card such as SUICA while on public transportation in Japan.

The following cards are available in addition to SUICA.

- IC card developed by East Japan Railway Company. It can be used as a train or bus ticket.
- It can also be used for transportation in other areas.

- IC card jointly developed by private railways and subways in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
- PASMO can be used not only on public transportation but also at convenience stores and vending machines.

- IC cards mainly used in western Japan (Kinki region).
- West Japan Railway and other railroad companies and buses.

4. Kitaca
- IC cards used in the Hokkaido area.
- Can be used by Hokkaido Railway Company and other railroad companies and buses.

5. nimoca
- IC cards used in the Kyushu region.
- Can be used on JR Kyushu Railway Company, private railways, and buses in Kyushu.

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Nihon ichi furui sougou daigaku wa Ashikaga shi ni aru Ashikaga gakkou da soudesu. Ashikaga gakkou wa sen gohyaku gojyunen goro ni setsuritsu sareta soudesu. 

The oldest university in Japan is Ashikaga Gakko in Ashikaga City. Ashikaga Gakko is said to be a general university founded around 1550.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 179 LINEを使う(LINEをつかう)



さらに、日本(にほん)ではLINE Payという決済(けっさい)サービスも普及(ふきゅう)しており、LINEを(つう)じて簡単(かんたん)にお(かね)のやり()りやショッピングができるため、便利(べんり)さも一層(いっそう)(たか)まっています。





Usage of LINE

LINE is a trendy application among Japanese people. Because of its unique features, functions, ease of use, and convenience, many Japanese people use LINE as their daily communication tool.

Not only the ability to send and receive text messages, LINE's voice and video calling, as well as its wide variety of stamps and emojis, are some of its attractive features. It also has group chat and timeline functions that allow users to communicate smoothly with friends, family, and colleagues.

Furthermore, a payment service called LINE Pay has become popular in Japan. It allows users to easily exchange money and shop through LINE, which makes LINE even more convenient.

Another reason for LINE's popularity is its security credentials. LINE has security measures to protect users' personal information and conversations and takes users' privacy very seriously.

Overall, there are many reasons why Japanese people prefer LINE. However, the main factors are ease of use, convenience, and trust in its security. LINE will continue to be an essential communication tool for Japanese people.

By switching the language setting of the application to English, menus, options, notifications, and messages can be displayed in English. Of course, you are also free to speak and chat in English.

Since LINE is internationally famous and has a global user base, it can support multiple languages and cross-cultural communication. This makes it a highly convenient application for English-speaking users as well.

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Photo by Random Institute

Nihon de ichiban kouen ga ooi machi wa, Toyamaken Toyamashi dasoudesu. Toyamashi niwa sen yonju roku ijou nokouen ga aru mintaidesu.

The city with the most parks in Japan is Toyama City in Toyama Prefecture. It seems that Toyama City has more than 1,046 parks.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 178 日本刀の起源(にほんとうのきげん)










Origin of the Japanese Sword

The Japanese sword, one of the most important aspects of Japanese culture, is now collected not as weapons but as works of art. Today, I would like to discuss the history of Japanese swords and how they came to be what it is today.

The origin of the Japanese sword can be traced back to ancient times. The earliest Japanese swords were influenced by the Chinese and Korean peninsulas but evolved uniquely.
In ancient Japan, swords were treated primarily as sacred objects, used in combat and as part of religious ceremonies and rituals. Japanese swords at the time were called "straight swords," with straight blades and simple blade patterns.

In the Heian period (794-1185), the Japanese swords developed remarkably. During this period, blade patterns and blade shapes became more diverse, and swordsmiths began to pursue both beauty and functionality in their work. Especially in the late Heian period, the "tachi," a sword with a curved blade, appeared.

In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), the demand for Japanese swords increased along with the rise of the samurai class. During this period, the need for more practical and effective swords led to the production of "tachi" swords, which had curved blades similar to straight swords. This became the prototype for later Japanese swords.

In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), the Japanese sword underwent further development. The "kyokutou," which emphasized the curvature of the blade, appeared, forming the basis for the later division of the sword into the "tachi" and "wakizashi" styles. Also, during this period, schools of Japanese swordsmiths evolved, each with their unique techniques and styles.

During the Edo period (1603-1868), Japanese swords were further refined. Demand for swords decreased, and sword-making became a luxury item and art form. Swords were more beautifully decorated, with detailed engravings and metal fittings on the blade and blade design. Many famous swordsmiths emerged, and their works came to be highly valued as works of art.

During the Meiji period (1868-1912), demand for Japanese swords declined rapidly. With the spread of Western firearms, the role of swords gradually shifted from combat to ceremonial and decorative objects. Also in this period, the possession of swords was restricted, and sword-making almost ceased.

Today, Japanese swords are highly valued as works of art with historical and cultural value. Sword production is carried on by modern swordsmiths while preserving traditional techniques. Japanese swords also play an essential role in martial arts, such as kendo and iaido.

The origins of the Japanese sword are not fully understood due to limited concrete evidence and records. However, it is believed that the evolution of the Japanese sword from ancient times to the Middle Ages was shaped by many factors, including changes in local culture, technology, warfare, and religious influences.

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Vending Machines in Japan

Here are some pictures of vending machines at Haneda International Airport in Tokyo. They sell onigiri, sandwiches, and other items. What's impressive is that the prices on these items are not inflated. In the US, anything you buy at an airport is typically 2 to 3 times the price.

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Kaiten Sushi 回転寿司

Kaiten Sushi in Japan.

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Photo by Alejandro Rugama

Nihon ichi okome no seisanryou ga ooi ken wa, Niigata-ken desu. Niigata-ken wa, kawa ga ookute mizu no shitsu ga yoi nado okome no seisan ni atteiru kankyou dakara desu. 

Niigata Prefecture produces the largest amount of rice in Japan. This is because Niigata Prefecture has an environment suitable for rice production, with many rivers and good quality water.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 177 日本に行ったら何を食べたいですか(にほんにいったらなにをたべたいですか)













What would you like to eat in Japan?

Hello everyone! There are some dishes that I highly recommend that you try when you travel to Japan. They are incomparably tastier than the Japanese food you eat abroad, yet affordable. Today, I would like to share with you some of my top recommendations for food in Japan.

Kaitenzushi (conveyor-belt sushi)
The variety of foods and reasonable prices are incomparable to those overseas. Please give it a try.

Tempura that is fried right in front of your eyes is a must. Especially during lunchtime, you can enjoy incredibly delicious tempura meals for a very reasonable price.

Many restaurants around the train station serve delicious soba, udon, and donburi at affordable prices. Please try it once.

Hotel Buffets
Japanese hotels offer buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The prices are a little high, but the number of items and food quality are excellent.

Izakaya (Japanese-style pub)
Izakaya is a good choice for those who like to drink alcohol. You can enjoy delicious foods and drinks casually at reasonable prices.

Lunch Set Menus
During weekday lunch hours, many restaurants offer set menus for office workers at affordable prices; you can enjoy a delicious meal for less than 1,000 yen.

Machinaka Ramen
Ramen specialty restaurants are common these days, but prices are rising. However, ramen served at Chinese restaurants is affordable, simple, and tasty.

Japanese curry has a unique flavor that differs from Indian curry. It can be enjoyed at coffee shops and curry specialty restaurants. Please give it a try.

Morning at a coffee shop
Breakfast sets at coffee shops, especially in Nagoya, are reasonably priced and include eggs, salad, toast, and coffee. It is the perfect way to spend a leisurely morning.

Japan is a country that is rich in food culture and offers a wide variety of delicious cuisine. We encourage you to enjoy the local flavors. Enjoy the culture and flavors of Japan through food tours and dining experiences at local restaurants. We sincerely wish you a wonderful trip!

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Nihon no kashi pan no naka de mottomo nin ki na no ga, meron pan desu. Tsūjou no meron pan wa meron no aji ga shinai koto mo ōi no ni, naze, meron to na ma e ga tsukerareta no deshō ka? Sono ri yū wa, meron ni niteiru kara da to kangaeraremasu. Omoshiroi desu ne.

Melon bread is one of the most popular breads in Japan. Why was the name "melon" given to melon bread, when the usual melon bread often does not taste like melon? It is thought that it is because it resembles the looks of melon. It's interesting. 

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